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[已售] 免费试听重听+Perthclass be April+20多年会计经验财务经理澳洲循环授课+实战初级班











 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-30 09:56:06 | 只看该作者
原帖由 karendee 于 2010-11-29 09:37 发表
Hi, Nicole,

I have an interview this Wed, I am still a little nervous, I need your help. Can I talk to you tonite?

that's wonderful,  Karen, please call me tonite any time.  We can have a talk.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-14 09:54:54 | 只看该作者
原帖由 FionaLoving 于 2011-1-13 11:51 发表
Nicole, Brisbane涨洪水的情况好严重啊,不知道26号的班会不会受什么影响啊

Brisbane -Gold coast class

will be definitely on 26/1/11

Hi, Fiona,

Yes, many people told me not to go to QLD  During the Australian day period because of the terrible flood in Brisbane.

I think It will not have a big effect about my class as we can see the situation in Brisbane will get better day by day. So donot worry about , just wait and see.

No matter how hard situation it will be, I will still come to Gold Coast oh.....

If you are interested in my class and also you can try to make it, you most welcome to  come to my class.

For people who are interested in my class, Brisbane - Gold coast class will be definitely on 26/1/11. There are only 3 seats left. please donot miss this great chance. Otherwise, you have to wait for another time oh

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-18 13:58:04 | 只看该作者
原帖由 Cathy630 于 2011-1-18 13:08 发表
Nicole.我做完了A/P,A/R和Payroll,但是banance sheet和profit loss 都对不上,而且出入很大,我今天早上检查了一早上,也不知道到底是哪里的问题,我把我做的发给你,麻烦你看看
原帖由 Cathy630 于 2011-1-18 13:39 发表
纠正一下,profit &loss是match得上的,但是balance sheet有出入,为什么我的cash是负数呢?

Well done for my special program, Cathy

Haha, Cathy, actually you have done a wonderful great work, good on you.

About "为什么我的cash是负数?" if you could think about how the business brings cash in, then you can find your answer from there. Please try it.

please Let me know  if you really cannot find it... then I can give your some clue.


would you like to have a good look again?

原帖由 Cathy630 于 2011-1-13 11:42 发表
Wow, Dear Nicole, Thanks for keeing tutor seat for me, and even I can come an hour earlier if it's necessary. 5
Besides, I 'd like to try the special program, I know it will be a great  ...

Welcome to be my tutor for Jan class

Welcome to participate the special program

Hi, Cathy,

Great, Cathy, you have the great chance to participate Tutor program and Special program, Hopefully you can utilize these great chane not only review all the topics with me together, also I would like to see your confidence will grow a lot through these programs

Haha, you can come 20 mins earlier . We can have a
good chat....

btw, I will call you this arvo  and give you the instruction in order to let you have more time to practice my special program

Talk to you soon


Special program will run

in my class again

Hi, guys,
Most of my students in my class reckon my Final topic- Financial report was hard? Do you know where my final topic comes from? Would you like to know my secrets?

Haha, here is the great chance for you guys to know my secrets while you would practice?

As we know, every three months, I have to prepare new financial statements for final topic in order to update my knowledge and my teaching stuff for my class.

This will be a very good opportunity to review a whole process for all my topics. This time I would like to give this chance to one of my students who are willing to practice the whole process again in order to double check whether you have mastered all the topics to update your knowledge with what you have learned from my class….

If anyone would like to take this great chance, I would like to supervise you in my spare time in order to update her knowledge while preparing my teaching stuff.

Please note: this will be a voluntary work as I will be a volunteer to supervise you. I do believe this will be a great chance for you guys to review my four topics in a whole in order to test whether you have understood my topics. I will be your personal supervisor for that. Therefore I will double check all of your work  what you have done before coming my teaching Material……

If you are interested in this program, please apply here and then we can organize a time together in order to show you the whole process while you learn to prepare the final report.

Condition of this program:

1.You should have a very good understanding of my four topics of my old version

2.You should have enough spare time to practice this program as this has  to be done within 1.5 weeks

3.I only can supervise one or two people for each three months for this program

Who are willing to try for this program?  You can register here and I will contact you soon. thanks

Special program 的功效

Welcome to try my special program


Well done, LuLu

Hi, guys,
Today is our final topic for Sep class. Do you know where my teaching material came from . Haha, it is not a secret anymore. Because I will tell you guys now
Yes, Sep Tutor Lulu finished my special project - Financial reports, her financial reports will be my teaching material for today's financial report.
It sounds impossible. My students can finish the financial report for me after finishing my four topics.  People cannot believe it, but it is true.
Everything in my class will become true. As I always let my students participate a lot in the class or after the class, this is what I said in here is what you will get from my class later.
Guys, come and get it. I do believe you can get the biggest benefit from my class after my today's topic.
Also I believe you can prepare for the financial reports after today's topic. I do believe everyone can do it. Would you like to try and take this special topic for my Oct class?
Let me know if you are interested.  
Today Let us enjoy Lulu the special project together- Financial report topic will be on very soon

From: annafun1997@hotmail.com
To: heather10
Subject: RE: special project
Date: Sun, 27 Sep

Well done, lulu. that is a very good practice which let you totally understand the whole procedure of the financial reports.

