引用第22楼chengwai于2009-05-14 11:52发表的:
The following information is from what I know subject to the confirmation of tax accounts. any Brother in this forum is tax accountant that can confirm this?
In general, for example, when you sell your investment property and make a profit of $100,000, your taxable income for the year that you sold your property is increased by $100,000; however if you own this property for more than 12 months and it will be halved. But at the same time all expenses related to this investment property will be tax deductable. for example, the interest of the mortgage, all fixings, lawn mowings, etc. This is what we called the gearing benefit. Note if your property is owner occupied (your own home) you don't have to pay capital gain tax, but gearing benefit is not applicable.
楼上给的资料很详细,如果是贷款用来投资买房,那么你就可以享受gearing benefit, 其中包括所说的interests, fixings, lawn movings..... 但是capital gain tax 这时就apply
如果是自己的房子的话,住了12个月卖掉就没有capital gain tax了,因为你卖掉的房产不是用来投资,而是用来居住。 |