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发表于 2006-9-12 14:40:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

第 一 章        总则

第一条    组织名称、会址及注册

1、 该组织的中文名称为“西澳中国学生学者联合会”,简称“西澳中国学联”或“西澳学联”(以下简称“西澳学联”);其英文名称为“Western Australia Chinese Students and Scholars Association”,缩写“WACSSA”。
2、 西澳学联在西澳大利亚州依法注册成立,会址设在珀斯市。

第二条    性质、宗旨及原则

1、    西澳学联是西澳地区高校中国学生学者联谊会自发组成的群众性组织,是非政府、非宗教、非营利的中国学生学者团体。
2、    成立西澳学联的宗旨和目的:
1)    增进西澳地区高校中国学生学者联谊会及其会员之间的联系和交流;
2)    协调西澳地区各高校之间中国学生、学者的各项校际联谊活动;
3)    为西澳地区广大中国学生、学者服务,维护其合法权益,帮助他们解决学习、工作及生活中遇到的困难,以便于他们顺利完成学业;
4)    促进中澳教育、科技、文化交流,推广和弘扬中国文化。
3、    西澳学联遵守澳大利亚有关法律法规规定开展各项活动。
4、    西澳学联会的财产和收入只能直接或间接的用于实现促进学联会利益之目的,而不能直接或者间接的为会员个人私用。

第三条    组织机构

西澳学联的组织机构包括理事会(Council)和执行委员会 (Executive Committee)。理事会和执行委员会的职责分别遵照本章程第三章、第四章条款规定。

第 二 章        会员与会费

第四条    会员资格

1、    西澳学联只接受团体会员的申请。西澳地区各高校中国学生学者联谊会有资格申请成为本会团体会员。各团体会员的正式会员自动成为西澳学联的成员。
2、    团体会员产生办法:除了本章程第二章第八条所述四所大学中国学生学者联谊会自动成为本会团体会员外,西澳地区其他高等教育机构的中国学生学者联谊会,经申请可以成为本会团体会员。
3、    凡团体会员均须在本会团体会员名册上登记并填写会员登记表,会员资格自其登记之日起生效。
4、    会员(或其会员代表)如严重违反本会章程或者严重损害本会利益及形象,执委会有权决定撤销其会员(或会员代表)资格。

第五条    会员权利

1、    本会团体会员的会员有权参加本会组织的大型联谊活动的权利;
2、    本会团体会员的会员有被直接或间接通知参加第五条第1款所述活动的权利;
3、    本会团体会员的会员有通过本会网站等渠道了解、监督和评议本会理事会工作的权利;
4、    本会团体会员的负责人有随时以书面形式向本会执委会主席声明退出本会的权利。
5、    会员有权在适当的时间查看学联会的有关记录资料。

第六条    会员义务

1、    承认并遵守本会章程;
2、    支持本会理事会履行其义务,维护本会及其成员的合法权益;
3、    积极配合、协助或参与本会组织的有关活动。

第七条    会费


第八条    初始会员

本会由西澳大学(University of Western Australia)、科廷科技大学(Curtin University of Technology)、默多克大学(Murdoch University)和伊迪斯•科文大学(Edith Cowan University)等西澳州四所大学的中国学生学者联谊会共同发起。这四所大学的中国学生学者联谊会是西澳学联的初始会员。

第 三 章        理 事 会

第九条  职责

1.    制定、修改本会章程;
2.    选举产生执委会主席和其他成员;
3.    听取、评议执委会的年度工作报告和年度财务报告;
4.    决定接纳新的团体会员(须经理事会三分之二多数表决通过);
5.    讨论并决定其他旨在达到本章程第二条第2款所述之目的的重大事项。

第九条    组成

1.    每个团体会员至多推举三名理事;
2.    理事会成员应是热心中国学生学者联谊会工作的正式会员;
3.    理事会成员任期通常为两年,可以连选连任一次;
4.    理事会每年应改选半数成员。

第十一条    会议

1、    理事会代表大会由执委会负责召集,每年召开一次;会期由执委会提出建议,理事会代表大会决定。
2、    执委会负责将有关理事会代表大会召开的信息在开会前一周通知到每一位理事或其指定代表。
3、    在特殊情况下,执委会可以提出召开理事会特别会议的动议,但须得到理事会半数以上成员附议方可召开。执委会应至少提前三周发出会议通知。
4、    理事会代表大会和特别会议的法定人数为理事会全体成员,理事会成员因故不能出席会议的,可由其所在的团体会员指定一名代表临时行使其权利和义务。

