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求购MBA用书 lee19840509 2007-7-29 1613 lee19840509 2007-7-30 07:57
[求購] How Organisations Learn: Managing the search for knowledge (UWA) princess.j 2007-7-30 0590 princess.j 2007-7-30 00:51
[求購] Job and Work Analysis (UWA human resource management) princess.j 2007-7-30 0637 princess.j 2007-7-30 00:47
[求購] Business in Asia Pacific. Text and Cases. (UWA) princess.j 2007-7-30 0814 princess.j 2007-7-30 00:40
商品 accounting530,510,finance215, law202 for sale py85816 2007-7-25 1816 admzs 2007-7-29 20:52
卖书:Global Business Today 3rd Ed. 钟声 2007-7-29 1817 钟声 2007-7-29 18:15
卖书 :CURTIN -Finance book : Mathematical Economics201 cici66 2007-7-27 0701 cici66 2007-7-27 00:18
求购Organisational Behaviour教科书 叶子 2007-7-20 8806 叶子 2007-7-26 23:57
[求购]CURTIN07年Bridging的4本书 panarden 2007-7-25 1694 叶子 2007-7-26 23:28
卖书-----Bridging Course全套 叶子 2007-6-21 3933 叶子 2007-7-26 23:06
商品 出售UWA accounting and finance books 棉花 2007-7-26 0703 棉花 2007-7-26 16:06
出售 Curtin economics and marketing book momopiko 2007-7-26 0741 momopiko 2007-7-26 14:54
(出售)ECU Auditing (ACC4310/3510) Text Book, Handbook 2007 acrux 2007-7-26 0634 acrux 2007-7-26 11:18
(出售)ECU Taxation LAW (LAW4300) Text Book, Legislation and Study Guide acrux 2007-7-26 0652 acrux 2007-7-26 10:56
(求购)auditing和accounting corporate的教材 tinahu1228 2007-7-18 7895 tinahu1228 2007-7-24 23:18
[卖书] 请删帖!出售textbook: international management 375 & Financial managerial 212 admzs 2007-7-24 0735 admzs 2007-7-24 17:33
[已买] - spangle 2007-7-17 2959 spangle 2007-7-24 00:38
求购management textbooks~ cheng@cheng 2007-7-23 1835 perthlaoda 2007-7-23 21:04
出售Management textbooks cheng@cheng 2007-7-23 0759 cheng@cheng 2007-7-23 20:42
(出售)accounting教材(已售出) tinahu1228 2007-7-18 1888 tinahu1228 2007-7-23 20:39
(出售) ACCOUNTING (MANAGERIAL) 530 教材一本,$50!(已售出) 老王 2007-7-23 0701 老王 2007-7-23 18:47
(出售)Accounting书籍 bluecici321 2007-6-14 5967 rainbowboy 2007-7-23 17:25
急购(v.2) Accounting (Corporate) 和(v.8) Law (Corporation) keymond 2007-7-16 1703 如果还有忧伤 2007-7-23 01:41
出售MANAGEMENT1100 最新版本 perthlaoda 2007-7-22 1690 perthlaoda 2007-7-22 20:22
(求购)打包求购ACCOUNTING第一学期整套书 eric 2007-7-19 0774 eric 2007-7-19 20:19
求购(Accounting (Corporate) 511以及Law (Corporation) 564) keymond 2007-7-18 0661 keymond 2007-7-18 21:19
求书 xlchen851128 2007-7-18 0783 xlchen851128 2007-7-18 17:31
求购 Marketing 专业TEXTBOOK 内容详见内 幸福的老灵魂 2007-6-17 5947 momopiko 2007-7-17 08:17
卖书:2007 CURTIN全新bridging course教程一套4本 ciciwining 2007-5-28 2768 ciciwining 2007-7-15 21:55
(求购) Accounting (Managerial) 101 november 2007-7-8 2764 幸福的老灵魂 2007-7-11 23:13
出售curtin全新cute考试模拟题和光盘全套 kankan 2007-7-11 0792 kankan 2007-7-11 14:33
绝对低价出售Accouting books attachment keymond 2007-7-7 0844 keymond 2007-7-7 12:45
