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『 二 手 书 店 』 今日: 214 |主题: 4567|排名: 111 

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[已买] curtin  accounting100 Business Law 100 &  Economics 1 yan2012 2013-2-26 0360 yan2012 2013-2-26 21:28
[卖书] ECU 教材 1234567abcd 2013-2-26 1132 1234567abcd 2013-2-26 18:45
[卖书] curtin卖书,finance management 212, business law 100 attachment wj0205 2013-2-22 3255 wj0205 2013-2-26 17:12
[卖书] ECU year 1的新生注意啦~~~~全新书本卖 attachment feeling5569 2013-2-25 3166 feeling5569 2013-2-26 17:07
[买书] 求购ECU Master of Computer Science 的书 davidperth 2013-2-25 0151 davidperth 2013-2-25 19:57
[卖书] Auditing 300 recommended reading material attachment williamssong 2013-2-25 0123 williamssong 2013-2-25 18:44
[卖书] 低价出售Brother HL2130 Laser 打印机 和 ACC308 fengbo 2013-2-25 0125 fengbo 2013-2-25 18:35
[卖书] 出售 master of accounting 516 ,520,530 yuki88 2013-2-24 1322 yuki88 2013-2-25 16:22
[卖书] Creating Business Value with IT (BIS1100) attachment 豚三 2013-2-25 073 豚三 2013-2-25 13:59
[卖书] ACCOUNTING 1100 attachment 豚三 2013-2-25 0129 豚三 2013-2-25 13:54
[买书] 跪求一本ECU LAW1100....._(:зゝ∠)_ zyx88103 2013-2-22 1251 feeling5569 2013-2-25 11:56
[卖书] 吾儿傻波 2012-7-26 3298 吾儿傻波 2013-2-25 11:55
[卖书] Consumer Behavior 2012 semester 2 edition attachment kbryant 2013-2-17 1228 summercxl 2013-2-25 11:04
[卖书] 出售 curtin accounting & finance 书籍 attachment 逍遥酷酷 2013-1-29 7284 逍遥酷酷 2013-2-24 22:20
[卖书] 【已卖】ECU 会计第一年ACC1100 ECF1120 LAW1100 等 毅个留学生 2013-2-23 3225 毅个留学生 2013-2-24 20:57
[卖书] curtin college商科的同学进来啦,新增business law.marketing, business stastics attachment huanxuan35 2013-2-12 2222 daoruaimimay 2013-2-24 19:25
[卖书] master of accounting ,books for sale attachment bug 2013-2-21 3264 bug 2013-2-24 14:09
[卖书] ECU IT专业书籍以及MKT的书,必须的 peter081016 2013-2-22 1151 connie0516 2013-2-24 11:34
[卖书] Curtin Accounting 100用书(共2册)  一共$25刀 attachment 错克来夕 2013-2-24 0125 错克来夕 2013-2-24 00:24
[卖书] Curtin 201/ 301,250/260,231, 266书大甩卖,marketing, business law 100贱卖 土豆发芽 2013-2-23 0286 土豆发芽 2013-2-23 18:08
[卖书] Strategic public relations: A practical guide to success attachment hfeeler 2013-2-23 0141 hfeeler 2013-2-23 15:08
[买书] Curtin 计算机科学 专业课书籍~求购 seven880221 2013-2-23 0105 seven880221 2013-2-23 12:42
[卖书] murdoch 会计书 dddgcs60 2013-2-23 0171 dddgcs60 2013-2-23 07:56
[卖书] !低价出售!Curtin-Master of Professional Accounting Semester1 会计书 530/516/5 attachment olive_bing 2013-2-22 0264 olive_bing 2013-2-22 10:54
[卖书] 已卖出去 蓝皮鼠 2013-2-22 0124 蓝皮鼠 2013-2-22 10:05
[已售] 已售~ shiyou123 2012-11-18 14500 shiyou123 2013-2-21 23:54
[买书] 求购UWA marketing用书和FA的书 吴凡嘻嘻 2013-2-21 0144 吴凡嘻嘻 2013-2-21 22:31
[卖书] 卖  account, finance,HR 上课用书辅导书 便宜 吴凡嘻嘻 2012-2-24 3461 吴凡嘻嘻 2013-2-21 22:27
[卖书] curtin工程类用书大甩卖啊!!国内教材同样适合其他学校工科,还有几本国内生物教材 attachment jo_e_y 2012-12-9 2207 jo_e_y 2013-2-21 19:19