I have a look now  and double check for you and i will tell you any changes in todays' class

haha, I will use your one as my today's teaching material if everything is fine after checking.  I do believe you will feel great in the class as our students will share your great results from your many weeks hard work. haha, are you exciting?


From: heather10
To: annafun1997@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: special project
Date: Sat


   Great Chance

Four topics within one month

My students  not only know HOW to process AP, AR, Payroll,

Most importantly, you know how to deal with Financial reports
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-7 19:37:12 | 只看该作者
原帖由 小军 于 2011-2-6 06:18 发表
Hi Nicole,
我在Perth,我今天看了你的帖子,你将来Perth讲课,Perth四月的课放在4月22日上吗? 我想预先报名,请及时通知我开课时间和地点. 谢谢

Hi, 小军,

Yes, I will come to Perth in April and run my class in Perth again . Yes, I will reserve  the seat for you for Perth class. the below is the details for my class
Perth  class will be on 22/4/11

很高兴看到越来越多的上过别的培训班的学生重新参加NICOLE会计实战全能班的免费试听,然后毫不犹豫选择停留我班上重新学习, 象lucy和 Sharan参加过sydney两个会计培训班,一直很难找到工作,然后无意中看到我有些培训内容是其他培训班从没有设计到的内容, 所以重新选择参加NICOLE的免费试听,同时他们看到在座的其他同学的笔记 ,才知道自己在别的培训班学到的知识是如此的少,他们很痛惜原先自己的错误选择,因为在别的培训班浪费了金钱和时间.同样的Terrence在花钱在一个accounting Firm实习了三个月也没学到什么东西, 然后重新选择我会计实战全能班的免费试听, 然后毫不迟疑留下听完我所有的培训.Lele已经在中国做过两年的会计工作,然后通过朋友(我以前的学生并以找到会计工作, 同时工作近一年了)介绍来到我课堂,当她看到如此多参加其他培训班的学生的重新毫不犹豫选择NICOLE会计实战全能班重新学习, 她很庆幸因为自己有朋友介绍, 所以没走他们那样的弯路-因为在别的培训班浪费了金钱和时间.

是的, 有比较才会珍惜.很高兴看到所有的同学很认真的学习和讨论, 希望我看到学生认真的学习和讨论的气氛.

非常欢迎没报名的同学参加免费试听, 不要象上面的学生一样在别的培训班浪费了金钱和时间之后,才觉得NICOLE会计实战全能班很好, 很痛惜原先自己的错误选择, 然后才来到NICOLE班上重新学习.希望你们不要重蹈覆辙,勇敢参加免费试听,然后作出你的明智选择.广告打的响,是不是授课内容也很响, 只有你真正比较了才知道.

Nicole到现在还是敢说:只要你来试听, NICOLE的讲课的内容和讲课的深度和讲课技巧会把你们留下.因为至今为止: 还没看到任何学生走出我的课堂. 不信, 你可亲自试试.








此培训班的讲解是从公司的成立到会计日常工作到报表分析运用全系列过程的会计详细过程, 着重FOCUS ON 会计实际操作和报表分析运用.NICOLE用真正的实际工作的INVOICES和TIMESHEETS来提供5个Topic,完整、系统、充实的教学内容,着重讲述FULL FUNCTION的实际操作,同时从第一课讲课开始从REPORT的高度来讲解实际操作班中学到的AP, AR,PAYROLL与报表的内在联系(这是SYNEY 唯一一家会计培训班能让你在最短时间内以最少金***到ACCOUNTANT水平)


-Accounts Payable & Purchase Processing  & Inventory & Accounts Sep up & Company Set up

-Payroll, Superannuation & Different Award Interpretation& Advanced Payroll 及payroll 变化处理

-Accounts Receivable and Sales Processing and Bank Rec & Inventory and Resume skills

-报表分析强化 Financial Reports Analysis and BAS report( GST ) & Payroll tax & Group Certificate and Interview preparation &IAS (PAYG Withholding Tax)

-报表分析强化Fixed asset register and maintenance Month end Journal processing Balance sheet reconciliation and variance clearance 参照不同公司的报表出现的错误,高深度全方位分析&实际工作的错误案例分析





中型-大型规模公司的 (起薪在$45,000-$60,000以上)

*Assistant Accountant
*Financial Accountant
*Assistant Management Accountant

*Accounts All Round/ Internal Accountant/ Officer administrator Manager

*Finance Manager/ Accounts Manager


5个session+Excel training 只需$800 其他城市收费标准 $1000.两人以上同时报名可享受优惠。(从八月起, 我培训班推出免费旁听一小时, 让学生有机会, 有比较. 然后作出自己明智的决定.

免费参加会计实战 Excel 班.性价比极高,5个session。每个session 4-5小时由Nicole 耐心细致,不间断的讲解和学生手把手的操作.你可以完成第一节课后满意付全款,否则只需付第一节课费用性价比极高。  

Thanks for your interests in my class.  Yes, You can choose 初级班 first, then you can decide whether you would like to continue to study in 初级班 to finish the rest of two topics or you can choose to transfer to 会计实战全能班 for the rest of two topics, that is really flexible for all of my students who is willing to study in my class.

