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珀斯微电影 今日: 1 |主题: 50|排名: 65 


主办单位:中华会馆, A.U. PEOPLE澳洲华人社区网 AUPEOPLEweb.com[align=center][b][size=2][font=宋体][/font][/size][/b] [/align][align=center][b][size=2][font=宋体][/font][/size][/b] [/align][align=center][b][size=2][font=宋体]喜爱摄像的你,富有创意的你,快来赢取丰厚奖品![/font][/size][/b][/align]

[url=http://aupeopleweb.com/1/aupeople1/read.php?tid=201330]1号作品: 西澳洲华人小姐Eva 李竹君魔术表演[/url]
<a href='http://aupeopleweb.com/1/aupeople1/read.php?tid=201330'><img src=http://aupeopleweb.com/1/aupeople1/attachment/Fid_37/37_110769_8ed5845f07cd398.jpg></a>
<a href='http://aupeopleweb.com/1/aupeople1/read.php?tid=201331'><img src=http://aupeopleweb.com/1/aupeople1/attachment/Fid_37/37_110769_41976d8a0b67850.jpg></a>
<a href='http://aupeopleweb.com/1/aupeople1/read.php?tid=201332'><img src=http://aupeopleweb.com/1/aupeople1/attachment/Fid_37/37_110769_cf715ab73151b00.jpg></a>
[url=http://aupeopleweb.com/1/aupeople1/read.php?tid=201334]4号作品:Chinese community rally in support of Beijing Olympics in Perth,Western Australian[/url]
<a href='http://aupeopleweb.com/1/aupeople1/read.php?tid=201334'><img src=http://aupeopleweb.com/1/aupeople1/attachment/Fid_37/37_110769_58533f2dce0e11a.jpg></a>


蛇年“珀斯中华新年文化节”即将于2013年2月10日(大年初一)在北桥隆重举行,规模较之去年更为盛大,届时将封闭詹姆士和雷克两条大街,活动内容除沿街摆设摊位,舞狮舞龙等游街表演,以及在北桥广场举办的多元文化演出之外,还将新增旋转木马等多项大型游乐设施。首届“华人在珀斯”微电影竞赛,作为本次春节庆祝活动的暖场重头戏,[b][color=#ff0000]所有参赛作品将于2月3日至2月10日一周时间内,在北桥广场的大荧幕上循环播放,同时还将在中华会馆[/color][/b][url=http://www.chungwah.org.au/][b][color=#ff0000]www.chungwah.org.au[/color][/b][/url][b][color=#ff0000]和A.U. PEOPLE澳洲华人社区网 [/color][/b]

1. 参赛规则:凡有兴趣者均可参赛,个人参赛作品数量不限,必须是原创;作品主题限定“华人在珀斯”,副标题可以自由添加;作品风格、类型和题材不限,但是拒绝任何违法和违反社会道德的内容;作品时长3至10分钟,主办单位保留接受或拒绝任何参赛申请的权利。

2.报名方式:参赛者将参赛作品上传到Youtube视频网站,并将作品的Youtube网络链接和简单说明,个人姓名,联系电话, 联系Email一并直接发送到AU PEOPLE 的指定邮箱:
[email]video@aupeople.com.au[/email] .为了能够在北桥广场大屏幕上播放,请将清晰版作品刻录成DVD邮寄 (信封注明:华人在珀斯微电影竞赛) 或者亲自拿到以下地址: 中华会馆礼堂128 James St., Northbridge, Western Australia 6003. 关于递交DVD如果有疑问请咨询电话:(08)9328 8657.

3.投票方式:由公众在A.U. PEOPLE 澳洲华人社区网站进行网络投票(需在投票截止日期前进行有效投票),前三名最有人气的参赛作品将成为优胜者,赢得丰厚奖品。一二三等奖的奖金分别为300、200和100元及其他奖品.

4. 活动时间:

A.U. PEOPLE澳洲华人社区网 AUPEOPLEweb.com
电话:(08)9328 8657
关于比赛更多详情,请到这个链接查看:[url=http://aupeopleweb.com/video]http://AUPEOPLEweb.com/video[/url] (中文)
[url]http://auwb.net.au/video[/url] (English)


[align=center][b][color=#ff0000]Enjoy Shooting Videos? Overflowing with Creativity? [/color][/b][/align][align=center][b][color=#ff0000]Here’syour chance to win fabulous prizes![/color][/b][/align][align=center][color=#ff0000][b]Short Film Competition [/b][b]“Chinese People in Perth”[/b][/color][/align]
What comes to mind when talking about Chinese people in Perth? Shopping for Chinese groceries, digging into delicious Chinese food, having a great time singing karaoke, or battling wits on the mahjong table? If you enjoy shooting videos and capturing moments in everyday life, you are invited to participate in this inaugural competition! Your sense of creativity and talent in directing a story or documentary of your own, may win you a fabulous prize!

The Perth Chinese New Year Fair will be held on 10th February 2013 in Northbridge. Larger and better than last year’s event, James and Lake Streets will be closed to traffic during the event. The two streets will be lined with a variety of stalls, lion and dragon dances, street performances, multicultural performances, games, and rides. In the week leading up to the event, selected entries of this Short Film Competition will be repeatedly broadcast on the super LED screen at the Northbridge Piazza. They will also be webcast on the Chung Wah and AU People websites (www.chungwah.org.au and [url=http://aupeopleweb.com/video]http://AUPEOPLEweb.com/video[/url]).

