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『Perth澳洲中国文化年专版』 今日: 25 |主题: 17|排名: 19 

2011年6-20126月是澳大利亚中国文化年,为了更好地弘扬和宣传中国文化,由中华会馆和西澳福建同乡会发起西澳3 0多家华人社团共同参与的“2012珀斯中华新年文化节”即将2012129 (龙年正月初七)举行。计划中将要求珀斯市政府于2012129日上午11点至晚上9点,关闭北桥詹姆斯大街威廉姆至雷克街一段,以及北桥广场,作为文化节主会场。


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Chung Wah Association 中华会馆
Fujian Association 福建同乡会
WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce 中华总商会
WA Chinese Women\'s Federation 西澳妇女联合会
Australasian Photographic Association 亚太摄影协会
Asian Business Weekly 环球商报
WACPPRC 西澳中国和平统一促进会
WA Chinese Community Centre西澳华人公会
Association of Australian Chinese Mainlanders and Friends 大华联会
A.U.PEOPLE WA Chinese community website AUPEOPLEweb.com西澳洲华人社区网
Aust- China Young Elite Association 澳中青年联合会
Australia China Business Club 澳大利亚中国贸易促进会
Australia China Business Council 澳大利亚中国工商业委员会
Australia China Friendship Society 澳中友协西澳分会
Australian Mulan Arts and Culture Association 澳大利亚木兰文化艺术协会
Brunei Club 文莱联谊会
Chinese Medicine Association of Australia 澳大利亚中医药协会
Chinese Students and Scholars Association of Western Australia 西澳洲中国学生学者总联合会
Curtin University Chinese Students and Scholars Association Curtin大学中国学生学者联合会
Chinese Students and Scholars Association (Murdoch University) 莫道克学生学者联合会
Christmas Islander & Friends Association 圣诞岛
Australia Central China Association 澳大利亚河南(中原)联谊会
Hong Kong Australia Business Association 香港商会
Oceania Times 南半球杂志
Oriental Post 东方邮报
FM 104.9 西澳华语广播电台
Shandong Association 山东同乡会
WA Chinese Scientists Association 西澳科学家协会
WA Hakka Association 西澳客家公会
WA Indo-China Chinese Benevolent Association 西澳越棉寮华人联合会
WA Oriental Culture and Arts Association 西澳东方文化艺术协会
WA Zhejiang Business and Culture Promotion Association Inc.西澳浙江商贸文教促进会
AUS-SINO Youth Music 澳洲中国青少年音乐协会
The Cultural Club Inc 文化社
Buddha\'s Light International Association of WA 国际佛光会西澳协会

The Year of Chinese Culture in Australia is being celebrated in WA from June 2011 to June 2012. This is an initiative between the Australian and Chinese governments to further promote the relationship between the two countries. The corresponding Year of Australian Culture was celebrated in China from June 2010 to June 201.
The Chinese community will celebrate the 2012 Chinese New Year on a grand scale, and make this the marque event of the Year of Chinese Culture in WA. This has been initiated by the Chung Wah Association, WA Fujian Association, and WA Chinese Women’s Federation and supported by more than30 participating Chinese
organizations and the Chinese community. 2012 will also be the Year of the Dragon, which in the Chinese horoscope, represents a very auspicious year.

The Plan
Chinese New Year will be celebrated over 15 days from 23 January to 6 February 2012. The main event, in the form of a street celebration, has been
planned for Sunday 29 January 2012. The plan is to apply to the City of Perth to shut down James Street in Northbridge between William and Lake
Strets, and a section of Lake Street between James and Francis Streets, between 12.00 noon and 9.00pm. This event will be open to all members of the public to share in the festive joys and experience Chinese culture close up.

The Activities
  Multicultural performances on stage at the Northbridge Piazza.

  A street procession showcasing Chinese culture, costumes, and heritage.
Street performances at regular intervals.
  Lion and Dragon dances with fire crackers.

  Street stalls offering a wide variety of Chinese food and cultural items.

  A series of competitions and demonstrations related to Chinese food and culture.
  Programs of Chinese traditional culture, history, and heritage related to China and Australia screened on the big screen
at the piazza outside performance times.
  An international Chinese photography exhibition.

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[讨论] 微/Q1150353004办/理科廷UWA大学默多克RMIT莫纳什ANU阿大MQ等毕/业証成-/績单 myv3cvsu 2023-8-15 0109 myv3cvsu 2023-8-15 09:18
[讨论] 微/Q1150353004办/理科廷UWA大学默多克RMIT莫纳什ANU阿大MQ等毕/业証成-/績单 myv3cvsu 2023-8-15 099 myv3cvsu 2023-8-15 09:18
[讨论] 微/Q1150353004办/理科廷UWA大学默多克RMIT莫纳什ANU阿大MQ等毕/业証成-/績单 myv3cvsu 2023-8-15 0101 myv3cvsu 2023-8-15 09:18
[重要通知] 专业电工服务 chenlh05 2016-6-9 1815 fisher12 2016-8-25 14:33
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[活动相片] 本版为2011-2012Perth澳洲中国文化年专版 管理团队 2011-10-15 0575 管理团队 2011-10-15 22:13


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