联系 AP , AR and Payroll  topic of 会计实战初级班  are the exact same as 会计实战全能班, as I still  keep the same structure and start with financial report while I explain the individual invoice to my students as I would like to see my students  know what they are doing and what are the impact of the financial report while they try to process any accounts transaction into the accounting software, I really donot like any of my students just to be a bookkeeper or data entry person, as they donot know what they are exactly doing.

区别The difference between 会计实战初级班 and 会计实战全能班 is the financial report, In 会计实战全能班, I will analyse the financial report for more than 6 hours teaching through two topics, but 会计实战初级班 will not give the financial report analyse as I will teach different contents through 会计实战初级班, but the contents of 会计实战全能班 will definitely cover all the contents of 会计实战初级班

Therefore, donot worry about which class you should study at the moment, just come to study in  会计实战初级班, and you can decide 会计实战全能班 after you have gone AP, AR, payroll topic later in order to make the right decision for yourself.
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发表于 2011-2-9 01:53:24 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-15 12:55:38 | 只看该作者
原帖由 jamesausnsw 于 2011-2-15 14:01 发表
Nicole,我终于有了一个好的开始,今天早上面试的是家小公司。规模很小,duty 包括ap,ar, payroll , bas。nicole上课讲的知识都在里面,现在只需要多多练习,希望大家都会很快找到工作!!!

Sorry, James, I did not get chance to come here as I have to go through some interviews with my director today.

Haha, good on you. how was your interview? What kind of question  have you been asked?

For excel class. it will be on 24/02/2011 at 6pm ( next Thursday). any questions, please let me know. Thanks

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-18 04:34:09 | 只看该作者
原帖由 From: annafun1997@hotmail.com
To: anne
Subject: RE: MYOB
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 01:05:23 +1100

Hi, anne,
good to see your email in here. Yes, I can reserve a seat for you. my Feb class will start 9.30pm on 19/2/11, just right on this Sat. If you really would like to study in my class , you most welcome . pls give me a confirmation email, then i text you the study venue before my class, pls donot miss it.

Yes, I do know your boss will do this way which it is the wrong way and lazy way and normally people will think about this way, but in technically, we should consider and adjust the previous year earning as this expense was not occurred in the current year...this is the right way to do it

Also the Journal entry from your boss  was wrong again, from what Cathy mentioned in my forum, we can see the A/P was still outstanding and expense had been double recorded,
but cheque account did not double recorded. Why did she reverse the journal like that

DR cheque account 5,000
       CR expense account 5,000

After you have done this adjustment, you should consider the impact from the income tax, especially you work in the accounting firm….. if you like , we can discuss more while you come to my class

Thanks for your compliment and Thanks for your friend ( Cathy ) recommendations. For me,  I donot advertise my class everywhere (except I exchange my idea in my forum). I just run one class per month in order to help people who need my help.

Actually I was so flat out yesterday as I have been the management meeting for the whole morning and I have interviewed four people through the whole afternoon, I was exhausted while I got home, so I did not get any energy to read my forum until this morning. So I answered Cathy’s question straight away  this morning while I saw her question in order to help you sooner…

Anyway, look forward to hearing from you soon
From: anne
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 22:28:27 +1100
Subject: Re: MYOB
To: annafun1997@hotmail.com

Hello Nicole

I am the "friend" of Cathy. I am so amazed by receiving such a long detailed reply which I would never expect to receive.

Regarding this issue, my boss did a manually reversal dated back in 2009 with the same amount of the cash payment.

DR cheque account 5,000
       CR expense account 5,000

In this way, she can offset the cash payment of $5,000 in 2009 by reversing it. Then she ticked off these two entries in the reconciliation window, so the out of balance dropped to zero.

Regarding the point 4 you mentioned about what kind of effect would this reversal make. I am sorry I really need to re-pick up Uni textbooks to refresh my memory...all I can think of is there will be an impact on P&L statement of 2009. Specifically, the A/P and the COGS would be affected...I guess this is why we can find many public companies would amend their Profit/Loss in consecutive year?

I am interested in 19 Feb 2011会计实战全能班 as I can see you are full of 正能量(positive energy). And also because my friend Cathy strongly recommend you.

Please let me know if you still have a seat for me by email or phone.

Thank you very much.

Kind regards


2011/2/16 CathyWang

原帖由 Cathywsh 于 2011-2-15 23:07 发表
Nicole, 你好!

前两天我一个朋友在她实习的accounting firm遇到一个问题,她不太知道怎么做,于是问我。我想了一个方案,但不确定对不对,想请教你看看对不对好吗? 题目如下:

In 2009, A/P has a balance due of $10,000, $5,000 of it has already been cleared through "ay Bill", but another $5,000 has been paid through "ay Money", so the remaining balance due for this A/P is still $5,000 for 2009. Since everything has been reconciled now, so what should I do to deal with this remaining balance due as the payment of $10,000 has been made fully.

我想,在这宗情况下,是需要reverse的。因为不是当年的event. 因为他们的expense多记了 ¥5000, A/p 也多记了¥5000, 所以我做的reverse entry 是:DR: A/P $5000, CR: Expense $5000.  不知道对吗? 而且,reverse是应该等accountant批准之后再做的吧?这笔是记到 2009年的账上,对吗?


Cathy Wang..

