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『 二 手 书 店 』 今日: 214 |主题: 4567|排名: 111 

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[卖书] 206/506 finance analysis, 590Trading Strategies,559Finance Instruments and Ma miaobsiuz 2012-7-18 3285 miaobsiuz 2012-7-21 21:08
[卖书] 新版Curtin: Auditing 300 / Accounting(Decision Analysis) 308 / MYOB / Financi carolineshen 2012-7-19 4261 carolineshen 2012-7-21 20:54
[卖书] 卖Curtin Sales Management; Myob;以及一些Finance专业用书 attachment 蒙奇奇爱猫猫 2012-7-21 0386 蒙奇奇爱猫猫 2012-7-21 15:28
[卖书] 全新佳能喷墨打印机贱卖,只用了一周!!! ecowin 2012-7-21 2261 ecowin 2012-7-21 15:04
[买书] Curtin: corporate accounting issues 521 jersey222 2012-7-16 2432 jersey222 2012-7-21 15:02
[卖书] curtin课本 双双 2012-7-21 0247 双双 2012-7-21 14:26
[卖书] curtin accounting 100 课本第八版 卖啦 sodaree0506 2012-7-17 2255 sodaree0506 2012-7-21 10:11
[卖书] Curtin 平書 多本!Statisic 201 entrepreneurship 300 IM 250 microeconomics 200 lucastsu 2012-7-12 7296 lucastsu 2012-7-21 03:13
[买书] 谁有communicating as professional的书啊? yiying 2012-7-20 0250 yiying 2012-7-20 23:29
[卖书] 出售Curtin 精算相关书 jinstyle 2012-7-20 0233 jinstyle 2012-7-20 22:51
[卖书] 2012新版Curtin会计相关书 finance 计算器(250/260 308  300  attachment 乱世小熊 2012-6-14 17573 乱世小熊 2012-7-20 21:23
[卖书] Entrepreneurship: theory, process, practice qqtheonly 2011-4-9 1477 mvpkenneth 2012-7-20 20:55
[卖书] Auditing 300, Acc System 204, Acc 260/250 (Curtin) yim2000 2012-7-20 0421 yim2000 2012-7-20 20:31
[已售] 卖EAP Now! 凤凰语言学校,EAP书! attachment lyr1989 2012-3-12 2466 海誓 2012-7-20 20:25
[卖书] 出售BLaw.Economic.Marketing100的书 湮灭鸢尾 2012-7-17 3249 nevermind 2012-7-20 19:51
[买书] 求购tourism&event的书 湮灭鸢尾 2012-7-17 5226 nevermind 2012-7-20 19:51
[卖书] 出售Curtin marketing 的书 stella 2012-7-5 3308 stella 2012-7-20 18:05
[卖书] 低价甩卖Curtin 300,308,220,330卖书! silver0ash 2012-7-20 0279 silver0ash 2012-7-20 17:33
[买书] 求购 Integrated marketing communication and advertising principle stella 2012-7-20 0382 stella 2012-7-20 16:46
[买书] 科挺 统计的书  20刀 拿走 lf881222 2012-7-18 2231 lf881222 2012-7-20 15:57
[卖书] sold 夏天在打烊 2012-6-26 5334 lynn0611 2012-7-20 15:36
[已售] $90 出售Managerial Accounting 9th Ed (Curtin Accounting 530)  $90连 fman 2012-7-20 0556 fman 2012-7-20 15:10
[卖书] taxation231,fin215,accounting managerial201/301出售 sunshine111 2012-7-19 1257 sunshine111 2012-7-20 15:02
[卖书] 9成新acc250/260、acc330、law222/266 课本+资料 prettybadtao 2012-3-12 4875 leisly 2012-7-20 13:42
[卖书] Consumer Behavior 201, BIS 100 attachment nbglpg 2012-2-18 11415 nbglpg 2012-7-20 12:33
[买书] Looking for marketing 100 p铜仔 2012-7-20 0192 p铜仔 2012-7-20 12:18
[买书] 买书看的眼睛疼,改求Contemporary Financial Management 12th edition(Finance pr dongyuhong 2012-7-20 0240 dongyuhong 2012-7-20 10:18
[卖书] 卖Curtin300 Auditing 2012 Handbook $50 attachment ada1347 2012-7-16 1282 ada1347 2012-7-20 08:39
[卖书] Master of Professional Accounting 卖书啦!565法律!需要的朋友联系啊!考试必备 attachment kingswen 2012-7-5 8561 kingswen 2012-7-19 23:47
[卖书] 卖书啦 Curtin会计专业auditing300&taxation231 无聊的小蚊子 2012-7-16 2285 无聊的小蚊子 2012-7-19 23:38