1. Terms and Conditions:
• The competition is open to anyone.
• You may submit as many as entries as you wish, but the videos must be original.
• Your video must be related to the theme “Chinese People in Perth”.
• There is no restriction on video style, genre, and subject, however any content that is against law and social moral is prohibited.
• The length of the video is to be between 3 minutes and 10 minutes.
• The organizers shall reserve the right to refuse any entries.

2.Submitting Your Entry:
• Upload your video to Youtube.
• Send your application via email and include the link to the video on Youtube, a brief introduction about the video, your personal details and contact number to [email]video@aupeople.com.au[/email].
• Burn a high resolution version of the video on DVD and post it to Chung Wah Association, 128 James Street, Northbridge, WA 6003 (Attn: Chinese People in Perth Short Film Competition).

3.Winner:Winners of the competition are voted by the public on Aupeople.com.au within the voting period. The top 3 videos with the most number of votes shall be the winners.

4. Deadlines:
Due Date for Entries: 25th January 2013
Online Voting Period: 26th January 2013 to 8th February 2013 (both dates included)

5.Organizers:Chung Wah Association and A.U. PEOPLE (AUPEOPLEweb.com)

General Inquiries
Chung Wah Association
Tel:(08)9328 8657
Technical Inquiries:
Find out more : [url=http://aupeopleweb.com/video]http://AUPEOPLEweb.com/video[/url] (Chinese)
[url]http://auwb.net.au/video[/url] (English)
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公告 公告: 使用本网站前必读 --A.U.PEOPLE网站使用条款,版权声明及免责声明-- Term of Use, Copyright & Disclaim enjoy 2010-6-13    
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 Iphone 4 现已降价,性价比非常好,需要的朋友赶快去 3 & 沃达丰 北桥店,火车站店 attachment  ...23456..8 刀里藏笑-ken 2011-8-8 1554764 ezwh0tKr 2016-5-17 10:26
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 最新(39家)A.U.PEOPLE会员卡及优惠商家名单(更新信息以主楼为准) attachment  ...23456..17 enjoy 2008-12-10 32233985 xzerd 2016-4-13 02:20
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 扫描关注 AUPEOPLE微信平台:AUPEOPLEweb 和微信号:AUPEOPLE888 attach_img  ...23 admin 2016-5-14 5915865 LeoFreskos 2024-12-6 09:01
隐藏置顶帖 如何在商业版块发帖?请看商业版块发帖要求 管理团队 2010-1-8 04474 管理团队 2010-1-8 22:21
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 感谢您关注A.U.PEOPLE澳群澳洲华人社区网! enjoy 2024-5-21 0819 enjoy 2024-5-21 11:35
[比赛作品] 5号作品-西澳洲华人小姐旗袍秀 wavideo 2012-12-12 0811 wavideo 2012-12-12 16:31
[比赛作品] 1号作品: 西澳洲华人小姐Eva 李竹君魔术表演 wavideo 2012-12-12 3882 nzxzq 2016-4-13 05:31
[比赛作品] 9号作品:End of Class!! 放学了!! wavideo 2012-12-19 1649 天使恋人 2012-12-19 11:29
[比赛作品] 12号作品:love @ Perth wavideo 2013-1-25 3764 admin 2013-2-3 12:34
[比赛作品] 10号作品:华人在珀斯"微电影竞赛" 台灣背包客在柏斯 wavideo 2013-1-8 2886 admin 2013-2-3 12:36
[求助] hi to alvl peoile cce 抢楼 - [阅读权限 1] MFinnertok 2019-5-10 0166 MFinnertok 2019-5-10 09:38
[比赛作品] 3号作品:A.U.PEOPLE"时尚之星"竞赛拍摄花絮视频 wavideo 2012-12-12 0646 wavideo 2012-12-12 14:57
[比赛作品] 新建 文本文档 (10) 新人帖 chriodvs 2016-2-20 0275 chriodvs 2016-2-20 23:34
[比赛作品] 新建 文本文档 mitlong4cc 2016-2-17 0339 mitlong4cc 2016-2-17 05:37
[比赛作品] 11号作品-華人在珀斯 wavideo 2013-1-24 31153 rfox617 2015-4-20 13:37
[比赛作品] 2号作品:火热精彩美女泳装秀-2011年西澳州华人小姐大赛 wavideo 2012-12-12 1784 pptv1010 2013-2-11 18:01
投票 [重要通知] [活动结束]2013首届“华人在珀斯”微电影竞赛前3名公布 管理团队 2013-1-28 112564 quaoui 2013-2-10 10:38
[重要通知] 【开始投票】2013首届“华人在珀斯”微电影竞赛-喜爱摄像的你,富有创意的你,快来 attachment  ...2 管理团队 2012-12-5 301970 jqzhong27 2013-1-28 17:00
[比赛作品] 8号作品:Learning Tai Chi!! wavideo 2012-12-19 0541 wavideo 2012-12-19 10:51
[比赛作品] 7号作品:Chinese ladies playing Mahjong!! wavideo 2012-12-19 0580 wavideo 2012-12-19 10:49
[比赛作品] 6号作品:Cantonese Opera class wavideo 2012-12-19 0708 wavideo 2012-12-19 10:47
[比赛作品] 4号作品:Chinese community rally in support of Beijing Olympics in Perth,West wavideo 2012-12-12 0701 wavideo 2012-12-12 15:11


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