第 四 章        执 行 委 员 会

第十二条     执行委员会

1)    依照本章程之规定召集理事会代表大会;
2)    组织旨在到达本章程第二条第2款所述之目的的各类活动;
3)    向理事会代表大会提交年度工作报告和财务报告;
4)    负责西澳学联网站的建设、维护和内容更新。

第十三条    主席和执委会成员

1)    召集和主持执委会会议;
2)    制定年度活动计划和工作报告,提交执委会讨论决定;
3)    根据执委会决定以西澳学联名义开展对外联系;
4)    就预算范围内的财务开支签署意见;
5)    对西澳学联的网站内容负责。
1)    负责协助主席工作;
2)    主席因故不能履行职责时代行主席职责。
1)    负责组织实施年度活动计划;
2)    协助主席,负责西澳学联网站维护;
3)    会员登记;
4)    负责保管有关学联会的文字资料记录(财务资料出外);
5)    处理其他日常事务。
1)    负责西澳学联帐务管理;
2)    向执委会提交年度财务报告。
3)    负责保管学联会有关财务的收据记录。

第十四条 公章

1、 学联会必须设印有学联会正确名称的公章一枚。
2、 公章的使用必须有执委会授权且每次使用必须记录。
3、 学联会印章的使用必须有执委会的两名委员见证。
4、 学联会公章由秘书或者执委会制定的人员保管。

第 五 章        解 散

1、    若本会完成其宗旨或自行解散或由于分立、合并等原因需要注销,由当时任职的执委会提出动议,提请理事会召开特别会议审议。
2、    出席理事会特别会议的全体理事或其代表就解散动议进行表决,动议需三分之二以上理事同意才算通过。

第 六 章        附 则
第十六条    修改

1、    本章程自通过之日起生效。
2、    本章程的修改,须经理事会代表大会四份之三以上代表投赞成票通过。
3、    本章程用中文、英文两种文字写成,两种文本具有同等效力。
4、    本章程的解释权属执委会。

The Western Australia Chinese Students and Scholars Association



Adopted on 8th August 2006, Perth
Constitution of the Western Australia Chinese Students and Scholars Association


The Western Australia Chinese Students and Scholars Association (WACSSA) was incorporated in 2006 and held its first Annual General Meeting of the Council on 8 August 2006. At that AGM its constitution was ratified unanimously.

Chapter 1    Name and Registration
Article 1    The name of the Association shall be the Chinese Students and Scholars Association in Western Australia, abbreviated as WACSSA.
Article 2    The Association is registered with the Department of Consumer and Employment Protection under the Associations Incorporation Act (1987) in Perth, Western Australia.
Chapter 2     Property
Article 3    The Association is a non-governmental, non-religious and not-for-profit organization for Chinese students and scholars, established jointly by the Chinese Students and Scholars Associations in the higher education institutions in Western Australia.
Chapter 3    Objectives
Article 4    Objectives of the Association are:
(1)    To promote the connection and communication among the Chinese Students and Scholars Associations of the higher education institutions in Western Australia and their members.
(2)    To co-ordinate the joint activities co-organized by Chinese Students and Scholars Associations in the higher education institutions in Western Australia open to all Chinese Students and Scholars.
(3)    To provide services and support to the Chinese students and scholars in Western Australia which will help them overcome difficulties and challenges in their study, research and living and finally lead to the successful achievement of their goals as a student or scholar, as well as to protect their legal rights and interests.
(4)    To facilitate the exchanges in education, science and culture between China and Australia, and to promote the Chinese culture in the local community.
Article 5    The Association shall abide by the laws and relative rules of Western Australia.
Article 6    The property and income of the association shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects or purposes of the association and no part of that property or income may be paid or otherwise distributed, directly or indirectly, to members of the association, except in good faith in the promotion of those objects or purposes.
Chapter 4     Membership
Article 7    Qualifications
(1)    Only Group Membership is applicable. Any Chinese students and scholars associations of the higher education institutions in Western Australia are eligible to apply for Group Membership of the Association. Once accepted, the individual full members of the Association’s group member are automatically admitted as individual members of the Association.
(2)    Procedures for accepting new group memberships into the Association are:
1)    Interested groups (should be the Chinese students and scholars associations of higher education institutions in Western Australia) which wish to become group members of the Association shall lodge their written applications with the Council of the Association.
2)    The Council of the Association will then consider each application at a Council meeting and make the final decision on whether the application is accepted or not.
(3)    All group members shall fill in the registration forms for Group Membership with a full list of the members of the group.
(4)    A group member ceases to be a member of the Association should one of the following situations arise when the group member
1)    Withdraws from the membership with an application in writing to the Council of the Association.
2)    Is expelled from the Association following a resolution made by the Council of the Association due to misconducts or actions against the Constitution of the Association that are deemed to have caused serious damage to the general interests of the members of the Association.
Article 8    Rights: Members of the Association are entitled to:
(1)    attending various activities or functions of the Association.
(2)    being informed to attend the various activities or functions of the Association.
(3)    being informed through the website of the Association, making proposals or suggestions to the Association and undertaking relevant supervision roles in the Association.
(4)    withdrawing freely from the Association in writing addressed to the Chairperson of the Executive Committee.
(5)    At any reasonable time inspecting without charge the books, documents, records and securities of the Association.
Article 9    Obligations:
(1)    Members shall admit and abide by the rules laid down in this Constitution.
(2)    Members shall support the Council and Executive Committee of the Association in carrying out their obligations and protect the legal rights and interests of the Association and its members.
(3)    Members shall actively and enthusiastically provide assistance and support for and participate in the activities coordinated by the Association.

