<div id="title"><h1><a href="/1/"><img class="imgs" alt="News @ Curtin - " src="/1/common/images/title_large_news_at_curtin.jpg" /></a><a href="index.cfm"><img class="imgs" alt="Articles" src="/1/common/images/title_large_articles.jpg" /></a></h1><h2><span class="title_articles">Featured Articles</span></h2></div><div class="boxbody"><div class="boxcenter"><div class="featurecenter"><a href="index3.cfm?id=423"><img class="imgs" alt="Curtin student only WA recipient of Order of Australia Prize" src="images/423-medium.jpg" /></a><br /><a href="index3.cfm?id=423"><strong>Curtin student only WA recipient of Order of Australia Prize</strong></a> <p>Curtin student Ashley Hunt was the only Western Australian awarded a prestigious Order of Australia Prize at this year’s Order of Australia Association annual dinner in Sydney. </p></div><div class="featurecenter"><h3><a href="index2.cfm?id=1"><span class="cuorange">Curtinnovation</span></a></h3><div class="featimg"><a href="index3.cfm?id=423"><img class="imgs" alt="Curtin student only WA recipient of Order of Australia Prize" src="images/423-small.jpg" /></a> <div class="boxclear"></div></div><div class="feattext"><a href="index3.cfm?id=423"><strong>Curtin student only WA recipient of Order of Australia Prize</strong></a><br />Curtin student Ashley Hunt was the only Western Australian awarded a prestigious Order of Australia Prize at this year’s Order of Australia Association annual dinner in Sydney.</div><div class="boxclear"></div><br /><h3><a href="index2.cfm?id=2"><span class="cutagreen">Curtin in the Arts</span></a></h3><div class="featimg"><a href="index3.cfm?id=443"><img class="imgs" alt="dOFa07: Diversity and Difference" src="images/443-small.jpg" /></a> <div class="boxclear"></div></div><div class="feattext"><a href="index3.cfm?id=443"><strong>dOFa07: Diversity and Difference</strong></a><br /><em>dOFa07</em> is a celebration of an intriguingly diverse contemporary art scene and of the talented graduates of Curtin’s Department of Art. Artist’s influences range from their email inbox to their mother’s garden, issues associated with HIV Aids and the gay male body image, cultural identity and spatial perception.</div><div class="boxclear"></div><br /><h3><a href="index2.cfm?id=3"><span class="cpblue">Curtin Profiles</span></a></h3><div class="featimg"><a href="index3.cfm?id=5"><img class="imgs" alt="Liz Byrski's earthly pleasures" src="images/5-small.jpg" /></a> <div class="boxclear"></div></div><div class="feattext"><a href="index3.cfm?id=5"><strong>Liz Byrski's earthly pleasures</strong></a><br />Liz Byrski wears many hats for Curtin, but still finds time to write</div><div class="boxclear"></div><br /><h3><a href="index2.cfm?id=4"><span class="citcred">Curtin in the Community</span></a></h3><div class="feattext"><a href="index3.cfm?id=344"><strong>GSB hosts Smith Family event</strong></a><br />The Graduate School of Business recently hosted an awards ceremony for students who had graduated from tertiary studies with support from The Smith Family's Learning for Life program.<br /></div><div class="boxclear"></div><br /></div></div></div><div class="boxright"><div class="featureright"><a href="index3.cfm?id=443"><img class="imgs" alt="dOFa07: Diversity and Difference" src="images/443-medium.jpg" /></a><br /><a href="index3.cfm?id=443"><strong>dOFa07: Diversity and Difference</strong></a> <p><em>dOFa07</em> is a celebration of an intriguingly diverse contemporary art scene and of the talented graduates of Curtin’s Department of Art. Artist’s influences range from their email inbox to their mother’s garden, issues associated with HIV Aids and the gay male body image, cultural identity and spatial perception. </p></div><div id="minislot"><a href="http://www.properties.curtin.edu.au/your_campus/"><img class="imgs" alt="Your Campus" src="/1/minislot/cover_minislot_yourcampus.jpg" /></a><br /><a href="http://www.parking.curtin.edu.au/"><img class="imgs" alt=" arking and Traffic" src="/1/minislot/cover_minislot_parking.jpg" /></a><br /><a href="http://www.curtinfm.com/"><img class="imgs" alt="Curtin FM" src="/1/minislot/cover_minislot_curtinfm.jpg" /></a><br /></div><div id="share"><strong>Share your achievements </strong><p>Electronic Publications is always looking for great things which Curtin staff and students are up to. It's our community, let's be proud of it. If you have something interesting, let us know and we'll partner to create an article.</p><p>Specifically, we are looking for articles which demonstrate Curtin's commitments to innovation, the arts, forward thinking and diversity.</p><p>Contact <a href="mailto:news@curtin.edu.au">news@curtin.edu.au </a></p></div></div> |