I was struglling to make a decision as well. But after a careful consideration, I have deicided to keep my Chinese passport. I respect the people who changed their passport, this is a personal choice, no one should blame on it.
Reason 1, Cultrual identity. I won't feel confident to say I am a Chinese any more if legally I am not a Chinese citizien. And I will never say I am an Australian because I know I am not.
Reason 2, If you live in Australia, there is no difference for a PR or citizen, unless you want to vote for election or work in the government.
Reason 3, I might get a Australian passport when China reconise double citizenship, I think that should be possible in couple of years.
Reason 4, need a visa to travel to other country is the most readiclous excuse I have heard. As long as you have money, no matter RMB or dollars, you will always find a way to go where you want to go.
Reason 5, China is stronger and stronger, Chinese passport will be world wide accepted and respected in one day.
No offence to anybody, above is just my personal opinions.
Peace and Respect [s:2] |