以前晚上10点后开车,在路上看到有华人模样一个人还在CURTIN 的大草坪上走路,这样是有点危险,平时就算是几个月一个人都没有发生什么事故,但一旦发生一次,钱财身外舞事小,可能会毁了一生或者有生命危险的
西澳洲PERTH 手机危险紧急求救电话(比000更有效和快速):
11 2
西澳洲PERTH 报警电话:
Security off campus
9266 4444
or 1300 00 4444
Security on-campus
EXT 4444
三. 遇到骚乱时,尽量保持远离。一旦遭到袭击,以保护自身安全为主,适当的时候可采取正当防卫。迅速报警,固定电话可拨打000及131444,手机则只能拨打112。)
Assault procedure
In an emergency - dial 5
From a public phone or mobile phone, ring the police on 000.
Do not wash, shower, change clothes or clean up in any way until after talking to the police and going to the hospital. You could destroy vital evidence.
Don't drink alcohol or take tranquillisers or other drugs as you will have to give a clear account of what has happened.
Try to remember everything you can about your attacker.
Remember, you are the victim. You have nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about.
Police officers are aware that a person who has been assaulted, sexually or otherwise, is likely to be suffering from emotional shock. They will do all they can to make things as easy as possible for you.
The Security Office (located behind the Student Guild Tavern, near the decked Car Park No.11) - 9266 4444.
University Counselling Services - 9266 7850.
Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) - 9380 1820.
Guild Student Assistance - 9266 2900.
Medical emergency procedure
Immediately dial 5
Give your name, location, number of people involved, details of medical emergency. Await further instruction and advice.
Render whatever assistance you can.
Harrassment procedure
In an emergency - dial 5
From a public phone or mobile phone, ring the police on 000.
If you are being harassed on campus, call Campus Security on 9266 4444 at any time.
Report all incidents of harassment to a contact officer (confidentiality is ensured).
Sexual harassment is not always violent - it takes place in many different forms. Sexual oriented comments, jokes, abuse, gestures, and the display of sexually offensive materials are all examples of sexual harassment, and the assailant does not have to be a stranger.
For more information about what to do in relation to assault please see the Safety Website
The Security Office (located behind the Student Guild Tavern, near the decked Car Park No.11) - 9266 4444.
University Counselling Services - 9266 7850.
Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) - 9380 1820.
Guild Student Assistance - 9266 2900.
Fire procedure
Do NOT panic.
DIAL "5". Report the location and details of the fire.
Alert other occupants by calling "FIRE".
Attend to human life in danger.
If appropriate, select the correct fire extinguisher and dispense the contents on the fire..... Only if appropriate.
If you are uncertain or are unable to extinguish the fire, leave the via the fire escape..... Do NOT use lifts
Note: If a Floor Warden/Deputy Warden is present obey their instructions.
Do NOT endanger your life, or the life of others. If in doubt, leave the building or area immediately.
It is the responsibility of every occupant to become familiar with the location and correct use of all fire fighting equipment. Please be aware that training is supplied by Edusafe.
Evacuation procedure
On hearing a verbal emergency warning, if possible collect personal effects and wait. Listen carefully for further instructions.
On hearing an emergency evacuation signal (ie an intermittent 'hooter'), or verbal evacuation command, leave the building via the emergency exit.
Do NOT run. Do NOT panic.
Move well clear of the 'Emergency Site'.
Physically disabled persons should, if possible, take up their station in the pre-designated location; or place themselves in a safe position, easily sighted.
All persons shall listen to and obey the instructions of Floor Wardens and/or Building Wardens.
Earthquake procedure
If you are outside - move to an open area away from any buildings.
If you are inside a building - take shelter under tables, desks or in doorways.
Stay away from windows, shelving, and large free standing furniture.
After the earthquake, look for any injured persons in your area and follow Medical Emergency Procedures if necessary.
If safe to do so, leave the building as soon as possible.
一. 在西澳最常见的犯罪行为是入室偷盗以及恣意破坏。多数犯罪都是机会犯罪,且因 服食毒品而引起犯罪的几率占大多数。
二. 偷盗区别于抢劫。当遇到抢劫时,最需要注意的是不能逞英雄,要保持镇定,按照劫犯的要求做。寻找机会脱离险情,迅速报警,并留心劫犯特征,保持犯罪现场原状,记录犯罪证据。发现物品遭到偷窃时,可以用固定电话或手机拨打131444报警;而遇到抢劫时,固定电话拨打000,手机则只能拨打112。
三. 遇到骚乱时,尽量保持远离。一旦遭到袭击,以保护自身安全为主,适当的时候可采取正当防卫。迅速报警,固定电话可拨打000及131444,手机则只能拨打112。
四. 了解所在院校安全部门联系方式。时常留心周围环境;若发现被跟踪,迅速走到人多或明亮的地方;尽量携同伴同行;若遇到危险,尽量大声求救。
五. 不要总是在同一时间同一地点乘坐同一辆公车。如果不得已在夜间独自乘车,尽量呆在明亮的地方;如果在学校里面可联系安全部门,他们提供专车送往车站;尽量选择坐的士;不要搭陌生人的便车;只与你熟识的人同行。
六. 遇到陌生人索要钱财时,最好的做法是不予理睬,迅速走开。若其仍继续纠缠,就称自己没有一分钱。保持镇定,不要与其发生争执。
七. 如果遇到突然袭击时可采用正当防卫。如果只是为了维护自身安全,可以使用适当的武器,但日常出门时不能随身携带刀具武器。
八. 看管好个人财物,不要将贵重物品放置在显眼的地方。尽量给你的物品做上记号并将细节记录下来;比如说可将手机的IME号码记下,如果手机被盗可将此号提供给你的服务商,他能将你丢失的手机锁住,并很有可能靠这个寻回手机。(IME号码在手机电池附近;也可键入“*#06#”查询。)
警方代表一再强调,留澳学生学者必须增强自我保护意识,避免不必要的潜在危险;应当熟记报警、火警、医疗求助及急救电话 |