引用第64楼sick-k于2009-10-18 19:10发表的:
根本就没有那个留言都是大家传的。。。。。。 [s:6] [s:6] [s:6]
啧, 转头就把自己的说过的话给吃了啊.没记错的话, 泼冷水的就是你,翻来覆去拿芙蓉jj说事是你, 一个劲踩贬的还是你.你用鸟语在这发的高见大家见识过了,另外个坛子上我转过来给你回忆一下.
sick-k 当前离线
UID177 帖子27 精华0 积分0 威望0 金钱32 注册时间2009-9-8
19# 发表于 5 天前 21:58 | 只看该作者 那个小雪。。。。我真是很无语~~~~~luseffar 你们的确是再创超一个芙蓉姐姐啊。。。。
"晴天小雪" does stand out..... but standing out of crowd or being different doesn't mean she is Fashionable or leading the trend.(Sister Lotus Stands out Pretty Well) Again, she is nothing close to fashion.. Her kitchen suit doesn't look fashionable, her cakes look good, doesn't mean it tastes good. She facial expression is ... not attractive.....at all. Hand gestures are way too common .....all together... ..... *(
The rest of the candidates are just fine, not many of them stick to fashion, Fashion can be linked to clothings or behaviours. This 晴天小雪 need to take some other photos with some different cloth on, doesn't has to be designer's collections, but something that looks nice on her. |