[卖书] Curtin Nusring Applied Bioscience 264 指定必备教科书影印版 仅40刀 grace041111 2013-2-21 0140 grace041111 2013-2-21 12:09
[卖书] curtin accounting 及finance 教科书, finance principle215, finance managerial 疯了的狼人 2013-2-21 0176 疯了的狼人 2013-2-21 00:52
[卖书] UWA Commerce textbook attachment alexma27059 2013-2-20 0668 alexma27059 2013-2-20 15:05
[买书] ecu accounting专业  买书 winniexk 2013-2-20 0251 winniexk 2013-2-20 13:59
[卖书] Finance(Corporate)307书+全套HD资料 attachment archerli 2012-12-16 4199 archerli 2013-2-20 09:19
[卖书] 出售Auditing 300 text book+Handbook+全套HD资料 archerli 2013-2-11 3188 archerli 2013-2-20 09:16
[卖书] master of management (Curtin) Intercultural business communication attachment dongyuhong 2013-2-19 097 dongyuhong 2013-2-19 23:52
[卖书] Master of Management Management Overview attachment dongyuhong 2013-2-19 092 dongyuhong 2013-2-19 23:47
[卖书] 科廷CIC工程专业新生进(COM和math)。。。 googleybc 2013-2-19 0126 googleybc 2013-2-19 22:02
[卖书] 低价出售 BBA书籍 HR200  Strategic Management 313 312166205 2013-2-19 0215 312166205 2013-2-19 16:55
[卖书] 低价出售 BBA书籍 HR200  Strategic Management 313 312166205 2013-2-19 0102 312166205 2013-2-19 16:55
[卖书] CURTIN 大一,CIC的同学请进,便宜大甩卖啦.... qwas112233 2013-2-19 0162 qwas112233 2013-2-19 15:30
[卖书] Master of accounting Corporation Issure(515) attachment dongyuhong 2013-2-19 0163 dongyuhong 2013-2-19 10:44
[卖书] Master of accounting Managerial accounting(521) attachment dongyuhong 2013-2-19 0117 dongyuhong 2013-2-19 10:35
[卖书] master of accounting Information systerm (Curtin) attachment dongyuhong 2013-2-19 0135 dongyuhong 2013-2-19 10:30
[卖书] master of accounting Finance Principle attachment dongyuhong 2013-2-19 0132 dongyuhong 2013-2-19 10:26
[卖书] master of accounting Taxation(515) attachment dongyuhong 2013-2-19 0129 dongyuhong 2013-2-19 10:22
[卖书] Curtin college的precalculus公道价格 googleybc 2013-2-19 0111 googleybc 2013-2-19 02:21
[卖书] 出售UWA   2013年consumer behaviour 课程专用课本,2013年版本 attachment jenniss 2013-2-13 1241 jenniss 2013-2-19 01:27
[卖书] 卖语言bridging书!顺便寻求Curtin的PR本科书籍 attachment 西瓜李 2013-2-18 0129 西瓜李 2013-2-18 18:29
[卖书] 賣MURDOCH 的書 attachment baby0603 2011-4-18 3582 neilli 2013-2-18 10:49
[卖书] curtin 学生低价出售   corporate finance 和其他一些金融书籍 attachment 66036670 2012-12-1 5362 66036670 2013-2-17 20:17
[卖书] 卖书 2012 semester 2: master of finance textbook attachment kbryant 2013-2-17 0207 kbryant 2013-2-17 15:39
[已售] 出售UWA master of commerce的必修课本 sookie 2013-2-17 0223 sookie 2013-2-17 12:31
[卖书] $80 ECU 日语全套书籍+光盘 attachment kimi 2013-2-16 0140 kimi 2013-2-16 23:42
[卖书] yr11或12,卖书,9成新书 attachment karen_p 2013-2-16 0134 karen_p 2013-2-16 21:55
[卖书] curtin BBA SM 313 MC300 课本 樱小晴 2013-2-7 1149 樱小晴 2013-2-15 23:24
[卖书] 毕业出售Curtin 二手书 Accounting Decision Analysis kelvinhwyip 2013-2-15 0893 kelvinhwyip 2013-2-15 23:03
[卖书] curtin enginneering 第一、二年级用书,便宜甩卖了,工作已经转让。 黄茂辉 2013-2-2 6234 黄茂辉 2013-2-15 20:01
