引用第3楼flyinfree于2010-05-07 14:04发表的:
[s:2] Under new policy, Oversea investor can only invest on new property.....and they must sell the property when they leave AU.
The policy had not been changed but now non-resident requires to apply for FIRB approval before purchasing. In general:
1) all non-resident can only purchase brand new property - but they don't need to sell it when they leave Australia
2) exemptions are given to temporary visa holders - they are allowed to purchase second property for their own residence but they need to have it sold before they leave Australia
both of the above requires FIRB approval now.
The differences between buying when you are PR or TR is that PR get First home owners grant for the first house which is $7,000, plus if the property is less than $500,000 stamp duty is not applicable.
If you got a "home" (Non-investment) when you are TR, even when you turned to be a PR you will lost the chance for this First home owner's grant forever.
My suggestion is better to wait until you get PR. But if you find some house with very good potential, then can consider buying it before you get your PR. |