Tax Tip 4:
Small business concessions: changes to simpler depreciation rules apply from 2012-13
From the 2012-13 income year:
1. The small business instant asset write-off threshold has increased from $1,000 to $6,500 直接冲减的折旧上升为$6500
From the 2012-13 income year onwards, you can choose to use the capital allowance provisions in Subdivision 328-D to immediately write-off (that is, claim a deduction for) a depreciating asset that cost less than $6,500.
You can write the depreciating asset off at the end of the income year where you either:
start to use it for a taxable purpose
have it installed ready for use for a taxable purpose.
2. Small businesses can claim an accelerated initial deduction for motor vehicles acquired in 2012-13 and subsequent years 汽车的折旧方法有了最新变化.
From the 2012-13 income year, you can choose to use the capital allowance provisions in Subdivision 328-D to calculate the deduction for a motor vehicle costing $6,500 or more that you start to use, or have installed ready for use, for a taxable purpose.
The cost of the motor vehicle is added to the general pool but unlike other assets, the deduction is $5,000 plus 15% of the remaining amount.
3. The long life small business pool and the general small business pool have been consolidated into a single pool to be written off at one rate. 以前年度不同rate的asset pool统一为30%折旧率的pool
From the 2012-13 income year, the long life small business pool and the general small business pool have been consolidated into a single pool to be written off at one rate.
You need to add together the closing balance of your long life pool and general small business pool for the 2011-12 income year to calculate the opening balance of your general small business pool for the 2012-13 income year.