求CFA的考试资料 如果还有忧伤 2007-7-2 2881 如果还有忧伤 2007-7-6 12:12
求购CIC commerce二手书~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 橘子 2007-6-28 0828 橘子 2007-6-28 20:15
求购Media management 的课本 叶子 2007-6-21 0815 叶子 2007-6-21 16:22
白送,今年BRIDGING 的4本书,,就一套.送完没了 bankids 2007-6-19 4851 bankids 2007-6-20 13:45
出售DESIGN 100的教科书,摄影,排版,手绘,色彩 bankids 2007-6-19 1763 幸福的老灵魂 2007-6-20 01:35
求购 management and HRM 的textbook lisa^^ 2007-6-19 0807 lisa^^ 2007-6-19 00:04
[出售]econs,acc.marketing教科书 katherineliu 2007-6-17 51057 katherineliu 2007-6-18 23:05
求购 Taxation 2nd Hand Curtin Study book dulang 2007-6-7 1832 kiki 2007-6-7 16:31
求购CURTIN07年Bridging的4本书 blueknight 2007-5-24 11397 rainsummer 2007-5-24 22:51
(求购)求购字典。。。 seablue 2007-3-11 41168 karen 2007-5-22 21:10
出售“CASIO COLOR POWER GRAPHIC CALCULATOR" attachment gericalei 2007-5-1 51397 子曾经曰过 2007-5-13 19:35
elvatao 2007-5-13 1821 子曾经曰过 2007-5-13 19:34
大家快来看看有没有你们想买得书。。。。 gericalei 2007-4-30 11092 子曾经曰过 2007-5-13 19:33
(求购)CASIO GPRAPHIC CALCULATOR xtcse 2007-4-26 171457 txinguang 2007-5-1 04:15
(求购)求书~ UWS校会计用书<business law> dlsxm 2007-2-27 11123 gericalei 2007-4-30 18:07
2大家看看 房屋中介 板块是怎么做的 请版主把帖子做好!!! 斯奕 2007-4-16 81403 幸福的老灵魂 2007-4-25 00:39
(求购)一本数据库相关的书籍,内详 wutian1933 2007-4-23 0984 wutian1933 2007-4-23 20:32
(卖书) english course & yr 12 書本 (Taylors college) karen 2007-4-18 31403 karen 2007-4-18 23:44
(卖书)EAP NOW 英语书 menucch 2007-4-15 01028 menucch 2007-4-15 20:47
[醒目]交易二手书的发帖规则和管理方法,标题须说明(求购)还是(卖出) 斯奕 2007-3-28 01116 斯奕 2007-3-28 21:29
(卖出)Book for sale(ECU) attachment 粉吃小猪猡 2007-3-21 21172 粉吃小猪猡 2007-3-22 21:37
(求购)求购二手书(FINANCE 215) nancy928 2007-3-17 11071 cici66 2007-3-17 20:09
(求购)Curtin的新生注意~~买新书到TECHNOLOGY PARK 那可以买到  ...2 enjoy 2007-2-13 232540 enjoy 2007-3-17 12:36
(求购)求购 MULTINATIONAL BUSINESS FINANCE yangfan42 2007-3-7 11175 LUSEFFAR 2007-3-12 08:23
(求购)求购2本会计书,FINANCIAL和 ECONOMICS blueknight 2007-3-4 01035 blueknight 2007-3-4 23:48
(求购)求购Australian Business Statistics (3rd ed.) blueknight 2007-3-2 21188 幸福的老灵魂 2007-3-2 15:45
(求购)关于买书:谁有会员打折卡? 钟声 2007-2-27 11150 澳洲袋鼠 2007-2-28 08:17
(求购)Chemical Enginering4年级的书 zenotop 2007-2-26 01056 zenotop 2007-2-26 21:34
(卖出)help friends :Books 4 sale enjoy 2007-2-26 31239 幸福的老灵魂 2007-2-26 20:49
[麻烦删帖]求购关于marketing,accouting,legal framework和economic的二手书 bankids 2007-2-25 11062 katherineliu 2007-2-25 08:57
(求购)求购 Finacial Accounting 6th edition和Financial Management Editong4 lala 2007-2-20 41314 domino 2007-2-22 03:52
(求购)求购MPA书~~~ davidteh 2007-2-16 11056 davidteh 2007-2-16 21:40
(求购)求购二手MPA的教材 tinahu1228 2007-2-15 01023 tinahu1228 2007-2-15 19:42
(求购)求购2手书籍,内详 明月疾风 2006-11-27 11165 小笨 2006-11-27 12:21
[服务] Q/Q\微信2799886857办理西澳大学毕业证成绩单学历认证教部育认证 dfwsershsd 2015-10-8 096 匿名 1970-1-1 08:00
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