[卖书] Accounting and finance textbook,适合ECU attachment hellgirl 2012-7-14 1310 hellgirl 2012-7-19 23:16
[卖书] 有学有关Logistics and supply chain的童鞋么?买书喽 attachment leon0411 2012-2-26 7364 leon0411 2012-7-19 22:37
[买书] 急求Accounting system204课本 whlverygood 2012-7-19 0237 whlverygood 2012-7-19 21:59
[已售] 出售managerial accounting 201, business information system book gqzheng 2012-7-19 0265 gqzheng 2012-7-19 21:59
[卖书] Accounting 卖书 Auditing 300, Decision Analysis 308, Accounting With MYOB. attachment captainbb 2012-7-9 3476 willwill 2012-7-19 21:53
[卖书] 请删贴谢谢 arielperth 2012-7-14 1257 arielperth 2012-7-19 21:09
[卖书] !!!!!!!!International economics 10th ed!!!!!!!! vithy 2012-7-19 0239 vithy 2012-7-19 19:43
[卖书] Company Law (Law 2300), Managerial Economics (ECF2380) attachment tinanana 2012-7-16 1314 tinanana 2012-7-19 19:41
[卖书] FInance Introductory 201 for sale 小女微胖 2012-7-19 0159 小女微胖 2012-7-19 19:23
[卖书] UWA &Curtin (master and bachelor)accounting and finance textbook (215,2 attachment maple 2012-3-5 6963 elaine07 2012-7-19 18:00
[买书] 求购 朱兆隆 2012-7-19 0210 朱兆隆 2012-7-19 17:03
[卖书] CURTIN ACCOUNTING用书大甩卖,售222, 300, 308等全部$45 attachment raoweifan 2012-7-4 13510 raoweifan 2012-7-19 16:18
[卖书] Economic Techeniques 201 george_lu 2012-7-13 2254 george_lu 2012-7-19 15:33
[卖书] Curtin:Marketing100新书甩卖,最新版!求购Company Law 266! magic镜子 2012-7-19 0331 magic镜子 2012-7-19 15:08
[卖书] 出手2012年auditing300,taxation231 textbook+handbook,accounting301 attachment 只是个代号 2012-7-17 7379 只是个代号 2012-7-19 14:44
[卖书] finance accounting 书大甩卖!!! attachment hjx2936 2012-7-4 1274 hjx2936 2012-7-19 14:29
[卖书] CURTIN-Finance: International Banking 563/305  sold 紫川秀 2012-7-12 1285 紫川秀 2012-7-19 13:38
[卖书] Selling Auditing textbook 2 in 1 for only $100 oliviasim 2012-7-19 0144 oliviasim 2012-7-19 13:25
[卖书] 一些二手小物品~卖书卖书 business law100 attachment 小p0426 2012-7-7 2320 小p0426 2012-7-19 12:10
[卖书] macroeconomics 200 $ 110 auditting 300 $40 lsyl007 2012-7-19 0203 lsyl007 2012-7-19 11:21
[卖书] 出售Curtin master of accounting专业的统计课用书 successwl 2012-7-19 0197 successwl 2012-7-19 10:49
[卖书] Curtin master of accounting专业的521corporate issue successwl 2012-7-19 0259 successwl 2012-7-19 10:42
[卖书] 卖几本书-SAD,sales management, introduction to finanac attachment 小小小 2012-7-19 0332 小小小 2012-7-19 10:34
[卖书] 科廷会计master 520, financial accounting steventony 2012-7-10 3233 steventony 2012-7-19 08:33
[卖书] Business law 100 nimo 2012-7-19 0270 nimo 2012-7-19 02:43
[卖书] 剑桥雅思 6,7,8 还有精讲 lf881222 2012-7-15 3250 lf881222 2012-7-18 23:10
[买书] 求524 accounting and electronic commerce的书 Electronic Commerce 9th Edition julyyan0724 2012-7-13 6342 julyyan0724 2012-7-18 22:54
[卖书] Auditing 300 kks 2012-7-18 1181 kks 2012-7-18 21:32
[已售] (SOLD) Accounting Information Systems 531  一套两本 $90 送notes fman 2012-7-18 0482 fman 2012-7-18 19:59
[卖书] CURTIN的Master of Accounting专业课本出售 attachment ljsmichelle 2012-7-18 0250 ljsmichelle 2012-7-18 19:42
