对于热衷于Apple 的产品的同胞们,在这里想提醒一家的是,凡是在校(大学,TAFE)的学生和老师,都可以利用学生卡来享受APPLE的优惠价格,购买Apple 台式机和笔记本电脑和显示屏。最低的优惠价格是10% off。
Who is Eligible To Purchase
The following education individuals are eligible to purchase through the Apple Store for Education individuals:
Faculty or staff member of a public or private Higher Education Institution in Australia
Student currently attending or accepted into a public or private Higher Education Institution in Australia
Parent purchasing on behalf of their child who is a student currently attending, accepted or applied for admission into a public or private Higher Education Institution in Australia
Purchase Quantity
Faculty, Staff and Students purchasing from the Apple Store for Education Individuals will be allowed to purchase the following quantities of product per academic school year:
Desktop: One (1) may be purchased per academic year
Mac mini: One (1) may be purchased per academic year
Notebook: One (1) may be purchased per academic year
Display: A maximum of two (2) may be purchased per academic year
Software: A maximum of two (2) per software title may be purchased per academic year
Apple TV: There is no limit on the quantity of Apple TV purchases per academic year
iPod: there is no limit on the quantity of iPod purchases per academic year
**The above purchases can be made either online or through your Authorised Campus Reseller. Total product quantities remain the same regardless of where your purchase is made.
Statement of Eligibility
I represent that I am a member of one of the defined groups above eligible to purchase and that the products being purchased direct from Apple Inc. are for the personal, education, and/or research use of a student, faculty, or staff member.
当你同意这个条款之后,进入另外的一个网络商店,那个时候你看到的商品的价格全部都是打折后的价格了,去实体店购买同样享受这个10%的优惠。近期旅行的朋友,可以利用自己的学生卡打折之后再用机票退税,享受折上折。:) 希望这条帖子能帮大家省省钱~~~~ [s:2] |