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[其他] 澳洲华裔博士被7名少年围殴致死 离家仅500米









发表于 2008-1-28 10:11:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
澳洲华裔博士被7名少年围殴致死 离家仅500米(图)
新闻来源: 新快报 于January 27, 2008 14:05:04 

新快报1月28日综合报道 墨尔本维多利亚大学华裔博士曹中军



日前在富士贵(FOOTSCRAY)区遇袭重伤的男子,警方已证实其身份,他是来自中国的学者曹忠俊(ZHONGJUN CAO,译音),是维多利亚(VICTORIA)大学的研究员,目前仍在皇家墨尔本医院(RMH)留医,需依靠仪器维持生命。




Article from: Herald Sun

January 25, 2008 12:00am

A MAN who is clinging to life after being bashed by youths on a suburban street is a loving husband and father with a doctorate in philosophy.

Dr Zhongjun Cao, 41, was bashed by up to seven youths on Tuesday night while walking home from Victoria University in Ballarat Rd, Footscray.

Dr Cao is the research fellow at the university's post compulsory education centre.

He helps overseas students with their studies.

He was about 500m from home when the group of youths surrounded and attacked him in Empire St about 10.45pm.

Homicide detectives have appealed for those attackers who played lesser roles to contact them.

Chinese-born Dr Cao, who was last night on life support in Royal Melbourne Hospital, is married with a teenage daughter.

He has been living in Australia since 2001 and is a permanent resident.

Two locals saw the slightly built Dr Cao punched to the ground and then kicked mercilessly by the youths.

His attackers have been described as being of different ethnic appearances.

Detectives have described the bashing as an unprovoked and unwarranted attack on a defenceless victim.

"We have an educated man who, we believe, was heading home from a day at university when he was attacked," Acting Det Sen-Sgt Wayne Woltsche, of the homicide squad, told the Herald Sun yesterday.

"He's a law-abiding citizen who was just going about his business.

"This was a totally unprovoked and unnecessary act of violence.

"There was just no reason to attack him."

Police believe the attack could have been a robbery gone wrong.

Investigators yesterday doorknocked the area in the search for more witnesses.

They are also checking with local police for any standout suspects.

Detectives have repeated their call for two young women who spoke to a group of youths at a nearby McDonald's on Tuesday night to contact Crime Stoppers.

The women were in a dark blue Mitsubishi Lancer with a rear P-plate when a group of youths approached them as they used the restaurant drive-through.

The group of young men match the description of Dr Cao's attackers.

Police are also asking for a man who rang 000 from a public phone box in Gordon St to call back.

That man rang about 11pm on Tuesday to report youths causing trouble at a shopping strip.

Dr Cao's wife and daughter were last night keeping a vigil by his hospital bed.

Anyone with information is urged to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or go to www.crimestoppers.com.au

Cao Zhongjun dies after bashing in Footscray

January 26, 2008 05:51pm

A 41-year-old university researcher who was attacked by a gang of youths in Melbourne's west earlier this week has died in hospital.
Dr Cao Zhongjun - a research fellow at the Post Compulsory Education Centre at Victoria University - was set upon by up to seven youths in Empire Street in Footscray at about 11pm (AEDT) on Tuesday.

Suffering serious head injuries Dr CAO remained in a critical condition at Royal Melbourne Hospital with his wife and teenage daughter keeping a bedside vigil.

He died at about 5pm today.

Police are still appealing for witnesses to the attack or anyone with any information to come forward.

Man bashed just 500m from home

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