After you  read my Notes below

and have a good thinking,

let me know if you still

have any questions

Morning, Cathy,

For your question, I will give you some tips and then  let you work out. As you know I normally don’t give the answer straight away to my student, but I will give some tip to lead you to work out the problem in order to learn the way to think about the accounting issue and how to work out the problem. this is the way I normally teach you guys in the class

First:  we should find issues:  expense has been double recorded through Purchase and Pay Money, please see what mentioned in below

In 2009, A/P has a balance due of $10,000, $5,000 of it has already been cleared through "ay Bill", but another $5,000 has been paid through "ay Money", so the remaining balance due for this A/P is still $5,000 for 2009. Since everything has been reconciled now, so what should I do to deal with this remaining balance due as the payment of $10,000 has been made fully."

Secondly:  we need to think about how to work out the issues:

1. Transaction has been recorded in 2009, which expense is just for year 2009, not for year 2011, right?
2: as we know, Profit & loss statement is for current year 2011, if you reserve that entry, should the expense  be recorded in current year or will affect the previous year?
3: if not for current year, could you please tell me where this transaction should be recorded? ha-ha, you can check  what you have learned from your uni book. Yes, the knowledge you have learned from your uni is very important, now it is the chance for you to utilize your uni knowledge into your work
4. One important thing we should think: after you adjust your this transaction, have you never thought what another impact will be? As I always told you guys: you guys come to my class not only just learn the process, most importantly you should learn the way how to think about accounting and what will be the impact behind each transaction.

Haha, would you like to have a try? And then tell me what you think in here?  About whether you said in here" reverse是应该等accountant批准之后再做的吧?", you should tell your friend to ask her company whether she has the authority to do this. haha, I am not the manager for your friend’ company oh, so i cannot help for that....

Yes, have a good think, and tell me what your answer is oh.... I do believe from here, you not only definitely work out the issues, but also you do learn the way to think about our practical accounting and also this is the chance for you guys to refresh your uni book. My students always told me what they learned from Uni, it is not useful for the practical accounting work, I think that is a wrong idea. What you have learned is very important, the problem is they don’t know to how to apply what they learned into your work, especially when you are in a senior position, What we have learned from Uni will be the guide to lead our work....

all the best


From: anne
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 09:25:58 +1100
Subject: MYOB
To: shqlo

Hello Cathy,

How are you.

Here is the thing we talked about yesterday:

In 2009, A/P has a balance due of $10,000, $5,000 of it has already been cleared through "ay Bill", but another $5,000 has been paid through "ay Money", so the remaining balance due for this A/P is still $5,000 for 2009. Since everything has been reconciled now, so what should I do to deal with this remaining balance due as the payment of $10,000 has been made fully.

Thanks and regards,


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-22 04:51:24 | 只看该作者
Our Free Excel Class

24/02/2011 at 6PM

Hi, Guys,

Our Free Excel class  will  be on this Thursday 24/2/2011 at 6pm.

Yes, in the class, we  have summarized different modules (操作篇和函数篇-1.数学函数-2.统计函数-3.逻辑函数-4.文本函数-5.信息函数-6.查询函数-vlookup-7.查询函数-vlookup(2)-8.综合练习)and will give you all the tips and practical functions which we use in our daily work everyday. We will guarantee everybody who enrolled in our accounting training will get the opportunity to have our excel training to improve your excel level from intermediate to advanced.

Anyone who was my studnent and  is interested in this class, pls bring your laptop and your notebook and come to my class on time. Thanks.

Any of my previous students who have already done the excel class and would like to review all the topic again, you still most welcome to apply to be a tutor here.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-27 18:53:04 | 只看该作者
Please take it easy and be yourself

Hi, Cathy,

Monday is the first day for you to start your accounting job in Australia. Please take it easy and be confident. I do understand this is the first day for you, you will be a little bit nervous as you have never worked for accounting before. However  I do believe you will be good enough to handle your working as you not only learned everything properly, but also you have done a wonderful special program which is exactly what does most companies  do. so please take it easy , you will be fine...., please leave your phone in silence or turn off during your work as your employer will watch you until they get  to know you.

if you have Any questions during your work, please let me know after work.....

Good luck and all the best...

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-7 10:36:10 | 只看该作者

很多学生咨询,如何在最短的时间 内学好Nicole会计全能班的课程, 需要做些什么课前准备工作,现在LIST如下:

1.从SEEK,MY CAREER广告找出20个accounts Payable, accounts receivable, payroll officer, Accounts all round, Assistant Accountant, Accountant广告, 找出每个职位的 Job Duties

目的:尽早熟悉每个工作职责,同时来检验Nicole上课内容是否涉及, 是不是真正和实际工作要求match

2.熟悉 all the accounts lists from Financial report (Balance Sheet/ Profit Loss)

3.了解 Prepayment and Accrual Accounts, Fixed Asset , Depreciations

4.熟悉如何Preparation of General Journals while you face accounts situations


Nicole在课堂用实际工作的real invoices and timesheet and real bank statement and real financial reports 来讲解所有的实际会计操作。 同时指点如何运用UNI 所学的知识来运用实际操作中。让学生真正明白UNI知识的威力和实际工作的区别和联系
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-16 04:52:17 | 只看该作者
原帖由 jimhe5770 于 2011-3-14 22:53 发表
Hi Nicole,
星期六的报表班内容很棒阿,谢谢你耐心的讲课。但是内容太多了,我得好好复习,慢慢消化了。 如果有不理解的地方我会给你电话咨询的。还有想问一下你的
special program 怎么申请阿,我很感兴趣,希望等你有空跟我说说,可以吗?谢谢