[已售] [SOLD] Master of Accounting (Curtin) - Managerial Accounting 530 fman 2012-7-18 0266 fman 2012-7-18 19:39
[卖书] $60 低价甩卖2012最新版auditing300 HANDBOOK (9成新) attachment betterjuly 2012-7-5 9418 betterjuly 2012-7-18 19:38
[卖书] curtin: acc204  九成新书大甩卖!!![已卖] leeshow 2012-7-14 5356 leeshow 2012-7-18 19:26
[已售] Master of Accounting (Curtin) - Financial Accounting 520  $85 送not fman 2012-7-18 0238 fman 2012-7-18 19:20
[卖书] Bachelor of Commerce (Logistics)25AUD attachment future未来 2012-7-13 7358 future未来 2012-7-18 18:35
[卖书] Curtin Master of Accounting (531)Sold attachment future未来 2012-7-12 7375 future未来 2012-7-18 18:33
[卖书] 卖书Fin215,Acc204,Taxation231,consumer beahvior fengbo 2012-7-18 0317 fengbo 2012-7-18 17:49
[卖书] Bachelor/ Master of Finance-全部9.8成新书,最新版本,附赠全套笔记,精辟总结, james 2012-7-9 11430 yangyi199183 2012-7-18 17:25
[卖书] 毕业甩卖Accounting 250/260, corporate finance 307,Microeconomic200 xt1919 2012-7-17 1246 xt1919 2012-7-18 15:41
[卖书] 全部已经出售 attachment kb68 2012-7-7 2273 kb68 2012-7-18 15:00
[卖书] finance 302 307,上学期用书,新版 小火炮 2012-7-17 1297 yangyi199183 2012-7-18 14:53
[卖书] curtin ACC 201/301, 250/260, FIN 302 jcfive 2012-7-16 3392 jcfive 2012-7-18 14:41
[卖书] 出售curtin master of accounting MYOB & Corporate issue kellyzhang 2012-7-18 0213 kellyzhang 2012-7-18 14:33
[卖书] international finance & Finance (Market for Corporate Control)& Inter kimyoung 2012-7-12 3315 kimyoung 2012-7-18 14:16
[卖书] corporate finance 307 祥符人 2012-7-18 1299 祥符人 2012-7-18 14:10
[卖书] Curtin FINANCE & INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 书 cloud0209 2012-7-17 3359 cloud0209 2012-7-18 12:42
[买书] 想买二手company law  和法典 丫丫cookie 2012-7-18 0240 丫丫cookie 2012-7-18 12:28
[卖书] (降价)甩书!Accounting 204 Text book+hand book+全套学习资料! attachment archerli 2012-7-11 6417 archerli 2012-7-18 12:21
[卖书] $50! ACC301/201 text book+ tutorial习题+答案+全套HD资料 attachment archerli 2012-7-18 1252 archerli 2012-7-18 12:20
[已售] (2012适用) CURTIN Accounting 520, 530 (99%新書, 送notes) fman 2012-7-18 0359 fman 2012-7-18 12:08
[卖书] ##Curtin--accounting300, 220(MYOB),250/260 financial 赠送答案,   nana804 2012-6-23 3455 nana804 2012-7-18 11:02
[卖书] Curtin2012 版 Fin215+Corporation Law266(222)+ 2011版 ACC204+Business Statisti attachment echo看看书 2012-7-4 1405 echo看看书 2012-7-18 10:01
[卖书] (再次)低价2012版auditing 300(90刀)和statement analysis 222(20刀) 孙运彤 2012-6-21 9431 孙运彤 2012-7-18 08:56
[卖书] (Curtin)卖Accounting (Auditing) mm_zhou 2012-3-5 2981 mm_zhou 2012-7-18 08:43
[买书] 求Accounting (Computer Packages) 220 和Accounting (Statement Analysis) 222 书 兔牙宝宝 2012-7-5 5638 alicewang 2012-7-18 00:45
[买书] 求curtin 的 economics 100 一本 21506224 2012-7-12 1246 zxc627627 2012-7-18 00:40
[卖书] 已售 lucia69 2012-7-18 0164 lucia69 2012-7-18 00:38
[买书] 求购 Finance (Derivative Securities) 574 amy.hh 2012-7-18 0199 amy.hh 2012-7-18 00:04
[卖书] -----卖International trade 501 & Finance (international)573------ amy.hh 2012-7-17 1245 amy.hh 2012-7-18 00:01