[其他] ****_求租karawara/waterfold centre/curtin 的房间_*** dlyl 2013-2-14 0250 dlyl 2013-2-14 22:18
[卖书] 出售会计类教科书 0433155758 2013-2-12 0305 0433155758 2013-2-12 14:19
[卖书] 出售 fin 215 attachment xuexueyang 2013-2-12 0118 xuexueyang 2013-2-12 00:41
[卖书] 出售accounting 250/260和 acc201/301 attachment xuexueyang 2013-2-12 0139 xuexueyang 2013-2-12 00:39
[卖书] 大甩賣! 已經賣了很多本 !$5 一本 任選! attachment xuexueyang 2013-2-11 0203 xuexueyang 2013-2-11 19:00
[卖书] 出售Curtin College engineering CICⅣ(TPP/TAP)书 部落垃圾 2013-2-3 2679 部落垃圾 2013-2-11 14:41
[卖书] Curtin 会计方面的书低价出售 灰常可爱 2013-1-5 1298 irason 2013-2-10 12:24
[卖书] CURTIN 商科用书,CIC也可用 qwas112233 2013-2-9 0147 qwas112233 2013-2-9 22:56
[买书] 买书MYOB,HRM tough_e 2013-1-4 4446 樱小晴 2013-2-7 21:13
[卖书] Commerce Accounting 小虎 2013-2-7 0147 小虎 2013-2-7 15:26
[卖书] curtin auditing 300 & consumer behavior arielperth 2013-2-6 0199 arielperth 2013-2-6 14:49
[卖书] curting商科毕业学士袍,仅用一次,50刀 heinrich 2013-2-4 01125 heinrich 2013-2-4 11:41
[卖书] 教科书低价出,micro&macro economics, international finance 20刀一本 3本50 heinrich 2013-2-4 0185 heinrich 2013-2-4 11:33
[卖书] 3cd maths,specialist maths 3c , yr12chemistry 以及maths3cd revisionseries iris_敏敏 2013-1-31 0196 iris_敏敏 2013-1-31 23:00
[求助] business statistics的Excel作业求辅导 chy127 2013-1-30 1188 chy127 2013-1-31 19:48
[其他] 賣1部graphic計算器,$85 attachment abbymamama 2012-12-22 6295 abbymamama 2013-1-30 18:33
[买书] business law 100 xiaolong11 2013-1-29 0136 xiaolong11 2013-1-29 17:21
[卖书] 卖书 全部90%新书 curtin university rover515 2013-1-29 1133 rover515 2013-1-29 13:08
[卖书] 出售taylors college year 11 书本 小布什 2013-1-28 0134 小布什 2013-1-28 20:21
[卖书] TAFE 和Uni的课本出售 attachment lei-lei 2013-1-27 0199 lei-lei 2013-1-27 12:30
[卖书] .................................. 猪大鼠 2012-12-15 1184 猪大鼠 2013-1-24 16:07
[卖书] 出售学习用品casio触屏计算器,2C,D数学书 cassia_w 2012-11-7 1707 王瑛枫 2013-1-23 19:07
[买书] 急急急求购Business Statistics by Diane Morien pp390824235 2013-1-18 0137 pp390824235 2013-1-18 09:54
[卖书] Cutin: SAD251-System Analysis & Design attachment nbglpg 2012-7-15 2198 torres0701 2013-1-15 17:32
[卖书] (SOLD) NAATI 二级口译官方样题(带CD) 低价转了转了!!! attachment wave09 2013-1-14 1966 wave09 2013-1-15 10:30
[卖书] 低价出售科庭CIC BL100 ACC 220 ACC100的书 audir8 2013-1-6 3333 audir8 2013-1-14 21:16
[卖书] Curtin 会计专业主课+一些选修课书 attachment yan877639000 2013-1-5 2405 yan877639000 2013-1-13 22:22
[买书] 求购 language  LEADER 就是GE5的语言课本 神样的飞哥 2013-1-13 2324 神样的飞哥 2013-1-13 18:20
[买书] 【买书】求雅思书,慎小嶷的口语听力突破 peachleah 2013-1-13 0159 peachleah 2013-1-13 09:58
[卖书] 【免费】赠送备考雅思书籍资料 希望能帮助到最需要的人 斐尔 2012-10-18 5470 peachleah 2013-1-13 09:52
[卖书] 出售Macro200/500, CB201,Management100,BIS100 stou 2012-7-22 4294 小星星 2013-1-12 11:53
[卖书] 卖书喽 curtin  taxation231  business law100 from 25AUD kamuicrystal 2012-12-31 2208 kamuicrystal 2013-1-12 00:43
