Welcome to Beijing Olympic Games, For Peace and Harmony)游行活动
游行时间:2008年4月26号(星期六) 上午11点到下午2点
集中地点:City of Perth,Forrest Place(在MYER 附近的广场)
1、 主口号(主题):欢迎北京奥运会,热爱和平
– Welcome to Beijing Olympic Games, For Peace and Harmony
2、 相关口号:
No Violence, No Politics 不要暴力,不要政治
One World, One Dream 同一个世界,同一个梦想
Peace and Harmony 和平与和谐
Welcome to Beijing, Welcome to China 北京欢迎您,中国欢迎您
Thank You, Australia for supporting Olympic Spirit澳大利亚,谢谢您对奥运精神的支持!
No War, No Riot 不要战争,不要暴力
Pray for World Peace 祈求世界和平
We Love China, We Love Australia, and We Love Olympic Spirits 我们热爱中国,我们热爱澳大利亚,我们热爱奥运精神
(…And So On…)等等
Chinese community rally in support of Beijing Olympics in Perth,Western Australian
Chinese studentsand 12 Chinese organizations around Perth had held a nearly two thousand people peaceful demonstration in city this Saturday 26 April, from 11am to 2pm.
This street demonstration is organised in the aim of welcoming Beijing 2008 Olympics, promoting harmony and peace as well as protesting against the use of violence to disrupt Olympics and the world peace.
Chinese community around Perth would like to use this peaceful demonstration to let people in WA and beyond learn the real spirit of Olympics, which is unity, friendship, progress and harmony, rather than violence, disruption and riots. The attempts which mix the politics and Olympics thus intend to boycott are not tolerated at all
组织方这边非常明确的强调了反暴利的反政治的方式:不许任何哪怕是与不同声音的语言交涉,否则直接开除出队伍;禁止任何人讨论西藏、人权等等任何政治话题,不要给别有用心的人留下把柄和口实,否则直接开除出队伍。统一标语口径,禁止一切反媒体、反藏独、反西方的标语出现在队伍中,控制爱国主义情绪在有限的范畴内,在播放中国爱国歌曲的同时大量辅助以澳洲国歌,以往澳洲奥运会歌曲以及类似于heal the world这样人类所能有共识共通的曲子。口号中要求在澳洲人多的地方多喊以感谢澳大利亚为主的口号,祈求世界和平、和谐,无战争无暴力无政治的口号,然后再辅以欢迎来到北京、中国,我们爱中国的口号等。
大型音像连续奏响了两遍澳洲国歌,悉尼2002奥运会歌曲等澳洲人耳熟能详的爱国歌曲,接着才是中国国歌,龙的传人等爱国歌曲,并最后以heal the world将本次游行带向了尾声。游行结束后,很多人--不论是中国人还是澳洲人都久久不愿离去,更有很多澳洲友人希望能够购买到我们游行所穿的印有ONE WORLD,ONE DREAM以及中国地图的红色衬衫。
补充:本次游行共有近2000人参与。其中不乏24日刚从堪培拉观摩奥运火炬传递返回佩斯的积极人士和从偏远地区乘飞机赶来佩斯并参加本次游行的热心参与者。在大会唱起《歌唱祖国》的时候,我也注意到从FORREST PLACE后面邮局工地的脚手架上,出现了几个身影,他们跟着我们一起唱着爱国歌曲。应该是457签证过来的技工兄弟们,他们的脸上也浮现出自豪的神情。另外一项引起我注意的事是,游行队伍中居然有手握JY报的成员。他们手中同样持有中国和澳洲国旗,爱国热情和支持奥运的精神不落人后。看来MH和JY在这事情上有得分裂了。最后本次游行得到了相当数量的主流社会的参与,在我们高喊WE LOVE AUSTRALIA的时候,他们报以WE LOVE CHINA。他们的热情洋溢同样感动了我们的队伍,理解、支持、爱国、辛苦,百般滋味涌上心头,一些同学的眼睛湿润了。
Dear People of Western Australia, I am here to represent Chinese students, and I would like to give my thanks to everyone who trust me and give me this chance.
As everybody may have known, the Olympic Torch just had past through the Capital of Australia two days ago. Thanks to the warmest welcome and support that given by Australian People, as well as the great effort that made by Australian Police; this might not have been done safely and successfully if without you. Again, I and my fellow student would like to express our grateful appreciation to you all: Thank you, Australian!
Olympic Torch, as a symbol of peace and hope, harmony and mutual-understanding, has been lighting in our heart for centuries. Wherever the torch goes, there shall be no wars and no conflicts, and the torch itself shall not be threatened by any violence or politic tricks. According to Olympic Officials, it is a written rule that "No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or areas."
However, since the beginning of the torch relay of the 29th Beijing Olympic Games, we have witnessed quite a few of violence and politics that have not been simply threatening, but also challenging our previous p_w_picpath of Olympic torch: What does this torch really means?
When I was trying to seek the answer from songs, speeches, and moments of every previous Olympic Torch relay, I found there were three words appeared mostly and frequently, they are Hope, Understanding, and Love.
In Seoul 1988, we sang: ‘Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time’
In Sydney 2002, we sang: ‘In the light of flame, to stand for all the world to see, people reaching out to greatness…look to your heart, you will find the flame.’