Nicole just cooked "a big dinner"- Financial report
[for you in order to feed  you guys for the long run,

not for the short run....

that is delicious oh as you told me,


Hi, Danny,

Good to know you like my class, I can see you very concentrated in my class.Yes ,星期六的报表班内容很棒阿, I totally agree. haha, you complained "但是内容太多了,我得好好复习,慢慢消化了" haha, you are too skinny, I just cooked "a big dinner"- Financial report for you in order to feed  you guys for the long run, not for the short run.... that is delicious oh as you told me, 星期六的报表班内容很棒阿

I know you have been working for Accounts payable for a long time and now you would like to switch to be an accountant one day.... Yes, Financial report is very important for your accounting career if you would like to be a great accountant. what you have entered in the accounting software , it will be in your financial report. so could you please always think about what will be the impact for each transaction.....

if you can keep practicing this way, you will find the difference between the accountant and bookkeeping

For the special program, we can discuss any time while you finish reviewing your topic, let me know while you are ready.... All the best. if you need any help, please  keep in touch.


Welcome to my  Special Program- Free ongoing support


Great Chance

My students  not only know HOW to process AP, AR, Payroll, Most importantly, you know how to deal with Financial reports

Hi, Guys,

If you would like to try my special program, please let me know, I can supervise two or three for these special program oh, this will be another great chance for learning.....

This program is my ongoing support, it is free for all of my students....

If someone is interested in this program, please let me know.... Thanks


New program will run in my class again

Hi, guys,
Most of my students in my class reckon my Final topic- Financial report was hard? Do you know where my final topic comes from? Would you like to know my secrets?
Haha, here is the great chance for you guys to know my secrets while you would practice?
As we know, every three months, I have to prepare new financial statements for final topic in order to update my knowledge and my teaching stuff for my class.
This will be a very good opportunity to review a whole process for all my topics. This time I would like to give this chance to one of my students who are willing to practice the whole process again in order to double check whether you have mastered all the topics to update your knowledge with what you have learned from my class….
If anyone would like to take this great chance, I would like to supervise you in my spare time in order to update her knowledge while preparing my teaching stuff.

Please note: this will be a voluntary work as I will be a volunteer to supervise you. I do believe this will be a great chance for you guys to review my four topics in a whole in order to test whether you have understood my topics. I will be your personal supervisor for that. Therefore I will double check all of your work  what you have done before coming my teaching Material……
If you are interested in this program, please apply here and then we can organize a time together in order to show you the whole process while you learn to prepare the final report.
Condition of this program:

You should have a very good understanding of my four topics of my old version

You should have enough spare time to practice this program as this has  to be done within 1.5 weeks

I only can supervise one or two people for each three months for this program

Who are willing to try for this program?  You can register here and I will contact you soon. thanks

原帖由 annafun


[quote]原帖由 kongfumaomao
另外,通过做我们的'SPECIAL PROGRAM' 我对我们上课的内容,有个更深刻的理解,现在面对INTERVIEW,也更加自信了.

Vera. I love your great work


Just check your work for the special program. I cannot find any error from the back up you have sent to me. Yes, Vera, you have done a wonderful work. You not only matched my financial report and also you are able to link all the accounts properly with each topic. Awesome work, Vera. I love your great work…. Also good to know, you have better understanding my whole topic through my specail program, just like you said in here: 通过做我们的'SPECIAL PROGRAM' 我对我们上课的内容,有个更深刻的理解,现在面对INTERVIEW,也更加自信了.
Glad to see you get more interviews now. That’s wonderful. Yes, Resume is very important for the interview to get to know your candidate for the first appearance and impression; therefore, if you have a good resume, you will have more interview chance. Now you experienced what I have said before. Haha, I think you are the best example oh...

I do know you have a dream for your accounting career. That’s very good on you. I know you will get it one day. Please keep summarizing each interview until you get what you want….

Be confident and be smart and also be yourself, I believe your dream will come true soon.


You have given  me a wonderful financial report

from my specially program you have taken[/quote]

原帖由 annafun

This is why

Many students would like to be my tutor in my class

Morning, Alex,

Thanks for  your great sharing.  This is the great reason why many students would like to be my tutor in my class.  I am proud I can have this great thinking - Free tutor program for my ongoing support of my help training program after each of my students finished the training.
Like one of tutor Salina who has been waiting for more than one month to get this tutor program as I can not squeeze her in my sep class even though she applied long time ago as there are many students in the queue., she said to me: Nicole , your teaching skills is getting much better. haha, is it really my teaching skills getting much better? or you have better picture while you can have the chance to listen in my class in the second time while you only bring your brain with you?
While Salina tutor said this, my another tutor - Catharine disagreed: I think Nicole teaching skills is always the same, because we have much clear picture than before as we have learned the best structure, then we came back to the class to review, everything is becoming much easier.
Ha-ha, what can I say at that time? Yes,  I only can smile.  Because I can see you guys all benefit from my tutor program. Wonderful.


