1. ipad mini一台,白/16g/wifi
国内现在$365, 澳洲$350, 就给$330好了,因为是未开封的机器,苹果包装袋都在,和店里是一样的。
2. 三星 Galaxy 相机,1600万象素(1/2.3感光件,比手机的成像好多了),21×光变,23mm广角,高清摄像。此外,它还拥有1.4 GHz的四核处理器,4.8寸高清屏,和galaxy手机一样可以安装各种android程序,不同的是它是一台相机,一台可以快速分享图片(wifi+3G/sim卡插槽)且可以娱乐(android系统)的相机(root后甚至可以打电话~)。$500可议
“。。任何一款手机都不具备光变的功能,而且是21倍,在需要的时候你会发现这项功能非常有用!。。” 21倍完全可以打鸟,拍月亮了
"added art effects in real time when taking pictures; record a nice restaurant by taking a picture with GPS tag, and later load this position from the photo into Google map so we can follow the map and go back, all happened by just touching the screen few times; add effects and share photo with friends through IMs and instagram; playing games; using GPS; browsing web; my kid compose the photos and videos into a video stream with music, just on the camera, a lot fun.。。。 | "