[卖书] 贱卖accounting250-260, business law, finance215 attachment doris022 2013-1-11 0172 doris022 2013-1-11 15:12
[买书] 急寻year10的数学物理化学旧书 dianer123 2012-11-20 2311 raynetse 2013-1-10 21:30
[买书] MYBO带光盘,最好附送每节课老师给的上一节课的答案 angelmyth86 2013-1-10 0202 angelmyth86 2013-1-10 16:59
[卖书] 已售 zw85424715 2013-1-9 0134 zw85424715 2013-1-9 17:01
[买书] 急求MYOB 19th for 505,多谢多谢~~ 果仁儿cc 2013-1-9 0156 果仁儿cc 2013-1-9 12:04
[卖书] 大量accounting 書出售 全部90%新 attachment pwng 2013-1-7 0826 pwng 2013-1-7 19:41
[卖书] Curtin BBA教科书便宜出售 朱兆隆 2013-1-3 1241 joejorjoe 2013-1-6 17:37
[卖书] 出售 西澳高中 12 年级的 数学、高数、物理、化学、经济、生物和文学课本,如有兴趣 richardcnooc 2013-1-5 1137 alice0412 2013-1-6 06:22
[卖书] 卖书 Introduction to Management Science attachment henrylee 2013-1-5 0148 henrylee 2013-1-5 22:36
[卖书] 卖书 Investment Analysis attachment henrylee 2013-1-5 0243 henrylee 2013-1-5 22:33
[卖书] 卖书 First Principles of Business Law attachment henrylee 2013-1-5 0129 henrylee 2013-1-5 22:23
[卖书] 卖书 Undrstanding Company Law attachment henrylee 2013-1-5 0174 henrylee 2013-1-5 22:20
[卖书] finance principle 215新版和company law266 新版 出售 shelly1298 2012-11-21 1254 shelly1298 2013-1-4 22:13
[买书] 科廷学术语言用书 lexi. 2013-1-4 0126 lexi. 2013-1-4 20:06
[求助] CPA116 Contemporary Business Issues perth印象 2012-12-18 2436 dream4 2013-1-4 11:43
[卖书] Murdoch Accounting theory &  Management accounting hkdream 2011-6-18 2420 hkdream 2013-1-1 17:03
[卖书] canning college year 11和year 12的书出售~! attachment zhangyujia 2012-11-16 13331 zhangyujia 2012-12-31 14:15
[卖书] 话不多说,卖书~ attachment desnice 2012-6-26 14731 desnice 2012-12-31 11:13
[卖书] 賣ECON1100, ACC1100, BL1100, ACC2201 yy04 2012-12-31 0165 yy04 2012-12-31 07:39
[卖书] 钟连城小说出售:赌王之1-赌博神童 , 赌王之2-最后反扑 , 每本 $2 attachment lang86007 2012-12-30 0223 lang86007 2012-12-30 00:34
[卖书] Master of Accounting 书本甩卖!并且附送学习资料! missy_chi 2012-11-27 2321 missy_chi 2012-12-28 18:43
[卖书] 卖二手的Financial Calculator HP 10bII jasonjia 2012-12-27 0885 jasonjia 2012-12-27 17:51
[求助] 卖,卖卖 dingding2012 2012-12-26 0200 dingding2012 2012-12-26 09:21
[卖书] 卖ECU ACC3201 Accounting Information Systems jasonjia 2012-12-15 1243 dingding2012 2012-12-26 09:20
[已售] accounting information system531用书便宜出售并附赠学习资料 attachment 赛里木湖 2012-12-3 1772 赛里木湖 2012-12-23 13:18
[卖书] CURTIN & UWA 商科用书  便宜甩卖 价钱可议 attachment vickypc 2012-12-15 11452 vickypc 2012-12-21 20:52
[卖书] 卖会计相关的书本哦,Accounting 250 wanqingwu 2012-12-15 1275 wanqingwu 2012-12-21 15:52
[买书] Naati学习资料及电子词典 attach_img uvw 2012-12-20 02222 uvw 2012-12-20 21:35
[卖书] acc250/260 201/301 215 超多书便宜卖 start from 5$ cheapcheapcheap attachment xuexueyang 2012-12-6 2221 xuexueyang 2012-12-19 22:46
[卖书] Curtin accounting (Bachelor): 330 & 301 提供assignment的tips.有图有真相。 attachment cindyyu 2012-12-18 0171 cindyyu 2012-12-18 22:36
[卖书] 出售Auditing 300 text book+Handbook+全套HD资料 attachment archerli 2012-12-16 1170 archerli 2012-12-18 19:40