Now, in Beijing 2008, we will sing ‘When the river flows off to part us both…I will be a boat to sail around you’
We have sung and will keep singing for hope, understanding and love, because we human know that only hope can deliver us from our sin and give us the courage to build a better place, only understanding can bring us together and help us to learn from each others and to help each others, and only love can protect us from discrimination and violence, conflicts and wars.
Today, we are here to march in the name of Olympic Spirit that is in our soul, and in the name of Olympic flame that is lighting our heart. We condemn those who bring violence and politics upon Olympic whatever the side it may belong; and we ask for peace and harmony that shall be remembered forever as the key to the future of our kind.
We respect all the different values, religions, voices, and we hope that understanding and love may solve the problems and issues between them.
We pray for no more violence in the future, and no more politics that is filling our heart with anger, hate, and discriminations.
Olympic Game is not only a sport events, it is also an opportunity for the people all of the world to understand differences, an opportunity to help many things that are in development, and an opportunity to express love by doing some real contributions. Instead of endless complains and meaningless boycott, instead of language violence and mindless insulting, please consider understanding and love -- Remember that there is always a better way to solve problem if the will is pure and honest, and that is what the Olympic Torch means, and that is what the Olympic Games stand for.
Please support 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, for not only the Chinese, but everyone in the world, everyone who agree and shares our human values!
Chinese community rally in support of Beijing Olympics in Perth,Western Australian
Chinese studentsand 12 Chinese organizations around Perth had held a nearly two thousand people peaceful demonstration in city this Saturday 26 April, from 11am to 2pm.
This street demonstration is organised in the aim of welcoming Beijing 2008 Olympics, promoting harmony and peace as well as protesting against the use of violence to disrupt Olympics and the world peace.
Chinese community around Perth would like to use this peaceful demonstration to let people in WA and beyond learn the real spirit of Olympics, which is unity, friendship, progress and harmony, rather than violence, disruption and riots. The attempts which mix the politics and Olympics thus intend to boycott are not tolerated at all
More than a thousand gather at Pro-China rally
Posted 4 hours 13 minutes ago
Updated 2 hours 59 minutes ago
Map: Perth 6000
More than a thousand people attended a pro-China rally in Perth this
Thirteen different organisations from Perth's Chinese community were
represented at the rally held in Forest Place in the centre of the city.
The crowd, many of whom waved Chinese flags, sang songs and chanted their
support for China and the Olympic Games.
One of the organisers, Ying Zhou Zhang, says the games should be peaceful.
"I think anybody who's a guest of Olympic games, they are a guest of peace
so I think it's very important - if you want peace so you have to support
Olympic games," he said.
One demonstrator said the Olympics was no place for politics, while others
chanted and encouraged the crowd to be vocal.
"We love China, we love Australia and we love Olympic spirits," the crowd
Police say the rally, which went on for a couple of hours, was peaceful.
*Hewhew in Perth~~
今天真的算是人生中最轰轰烈烈的一天,虽然在PERTH的游行的留学生没有在墨尔本和悉尼的人多,但是整个游行让人的心情跌宕起伏。尤其是游行时大家举着国旗喊着“Welcome to China, welcome to Beijing... one world, one dream, one China" 那种心情就真的复杂的很。 就连许多local也加入到游行的队伍中来,喊着"thank u, China, thank u, Beijing" 那时的感觉就唯有自豪和骄傲了! 听小崔说,当她给一个ABC小孩在脸上画国旗时,他的父母严肃的告诉他,“这就是中国的国旗,别忘了哈!”听了这句话,真的蛮感动的呢~
当所有人合唱Micheal Jackson的Heal the world的副歌"Heal the world,Make it a better place" 广场上的和平鸽开始盘旋,所有人都挥舞着五行红旗,整个就是充满着power和passion的场面,我想不但是我们,就是在场的澳洲人也应该是震撼的感觉吧! 真的是amazing的一个moment~~ 如果我没参加,肯定会后悔死的~
又想起了那句口号,"We love China, we love Australia, we love Olympic spirit"
一会儿我们唱了国歌还有歌唱祖国(组织者还细心的给我们准备了歌词,都印在游行行程里面了)游行就正式开始了~~~~整齐的队伍,明亮的口号~~~把周围的外国人都看傻了~~~他们有的甚至和我们一起喊起了口号~~~One world one dream one China~~Welcome to Beijing Welcome to China~~No Violence ,No Politices~~~~Peace and Harmony~~~We love China, we love Australia and we love Olympic Spirits~~~~哇塞~~~整齐无比阿~~~时不时地还唱唱国歌~~今天Perth的警察也非常地帅~都是骑警~~~因为太专注于喊口号了一张他们的照片也没照~~真的很帅,人帅,马更帅~~~~(P.S: 就是我们的马儿拉了满地都是的屎~~~)哈哈~~~
奥运脚步越来越近 呼唤和平的声音越来越强大 One World One Dream 妄图破坏 分裂的美梦即将被统统粉碎
I'm proud to be a Chinese!祖国万岁!
*@Food X-Family@* http://foodhome.spaces.live.com/default.aspx
4月26日,一个2008年值得纪念的日子,是几个华人组织和留学生在Perth成功的举办了近2000人的游行,“Welcome to Beijing Olympic Games, for Peace and Harmony”