[quote]原帖由 sunth329
于 2009-10-12 11:50 发表

Hey Nicole,
Thanks for providing me the chance to be a tutor and I did benefit from yesterday's class. As a tutor, I not only refreshed my memory of the stuff I learned three months ago, but more importantly, I had more time to think the inherent logic of the course rather than just taking down the notes last time, which I believe raised my understanding of the topic to a high level. And I'll help other mates in their homework, which definitely will be another great learning motivation for me. That's really awesome!
Also I am just wandering can I try your special project as I wanna challenge myself more. Thank you!

Welcome to try my special program

Haha, Alex, Welcome to try my special program. Would you like to talk me around my lunch  in order to show you the steps how to do this special program. Is that time alright for you? please let me know. Thanks
Haha, after you finish, I would like to see what kind feeling you got. Would you like to let us know? haha, the following is the feeling came from my students- Lulu  who did my special program.
Look forward to talking to you soon

原帖由 annafun
于 2009-9-27 15:28 发表

Well done, LuLu

Hi, guys,

Today is our final topic for Sep class. Do you know where my teaching material came from . Haha, it is not a secret anymore. Because I will tell you guys now

Yes, Sep Tutor Lulu finished my special project - Financial reports, her financial reports will be my teaching material for today's financial report.

It sounds impossible. My students can finish the financial report for me after finishing my four topics.  People cannot believe it, but it is true.
Everything in my class will become true. As I always let my students participate a lot in the class or after the class, this is what I said in here is what you will get from my class later.

Guys, come and get it. I do believe you can get the biggest benefit from my class after my today's topic.

Also I believe you can prepare for the financial reports after today's topic. I do believe everyone can do it. Would you like to try and take this special topic for my Oct class?

Let me know if you are interested.  

Today Let us enjoy Lulu the special project together- Financial report topic will be on very soon


[quote]From: annafun1997@hotmail.com
To: heather10
Subject: RE: special project
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 06:46:35 +1030

Well done, lulu. that is a very good practice which let you totally understand the whole procedure of the financial reports.

I have a look now  and double check for you and i will tell you any changes in todays' class

haha, I will use your one as my today's teaching material if everything is fine after checking.  I do believe you will feel great in the class as our students will share your great results from your many weeks hard work. haha, are you exciting?


From: heather10
To: annafun1997@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: special project
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 18:10:18 +0800


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-17 10:51:53 | 只看该作者
原帖由 peterli1983 于 2011-3-16 08:38 发表

Hi, Nicole,
1. 你们有开设1对1的简历修改和面试辅导对吧?
2. 试听1小时是如何操作的?



-Yes, Nicole loves to take the risk

I never ask any students to pay any deposit to hold the seats,

no matter which city I run my class in there


Nicole's premium teaching quality

and Great teaching method

will attract you to stay in my class

Hi, Peter,
thanks for your interests in my class,  for your questions,

Peter Questions1:. 你们有开设1对1的简历修改和面试辅导对吧?

Nicole Answer: Yes, I will tell you guys how to write a good resume through my four topics teaching during my class and tell you how to amend your resume after my class until a perfect resume comes out

Peter Questions2.: 试听1小时是如何操作的?

Nicole Answer:  For the prelistening, while i am starting my class, the prelistening will start, after one-two hours, i will ask you guys whether you like my class, if my class is not good for you, and then you can go without paying anything money to me . If you like my class, you will start to pay .

As you know, I need to pay  all the airfare and accommodation by myself to Brisbane or another city if I run my class in there, but I never ask any students to pay any deposit to reserve the seat for my class. Yes, I  do take my risk if nobody comes to my class.

The reason I do that:  I would like to let you guys to make your own decision after you get to know my class,  I donot force anyone to come to my class because of holding something from you, so I let you free to choose.

However, I do believe you will not walk out from my class as long as you dare to walk into my class. You know why, my premium quality teaching and my teaching method will attract you, I do believe. As this has been proven from my three year teaching - nobody walks out from my classroom as long as you walk in my class.....If you would like to challenge me , I love to take any changes

Whether it is true, you will find out this Friday

Look forward to seeing you soon


The following is the feeling from  my current students aboiut my class, would you like to know me more, please go through my forum? thanks
原帖由 yuli5257 于 2011-3-9 22:38 发表

我不想吹嘘这样的课多么多么有用,多么多么经典,对于学生来说,几百澳币也不是什么小数目,但是就像Nicole说的,你不想永远只做一个Data entry的工作,要做accountant的,要想实现这个梦想,这里可能是一条途径。希望大家都找大自己理想的工作,也希望Nicole桃李满天下。

原帖由 lucy0205 于 2011-3-16 10:26 发表

Hi Nicole

Four weeks classes have finished. I feel my head is so full. Yes, you did feed us four "big meals "including AP,AR,payroll and financial reports . It is true that we  need some time to digest them as we have to learn your nearly 20 years experiences in four weeks. Wow, still a lot of work to do for us.

With the knowledges I have learnt from you, more and more confidence came back to me. There is a old chinese saying ”艺高人胆大”,since I have learnt the useful skills from you then I will not have much fear in the job hunting, the interviews and even the future job.

