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Wilson single rooms, air  Owner

2017-1-6 11:01   372Views  Message No.146  
Price: 110AUD/Week Building Floor:1Area Perth  -   -   -  Map Notes:(^_^)When you contact the writer, please let the writer know that you see this message from the website:AUPEOPLE Australia website. If you want to top up your rental house advertising in English rental section, please contact us by email: It cost 35 AUD / month.
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Near Curtin traffic convenience, 75,72 a bus drove to the door, Waterford, Vic Park and carousel is also very convenient, 35 minutes. 15-20 minutes to drive to city
The house is very new, three years old house, summer comes, the room has central air conditioning! And each house can be adjusted to open and close. Not heavy moisture cooler, two bathroom, inside basic furniture, a large desk, chair, and a mirror, can bag check, build-in wardrobe. Home washing machine, refrigerator is a new network, iinet fiber, roommates are very nice, are clean and not noisy students, want to rent to the same tidy roommate, all are very good, we can definitely enjoyable. The picture below, are very clean and tidy. Now, there are two girls and two boys. There are now 1 single rooms, double bed, wardrobe, build-in, double door $110/wk, share bills. Price negotiable. Micro signal: d200sce, Tel: 0426281364 Kings
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