[卖书] Retail Marketing, Human Resource managment, Strategy Marketing attachment josh 2012-7-17 0230 josh 2012-7-17 23:58
[卖书] Master of Accounting  Curtin 531/521/565 adamdu 2012-7-16 2397 adamdu 2012-7-17 22:43
[卖书] 卖 finance 302 business statistics 201 accounting 204 attachment pizza 2012-7-17 0249 pizza 2012-7-17 21:43
[卖书] project management (curtin) leild322 2012-7-17 0170 leild322 2012-7-17 21:40
[买书] 购书!新版的curtin finance principle(215) dino-wu 2012-7-17 0217 dino-wu 2012-7-17 21:23
[卖书] Accounting 308 ,accounting 204, auditing 300和consumer behavior attachment 2017甲壳虫 2012-7-17 1418 dino-wu 2012-7-17 21:19
[已售] SOLD attachment y377984334 2012-7-17 0243 y377984334 2012-7-17 21:11
[卖书] Curtin【accAIS/acc520/international trade501/acc521】 attachment diudiu 2012-7-16 5463 diudiu 2012-7-17 20:49
[买书] 求购Company Law 266 书!!!!!! 14900945 2012-7-17 1225 果子爱吃糖 2012-7-17 20:43
[已售] Only $75 compay Law 266 (2012) 最新版 attachment nihenhao 2012-7-17 2249 nihenhao 2012-7-17 19:04
[其他] 卖电高压锅 xiaohan 2012-7-12 1394 xiaohan 2012-7-17 18:33
[卖书] [卖书]Systems Analysis & Design, attachment fallen 2012-7-7 4275 fallen 2012-7-17 18:29
[卖书] Finance books (Curtin Bachelor & Master)571 & 515 attachment loveyuan0111 2012-2-28 4391 loveyuan0111 2012-7-17 17:31
[卖书] 卖书accounting215,consumer behavior,accounting204 fengbo 2012-7-16 1397 fengbo 2012-7-17 15:32
[卖书] 卖Accounting 250/260 2nd edition 书 60刀 14900945 2012-7-17 0154 14900945 2012-7-17 14:35
[卖书] 出售Curtin Accounting课本(204/222,finance 203, microeconomics 200等) alicewang 2012-7-7 6428 alicewang 2012-7-17 13:57
[卖书] curtin 卖书:Human Resource Management 200 & Entrepreneurship 300 attachment miyamiya 2012-7-16 5264 miyamiya 2012-7-17 13:36
[卖书] 卖书了2012版 Auditing 300 handbook p铜仔 2012-7-16 1270 p铜仔 2012-7-17 13:31
[卖书] Company Law 266 latest edition  only $75!! attachment nihenhao 2012-7-17 3267 nihenhao 2012-7-17 13:09
[卖书] SOLD attachment asd33333 2012-6-27 18551 asd33333 2012-7-17 12:50
[卖书] (已买到)急求!company law 266 textbook+法典! 果子爱吃糖 2012-7-17 0211 果子爱吃糖 2012-7-17 12:07
[已买] 求购 Curtin - Master of Accounting - Auditing 551 princess.j 2012-2-29 5444 princess.j 2012-7-17 12:00
[卖书] sold out attachment tough_e 2012-7-13 6347 liushuai 2012-7-17 11:39
[买书] 求sales management.的书。 paperrr 2012-7-16 1232 stella 2012-7-17 11:15
[卖书] SOLD attachment asd33333 2012-6-27 18545 asd33333 2012-7-17 10:42
[卖书] CURTIN Finance Accounting Banking 260/250,231,266,305,204,255,201,203.课本 attachment 七柒葳蕤 2012-7-15 1599 leximiao 2012-7-17 09:24
[买书] Marcoeconomics 200 & Managing Change 300 _karin 2012-7-17 0220 _karin 2012-7-17 02:01
[买书] 求 Marketing professional  practice 300 , advertising principle 211 nozomi0115 2012-7-17 0235 nozomi0115 2012-7-17 00:41
[卖书] 出售 Accouting 250(260) Finance 307 & 301 & 215 (301$307是最新版) attachment wzngzi2007 2012-7-12 5319 美金 2012-7-17 00:23
[买书] 收购 International marketing (5th edition) stella 2012-3-5 1205 cat.single 2012-7-16 23:55