Thanks Nicole, thank your for your excellent teaching ,thank you for calling me several times to talk about my CV.

I also would like to try the special program if it is possible.

原帖由 annafun 于 2011-3-15 23:14 发表

[quote]原帖由 jimhe5770 于 2011-3-14 22:53 发表
Hi Nicole,
星期六的报表班内容很棒阿,谢谢你耐心的讲课。但是内容太多了,我得好好复习,慢慢消化了。 如果有不理解的地方我会给你电话咨询的。还有想问一下你的
special program 怎么申请阿,我很感兴趣,希望等你有空跟我说说,可以吗?谢谢


Nicole just cooked "a big dinner"- Financial report

for you in order to feed  you guys for the long run,

not for the short run....

that is delicious oh as you told me,


Hi, Danny,

Good to know you like my class, I can see you very concentrated in my class.Yes ,星期六的报表班内容很棒阿, I totally agree. haha, you complained "但是内容太多了,我得好好复习,慢慢消化了" haha, you are too skinny, I just cooked "a big dinner"- Financial report for you in order to feed  you guys for the long run, not for the short run.... that is delicious oh as you told me, 星期六的报表班内容很棒阿

I know you have been working for Accounts payable for a long time and now you would like to switch to be an accountant one day.... Yes, Financial report is very important for your accounting career if you would like to be a great accountant. what you have entered in the accounting software , it will be in your financial report. so could you please always think about what will be the impact for each transaction.....

if you can keep practicing this way, you will find the difference between the accountant and bookkeeping

For the special program, we can discuss any time while you finish reviewing your topic, let me know while you are ready.... All the best. if you need any help, please  keep in touch.


... [/quote]

原帖由 addcolor 于 2011-3-10 00:42 发表

学校的课程太偏理论性 对于即将毕业面临找工作的我来说 不是非常有用

抱着试试看的心态 我来到Nicole的课堂上
然后就这样开始了一段受益匪浅 振奋人心的学习经历

Nicole老师拉我坐到她旁边 让我拿个笔记本记笔记
说实话 我当时什么都不懂 也没任何概念要做些什么笔记
可是没想到 一节课下来 我旁边的同学说我的笔记记的是最多的  
其实不是我喜欢记笔记 记的东西多是因为nicole老师的课程非常informative,那么多的重要的知识点 那麽多好的找工作的tips
我边听边记 不知不觉就写了好多页

我觉得自己很幸运 能有机会上了两遍最难最累的topic:payroll和financial statement analysis
第一遍是旁听 第二遍是上手操作
这个星期当我带着电脑 真正操作的时候
我觉得那些知识点 又重新浮现出来
都忘记要给没有旁听过这节课的同学一个思考的机会 sorry呀
nicole老师赶紧提醒我说 “听过这节课的同学先不要回答 我想让没听过课的同学有一个独立思考的过程 不要直接听答案”
看 nicole老师的课堂就是这样 她不会让任何一个学生拉下 她鼓励学生独立思考 积极参与 真真正正学懂学会

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-30 13:26:40 | 只看该作者
原帖由 HJ1985 于 2011-3-30 11:32 发表
Nicole啊,我今天收到了一个Assistant Accountant的offer,规模还不错的IT公司总部在美国,目前在澳大利亚的分部正在改组,空出了一个位置。是一个职介推荐的。先是和职介面谈,然后和该公司澳洲分部的老板谈,最后美国总部电话面试。这三关还算顺畅。基本上谈话的重点在于我对公司运营的理解和交流能力。我基本上就把平时在公司看到的,听到的,可以说的和他们交流了一下。比如我认为公司在管理某些方面做得很差的(美其名曰“改进空间”),以及工作中遇到的种种麻烦(美其名曰“挑战”)以及我对应的策略。不久我要去美国培训一周。另外一个是一个PR Agency,刚刚成立的公司。面试的时候也是基本讲公司运作的问题。我发现同过去早期的面试不同,现在竞争稍微高些的职位,大家经常会谈到讲关于公司运作的心得。我觉得这可能是一个可以借鉴的地方。

同时,随着职务的升高,对技术的要求也在不断的提高。基本上你要充分的把你的skill在简历上写出来。越详细越好,从最重要的职责到最基本的职责。之前上课的内容这时候就起作用了。基本上,如果你上了Nicole的课,又有了一段时间的工作经验之后,你对知识的理解必须要达到一个新的高度,而且你也可以综合Nicole的上课内容和公司的实际情况提出一些有建设性的话题。比如Nicole曾经在AP的第一节课上说的电费即使在没有收到账单的情况下,必须recognise expense在当月。但实际上我的公司在没有收到账单之前都是不管的,收到账单才打,不仅仅是电费,其他有些费用也是这样。所以这就造成了很严重的distortion。某些月份的费用突然增大。我就把这个例子在面试的时候说了,我说了我认为正确的做法(Nicole说的^___^)。效果很好。


还有就是最近看到有人说关于投简历的量的问题。我觉得不需要海投,海投是成功率比较低的。与其投得多,不如投的精。一般我都是用自己设置的条件过滤了Seek上的工作。然后一个一个的看。如果完全不符合条件,比如说有的广告写“某某行业或者某某软件”is essential or preferrable,这个我一般如果不符合,就不投了,再者如果写“某某行业或者某某软件”would be advantageous,那不妨一试。希望大家面试愉快


Great Career Path

Accounts all round

- Business Analyst

- Assistant Accountant

Great James, nearly three years since you finished my class and got your first accounting job offer- Accounts All round. Haha, three years, each year you moved your career to different position , after your accounts all round position, you move Business analyst, after that you got your current Assistant Accountant  in a global company. How wonderful career path…. Well done James. Congratulations

Nearly three years, you still remember me and keep in touch with me and always told me about each changes, every time you have any great news, you always would like to share with me.
Very appreciate. That is so nice of you.