Article 10Membership Fee
A certain amount of membership fee shall be collected from each of the Association’s group members. The amount of membership fee shall be determined by the Executive Committee of the Association.

Article 11 Initial Group Members
The Association is originally founded by the Chinese students and scholars associations at the University of Western Australia, Curtin University of Technology, Murdoch University and Edith Cowan University in Western Australia. These four associations are the founding group members of the Association.
Chapter 5     Governance Structure
Article 12 The Association is governed by the Council with the Executive Committee as its standing governing body.
Chapter 6     The Council
Article 13 The Council is the highest decision-making body of the Association.
Article 14 Duties of the Council are:
(1)    To revise and/or amend the Constitutions if necessary;
(2)    To elect members of the Executive Committee (Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary-general and/or Treasurer if any);
(3)    To assess and approve the annual report and the financial report of the Executive Committee;
(4)    To deal with and accept applications for new group members (should be confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the Council of the Association);
(5)    To discuss and determine the issues and activities which can achieve the objectives stated in Article 4 of this Constitution.
Article 15 The Council composes of representatives of the group members.
(1)    Up to three members can be accepted into the Council from each group member of the Association, upon the nomination of the group member.
(2)    Only full members of the Association’s group members are eligible to be nominated as members of the Council.
    (3)    Each council member serves for a two-year term in general. A member of the Council may remain on the Council for one more term if elected so by the general Council meeting.
(4)    Half of the seats in the Council should be re-elected each year.
Article 16 A General Council Meeting (GCM) shall be convened annually. The venue for the next General Council Meeting is to be proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by the Council.
Article 17 The Executive Committee has responsibility to inform every member of the Council regarding the annual general meeting in time. In this case, a minimal one-week notice is required.
Article 18 Under special circumstances, a Special Council Meeting (SCM) could be motioned by the Executive Committee and convened if more than half of the Council members favor the motion. In this case, a minimal three-week notice is required.
Article 19 The quorum for either a General Council Meeting or a Special Council Meeting should be all members of the Council. On occasions when a member of the Council is unable to attend, the group member which nominates him/her may appoint another person who is a member of the Association, to be the proxy of the Council member to attend and vote on his or her behalf.
Chapter 7    The Executive Committee
Article 20 The Executive Committee is the highest executive body of the Association and is responsible to the Council.
Article 21 Duties of the Executive Committee are:
(1)    To convene the general/special Council meeting;
(2)    To organize the activities which can achieve the objectives stated in Article 4 of this Constitution;
(3)    To formulate the annual report and financial report;
(4)    To implement the annual operational plan;
(5)    To build, maintain and update the website of the Association.
Article 22 All members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by and from the members of the Council. The Executive Committee consists of five members: one Chairperson, one Vice-Chairperson, one Secretary-General, one Treasurer and three General Members. While the Chairperson shall be elected democratically by the Council, the roles of the other members within the Executive Committee shall be nominated by the Chairperson and approved by the Executive Committee.
Article 23 The Executive Committee shall make decisions on a democratic basis. The simple majority rule will apply where there is a dispute. In the case that the pros are equal to the cons, the Chairperson has the right to make the final decision.
Article 24 The term that a member of the Executive Committee should usually serve is two years.
Article 25 Rights and duties of Chairperson are:
(1)    To convene and preside meetings of the Executive Committee and the Council;
(2)    To formulate the annual operational plan and annual report ;
(3)    To carry out the external communication in the name of the Association by the decision of the Executive Committee;
(4)    To sign the financial issue that shall not go beyond the budget; and
(5)    To be responsible for the content in the website of the Association.
Article 26 Rights and duties of vice Chairperson are:
(1)    to assist Chairperson in leading and managing the Association;