[买书] 求个Fiance 计算器 最好是HP 10 B II 的 dc22dc22 2012-3-7 1209 cat.single 2012-7-16 23:54
[买书] 求international management 375 textbook.7 th edition.万分感谢啊 rainsummer 2012-3-11 1214 cat.single 2012-7-16 23:52
[卖书] Financial Calculator cat.single 2012-7-16 0260 cat.single 2012-7-16 23:47
[卖书] (卖书) Sale books cat.single 2012-7-16 0240 cat.single 2012-7-16 23:44
[卖书] ECU managerial accounting (ma) book+lecture guide 80刀 attachment gundam2009 2012-7-16 0301 gundam2009 2012-7-16 23:08
[卖书] Curtin---Accounting books for sale attachment lulu-ai 2012-7-16 0302 lulu-ai 2012-7-16 21:33
[卖书] 卖书:CURTIN:Finance, Strategy Management, BusinessLaw 沐沐 2012-7-16 0222 沐沐 2012-7-16 21:30
[卖书] 中文版经典计量经济学学基础(古扎拉蒂)超低价出售,上下册 冰哥 2012-7-16 0360 冰哥 2012-7-16 21:25
[卖书] 审计handbook,financial accounting, cost accounting等~~ attachment ziyunxuan 2012-6-22 9388 ziyunxuan 2012-7-16 21:11
[卖书] UWA商科课本出售 attachment 七柒葳蕤 2012-7-16 0302 七柒葳蕤 2012-7-16 20:47
[卖书] Curtin Auditing 300 2本 $100 wwtjz 2012-7-16 0304 wwtjz 2012-7-16 19:35
[卖书] ACC100 ~System Analysis and design 250~ Consumer behavior 2012新版 ~~~ attachment  ...2 包子君 2011-9-7 25864 包子君 2012-7-16 19:35
[卖书] 卖护理书 ICP 365 需要的书籍 盛夏灬猫 2012-7-16 0223 盛夏灬猫 2012-7-16 19:23
[卖书] 出售Curtin Buniess and Enivronmental Science书 girly 2012-7-12 1245 girly 2012-7-16 19:22
[卖书] curtin的2012版management100, 50块 21506224 2012-7-16 0214 21506224 2012-7-16 17:22
[卖书] 低价卖了,Sales management, Services marketing, Finance(Introductory), Accoun sallyshan 2012-6-4 1367 sallyshan 2012-7-16 17:15
[卖书] 卖书banking, OB.... 小兵xavier 2012-7-7 1289 zzqiuzhi 2012-7-16 16:49
[卖书] Taxation 231 curtin666 2012-7-9 4253 curtin666 2012-7-16 16:27
[卖书] finance215 便宜卖啦 kamuicrystal 2012-7-16 0227 kamuicrystal 2012-7-16 16:12
[卖书] 低价出售CURTIN 2012版 TAXATION 231 TEXTBOOK N HANDBOOK. 已售 :) minstrel 2012-6-26 2271 土豆发芽 2012-7-16 14:31
[卖书] 降价了!出售很新的financial acc 250&260, Auditing2012, Portfolio 9th edit attachment farce 2012-7-14 1246 farce 2012-7-16 13:40
[卖书] Curtin Master of Marketing [Master of Commerce (Marketing)通用] carrick36 2012-7-13 3236 carrick36 2012-7-16 12:58
[卖书] HRM third edition attachment q0_q0_q0 2012-7-16 0195 q0_q0_q0 2012-7-16 12:38
[卖书] 大甩卖!!finance和marketing用书 590!559!640!进来看看 attachment miaobsiuz 2012-6-13 14421 miaobsiuz 2012-7-16 11:56
[卖书] 买Business law100老版低价处理(已卖) attachment liufr222 2012-7-16 1207 liufr222 2012-7-16 11:26
[卖书] 剑桥 5-8 bear_920 2012-7-6 1244 sandrawq 2012-7-16 11:25
[买书] 求购 Finance derivative security的textbook! rainsummer 2012-7-14 3278 liufr222 2012-7-16 11:25
[已买] Economic development in Asia. 302/ 507 sandrawq 2012-7-16 0246 sandrawq 2012-7-16 11:13
[卖书] Master and Beachelor  books for Sale 绿军 2012-7-3 4447 sandrawq 2012-7-16 11:05
[卖书] CURTIN master of accounting 用书(531 522 531 505) s.pendulum 2012-7-13 2386 haoyou 2012-7-16 09:50
[买书] (已买到)急求300课上要用到的最新版教材  AUDITING&ASSURANCE SER attachment 果子爱吃糖 2012-7-16 0262 果子爱吃糖 2012-7-16 09:31
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