Also glad to know your girlfriend – Kiara got her accounting job offer in an real state after finishing my class, please let her know at least to work the company for at least one year to learn everything from
there before she starts her career movement like you have done now…. As this will be a great experience for all of your brighten future

I am so happy to hear from you again- another great Jumping in your accounting career again. thanks for your good advice to all of my students, I think all of these can help my students reach the dream soon
Congratulations. All the best for your new career…


More details please click

http://www.ozchinese.com/bbs/vie ... page%3D1#pid8141354
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-3 20:36:22 | 只看该作者
原帖由 1984a1 于 2011-4-2 20:04 发表

HI Nicole,

Welcome to be my tutor for Apr class in Sydney

Hi, Anson,

haha, Anson you already got one year Auditing experience in a BIG FOUR, and you got a full time job in the one of the biggest airline company, still came to my class recharge yourself in order to start your accounting career in Australia.....

Good to know you like my class. I know you live very far from my class, but you study so hard and also you would like to be a tutor "因为Nicole班的知识量的确挺大,我觉得通过tutor的机会能更好的掌握所学的知识,查漏补缺,希望能有个升华。" good on you , welcome to be my tutor

As I am only willing to run one class per week in Sydney, so our Sydney Apr class will change to 17/4/11 as one of my students only got Sunday free, so I would like to change my class in order to meet her needs.... Anyway, please have a good review at home and you will get the biggest benefit while being a tutor in my class soon....

I will have a look your resume tonight and get back to you tomorrow night at 7.30pm, is that alright?


Sydney Apr class will change to 17/4/11

start at 9.30am
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-5 08:37:43 | 只看该作者
quote]原帖由 wanghuia 于 2011-4-4 23:56 发表
Hi, Nicole
Thank you for your reply. Can I get the timetable of your  Perth class that will be held in Apr this year? [/quote]

Hi, Wanghui,

Our Perth class will start on 22/04/2011 at 4.30PM, our class will last for 4 days with 5 per hours per day which will be very good for Perth students.....this will be the same as last year

Any questions, please let me know. thanks

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-28 12:16:20 | 只看该作者
Adelaide Class  
will be on 9/6/2012

is recruiting now


提供7个topics, 5个session完整,系统,充实的教学内容,大约需要一个月或更长时间(培训时间在16小时左右,时间长短看每个人具体情况可以适当调整),同时提供所有上课material和课后练习 。课程设置如下:;
lAccounts Payable Management and Purchase Processing and Inventory Basics and Creating Purchase Order
lAccounts Receivable Management and Sales Processing , Credit Control, Debt collection
lPayroll Processing (including Permanent Payroll and Temporary payroll), Superannuation, PAYG withholding tax4 `9 O% P, a3
lDaily Banking and Bank Reconciliations and Cash Management and Petty Cash and Employee Expenses Reimbursement
lPreparation and Lodgment Company GST,Business Activity Statement (BAS) and IAS processing and Financial Reporting Basics
lIntroduction of Company Administration Work(与会计有关的) Fax, Email, Posting, Banking, Ordering 2
lResume Writing Skills, Interview Preparation and Australia Workplace Skills and Accounting Career Planning (同时课后针对每个人具体情况分别讲解简历直到一份量身定做的完美简历形成,学生有面试时,课后帮助和辅导学生Interview )
U& W" A6 b, I0 y8 W# o! i/ V8 u
1)没有或缺乏澳洲本地会计经验工作人士:刚毕业或毕业无会计实际经验的学生或在校学生或新移民6 C( ?2 V* c9 F3 {* K: H5 _( R
y' T" K% K0 d, x% e
有一定程度的会计经验但缺乏系统完整的实战操作经验和技能,对MYOB一定程度的了解并希望进一步精深和掌握的会计工作人员/ w' K" W
*Accounts Payableofficer! R) D& X' _, d(G' {
*Accounts receivable officer / collection officer/ credit control officer
5 h+ l" W, z! o ?% `# F" F% z
*Payroll Officer
*Accountsall rounder/ Accounts clerk/ Accounts administrator
*Bookkeeper/Assistant Accountant
% q D2 `:

此班和会计全能班一模一样(除了报表分析TOPIC, 其余TOPICS一模一样),所以具有优越的性价比4 Z0]5 `! |' J9 Q! i
个session+免费参加会计实战 Excel班,原价$880.现在报名只要$800 括所有material和Ongoing support)..
Nicole耐心细致,不间断的讲解. 讲课内容和时间比较灵活![)
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