近科𨑳的两层小楼整租,元月十七号可入住,四个卧室,两个浴室,三个厕所,一个饭厅,一个客厅,全套家具,走路五分钟去科𨑳,门口巴士站,租金面议,半年起租,招爱整洁的人士,有意请联系JImmy0412449748 0410006397 或加QQ530078752,微信Jimmyhuang8888。 Furnished House close to Curtin university for rent, five minutes walking distance to Curtin, half a minute to bus stop, there are four bed rooms , two bathrooms, three toilets and two living areas in the house, two parking place for you, if you are interested it,please feel free to contact me by phone0410006397or 0412449748 via email honnywang2006@gmail.com,WECHAT:Jimmyhuang8888. [/table]