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发表于 2007-3-3 13:30:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Just Enjoy Greentea嘴巴甜一点,脑筋活一点,行动快一点,效率高一点,做事多一点,说话轻一点,微笑多一点

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发表于 2007-3-4 09:05:50 | 只看该作者
查黄页,一般出来的第1个就是最好的了,哈哈 [s:2]  [s:2]  [s:2]
[fly]一个人的好天气,     时间就是一锅大浓汤,       我的生命就是一只苍蝇,       尽管我只是一只渺小的苍蝇,           我要怀着对未知的敬畏和期待,             飞进那锅浓汤。[/fly]
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A.U.元老勋章优秀荣誉勋章高级管理勋章A.U.PEOPLE华人俱乐部成员勋章A.U.PEOPLE 终身成就奖社区居民社区明星

 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-4 11:32:19 | 只看该作者
Sea freight and Airfreight Companies in Perth

TNT  (9266 2925 - Go to Curtin Guild Copy Centre for more information)
Seven Seas  (1800 21 66 98 or www.seven-seas.com.au )
Ifb Network Pty Ltd  (1088 622 169 or www.ifbnetwork.com.au)
ExportAir  (9477 1080 or http://www.exportair.com.au )
Pack & Send  (9433 1511 or www.packsend.com.au )
Australian International Express Pty Ltd  (9243 0808 or aie1@iinnet.net.au )
Atlas Global Logistics  (9353 2636 or www.atlasglobal.com.au )
Bax Global  (9353 2111 or operations.per@baxglobal.com )
Refer also see the Yellow Pages - Freight Companies

NB: The companies listed above have been used in the past by Curtin students, but none are endorsed by Curtin University as the preferred provider!

Useful Tips
Most freight companies supply strong, specially designed packing boxes
Allow for 2-3 days notice for parcel pick-ups - excluding weekends
Lodge excess baggage 7-10 days prior to your departure if you want goods to arrive at home at about the same time as you.
Label boxes with your name, home telephone number and address.
Books must be in boxes that weigh NO MORE than 25kg each.
You need to complete a Consignment note, Packing List and a Customs Declaration
Get Assistance to fill out required information
Pack and close boxes - do not seal, as the content may need to be inspected.
Allow 7-14 days for door-to-door airfreight delivery.
Paperwork and Information to complete
International Airline ticket details.
Contact phone number in Australia and country of destination
Consignment note
Passport - photocopy of front page and student visa
Packing List - including itemised values
Customs Declaration
Unknown Shipper Declaration
How to Pack
Packing your goods correctly is an important factor in ensuring that they arrive safely at the destination. Some useful tips to assist you:

Ensure that your chosen packaging is in good condition eg: suitcases not ripped or damaged.
Acceptable packaging - suitcases, backpacks, cardboard cartons, plastic drums.
If you can't lift the item, it is too heavy!!
Be aware that it is an offence to carry Dangerous Goods .
Industry approved quality packing cartons are available for sale from Freight Companies
Bicycle packs are often available from your local bike shops.
It is recommended that you complete a packing list. Attach this to the documentation accompanying your freight.
Padlocking suitcases and securely taping cartons is recommended.
All items must be individually labelled with your
Address at destination
Phone Number at destination
Particularly fragile items should be professionally packed to minimise the risk of damage. Ask the company for referrals to quality packing companies.
NB: Separate insurance is recommended for breakable and valuable items.
'How to Pack' information supplied by Exportair.

Special Conditions for Returning Your Belongings to Indonesia
If you are sending personal belongings back home to Indonesia, you may be eligible for Duty Exemption. In order to get Duty Exemption:

You must have been overseas for at least 12 months
The consignment note must be accompanied by a recommendation from the Indonesian Consulate
It is recommended that you go to the Consulate in person to present your Passport and to obtain the recommendation.
If you fail to produce the relevant documents, duty charges may apply at final destination.
For more information contact:

Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia - Western Australia - 134 Adelaide Terrace, Perth WA - Tel: 08 9221 5858, Fax: 08 9221 5688

Sending Your Pets Back Home
Exportair, a local Airfreight company, extends its services to include the transport of your pets and other live animals to most worldwide destinations. You have the choice of: arranging the transport yourself or placing it in the hands of a pet handling agency. If you will be making the arrangements yourself, you will need to arrange the following things before contacting Exportair to make the booking:

Quarantine Requirements : As Australia is free of most diseases, obtaining the permit you will require is a relatively simple procedure. Contact the Quarantine Department AQIS on (08) 9311 5352 to find out the requirements for your destination. They will advise you if an import permit is required for your destination country and the procedure to apply for an Export Permit and Health Certificate where applicable.

Animal Transport Containers : You will need to organise a crate or container for your pet to travel in, wooden crates are preferred for dogs. To determine the best size crate take the measurements of your animal: height, length and width in centimetres, as this will help to determine the most economical crate size. You will then be given the appropriate crate size in centimetres.

Organising the Flight : Once you have organised the above points, you are ready to make the booking with Exportair for the transport of your animal. Contact the provider 7 to 10 days prior to the date you wish your pet to fly.

At this time the freight company will require the following details:

Name, address and telephone number of the person to receive the animal at the destination
The actual weight of the animal and crate combined
Import permit number (if applicable)
Dimensions of crate in centimetres
They will also need to know if you require the animal to be on the same flight as yourself. This can only be done if adequate time is allowed for transit, as animals must fly on the most direct route.

What to do after the Booking : Exportair will make the booking with the airline on your behalf. If there are any problems with the booking you will be contacted immediately. You need to make a booking with Quarantine for the morning of the day before your flight (as early as possible). After your Quarantine appointment you must come immediately to Exportair with your documentation and payment (cash only). Your pet must be available for Exportair to see them at this time. Exportair will advise you exactly where and at what time you need to deliver your pet to the airline prior to the flight.

Letting the Pet Handling Agent Do the Work : For efficiency and value for money service:

Roellen Pet Transport: Telephone: (08) 9295 2658 Email: jcasotti@purrever.com.au

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Content Last Modified: April 21, 2006
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Just Enjoy Greentea嘴巴甜一点,脑筋活一点,行动快一点,效率高一点,做事多一点,说话轻一点,微笑多一点
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发表于 2007-3-6 18:25:45 | 只看该作者
seven sea我当初电话过,总部在mel,perth代理的,只是和curtin有合作。不便宜的,价格和au post一样。
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