(2)    To be the acting Chairperson to perform duties of the Chairperson on occasions when the Chairperson is unable to perform his/her normal duties.
Article 27 Rights and duties of Secretary-general are:
(1)    To manage and implement annual operational plan;
(2)    To assist Chairperson in maintaining the website of the Association;
(3)    To be responsible for the registration of memberships; and
(4)    To deal with other routine matters.
(5)    Unless the members resolve otherwise at a general meeting, have custody of all books, documents, records and registers of the Association, other than those required to be kept and maintained by, or in the custody of , the Treasurer.
Article 28 Rights and duties of Treasurer are:
(1)    To be in charge of and responsible for the management of financial affairs of the Association;
(2)    To submit an annual financial report to the Executive Committee.
(3)    Unless the members resolve otherwise at a general meeting, have custody of all securities, books and documents of a financial nature and accounting records of the Association.
Article 29 Rights and duties of General Members are to assist Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary-general.
Article 30 Resignation from the Executive Committee should be required in writing to the Chairperson of the Executive Committee. The Chinese Students and Scholars Association of the institution which the resigned Executive Committee member represents should be required to nominate one candidate for this position. After getting approved by other members of the Executive Committee, the candidate can be working in that position temporarily until the following Annual Meeting of the Council.
Article 31 If the Chairperson resigns, the Vice Chairperson will undertake the role of the Chairperson as an Acting Chairperson. The Chinese Students and Scholars Association of the institution which the Chairperson represents should be required to nominate one candidate as a member of the Executive Committee. After getting approved by other members of the Executive Committee, the Acting Chairperson will nominate the new composition of Executive Committee. The candidate can be working in the Executive Committee until the following Annual Meeting of the Council.
Article 32 As the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson resign together, the Executive Committee should dissolve. As stated in Article 16 of this Constitution of the Association, a special meeting should be convened by the members of the Executive Committee to elect the new Executive Committee.
Chapter 8 Common Seal
Article 33 The Association must have a common seal on which its corporate name appears in legible characters.
Article 34 The common seal of the Association must not be used without the express authority of the Executive Committee and every use of the common seal must be recorded in the minute book
Article 35 The affixing of the common seal of the Association must be witnessed by at least two of the Executive Committee members.
Article 36 The common seal of the Association must be kept in the custody of the Secretary General or of such other person as the Executive Committee from time to time decides.
Chapter 9     Dissolution of Association
Article 37 A motion to dissolve the Association can be made by the Council in office if and only if the Association has either duly accomplished its missions, or voluntarily separated or incorporated, due to various reasons, which result in the necessity to reach the dissolution of the Association.
Article 38 A special meeting will be convened by the Council to discuss the motion of dissolving the Association. It is required that all members of the Council shall be present at such a special meeting and the motion of dissolving the Association will be passed only if an over two-thirds affirmative votes of the members present or represented by proxy at the meeting is reached.
Article 39 If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Association there remains after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members, or former members. The surplus assets shall be given or transferred to another association incorporated or another organization under the Act which has similar objectives and which is not carried out for the purposes of profit or gain to its individual members, and which association or organization shall be determined by resolution of the members.
Chapter 10    Appendix
Article 40 The constitution was passed unanimously by votes of the Council members, on the 8th day of August 2006. The Constitution thus came into effect from this date.
Article 41 The Constitution is to be available in both Chinese and English versions.
Article 42 Any amendment of this Constitution will be ratified after getting passed by at least three quarters of the members of the Council.
Article 43 Explanations of the Constitution rest with the Executive Committee of the Association.
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