I played several trials with my brother (about 8x as i remember), bought the full version and played for 1 month (it was also after my boyfriend and i broke up after 3 years).
2 days after my subscription ended (lvl 20 at the time with my main char), i had my final exam in school. I passed it and partied and lived for the next few months without thinking of WoW.
after I moved out from my parents apartment, I often felt incredibly lonely and because I don't live in the inner city, most of my friends don't want to visit me... they would rather visit someone else and ask me to come too.. it is indeed very sad..
after 1 month alone in my apartment I started to play WoW again.. after nearly 4 months of not playing I started again and lvld my main char to 30, then to 45 in 1 month.
I bought myself and my brother each a prepaid card for 2 months. We played, had fun, and I helped him to lvl his main char, we tried the BC expansion (didn't buy it though), we played on private servers too (just to test lvl 80 chars and WOTLK).
then, 2 months ago, I quit (when i reached lvl 60 with my main char) because I knew I was addicted, I had neglected my real life and my other hobbies, also I rarely got out to party with my friends.
I also had to concentrate on my studying at university.
Now that I know I want to change to another university and I have even more free time, I often feel the urge to play again..
My boyfriend isn't really able to help me because he never had an addiction like that and he doesn't know what to do.
Neither do I. |