[卖书] 大量IELTS 雅思4个7实战资料 出售 A和G类都有 attachment pink 2012-11-18 4377 pink 2012-12-17 21:08
[卖书] 又是一年卖书季。Curtin会计专业的看过来!有330 & 301 & 266啦啦啦~~~ attachment zichao 2012-12-6 8269 zichao 2012-12-17 14:13
[卖书] Curtin读的master of accounting,现在毕业了有几本text book,需要的同学进来看看 attachment super.marian 2012-12-17 0187 super.marian 2012-12-17 00:39
[卖书] curtin acc: 超低价!! AUDITING loiszn 2012-12-14 0487 loiszn 2012-12-14 23:21
[卖书] 超低价curtin master of acc: 2012 taxation and law loiszn 2012-12-14 0201 loiszn 2012-12-14 23:13
[卖书] ★★★ECU商科书,还剩MAN2601,MAN3503,INB2101,INB3600。★★★ nichenrui426 2012-3-7 15825 西澳野牛 2012-12-14 15:40
[卖书] Accounting Information Text book and quickbook 小虎 2012-12-14 0296 小虎 2012-12-14 12:17
[其他] 卖充气的air pump attachment luoluoyehua 2012-12-13 0277 luoluoyehua 2012-12-13 10:53
[卖书] ★★国外学位认证中国教育部认证中心指定办理使馆教育部认証100%网上可查永久档案! 新幸福 2012-12-10 0108 新幸福 2012-12-10 18:34
[卖书] Murdoch BUS161 Introduction to economics 全套低价出售 非常新 attachment sukilee 2012-12-8 0130 sukilee 2012-12-8 16:42
[服务] CPA117 Financial risk mgt学习资料免费赠送 kris808 2012-12-8 0208 kris808 2012-12-8 13:46
[买书] 求书:Yr11CHE2AB  Yr12PHY3AB  ACC3AB specilist miowes 2012-12-7 0183 miowes 2012-12-7 17:35
[卖书] 便宜卖记事本和笔。 fiona.xu 2012-11-11 1240 miowes 2012-12-7 17:13
[卖书] 超便宜降价出售:Taxation231+法典.Acc308.Acc250/260.日语书Nakama1a boboken 2012-12-4 0246 boboken 2012-12-4 12:39
[卖书] (附图)出售日文书NAKAMA 1一本!!!(含111,112内容) attachment 甄曼莉 2012-12-4 0235 甄曼莉 2012-12-4 01:11
[求助] 有同学可以借Audit Handbook 2012用一周吗? richiano 2012-12-3 0220 richiano 2012-12-3 21:54
[已售] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! zwlzwl119 2012-11-19 1279 zwlzwl119 2012-12-2 16:27
[卖书] 565 business and corporation Law $80 attachment luther419 2012-12-2 1206 luther419 2012-12-2 11:08
[卖书] CURTIN / ELB BLOCK 1/ three books/ second hand menglu 2012-11-30 0206 menglu 2012-11-30 17:24
[卖书] Curtin accounting 学生 出售Company law 266 和Accouting(Finance)250 yaouu0629 2012-11-30 0252 yaouu0629 2012-11-30 08:32
[买书] Curin Accounting & Finance (买就送资料~~) pizza 2012-11-29 0226 pizza 2012-11-29 21:51
[卖书] thanks sdeerlu 2012-11-11 4265 sdeerlu 2012-11-28 20:58
[买书] 急求Curtin ELB block2 的书 jasonchow 2012-11-27 1724 shuiseeo 2012-11-28 19:13
[卖书] Curtin 语言书 EAP bridging  ELB课本 各种专业课本 attachment 海誓 2012-7-24 6513 jasonchow 2012-11-27 13:07
[卖书] CURTIN Bridging block 2 EPA NOW 低价转让 attachment wjsilence 2012-10-5 5338 jasonchow 2012-11-27 13:05
[卖书] Curtin bridging block 2 低价出售 jakura 2012-10-31 1270 jasonchow 2012-11-27 13:05
[卖书] Curtin bridging block2 书低价出售40刀新书 gmx19691116 2012-11-3 1171 jasonchow 2012-11-27 13:02
[卖书] 降价 出售Company Law 266 书+法典 Accounting250/260书 14900945 2012-11-2 13330 14900945 2012-11-26 15:01
[卖书] 出售 CURTIN2012版TAXATION 教科书+法典 共$70 feifreedom 2012-11-26 0184 feifreedom 2012-11-26 10:48
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