With utmost respect I ask for your support to be your Councillor. I support promoting the City of Perth as an international iconic destination for both businesses and leisure, by promoting local and foreign ventures and investments, and encouraging domestic and international tourism in the City.
Together, we will continue to make our City a more dynamic, vibrant, connected and sustainable place to live in.
I will endeavour to work tirelessly as your Councillor, if elected, to initiate good policies and planning for the future, including fostering better relationship with global affiliations of the City of Perth, and promoting cultural exchange.
My beliefs are in being environmental friendly, creating more jobs opportunities, and encouraging trade and business for our City. I am keen in promoting the City of Perth to host international events for sports, entertainment, conferences and meetings. I am dedicated to serve you, the community and the Council to live in.
I will endeavour to work tirelessly as your Councillor, if elected, to initiate good policies and planning for the future, including fostering better relationship with global affiliations of the City of Perth, and promoting cultural exchange.
My beliefs are in being environmental friendly, creating more jobs opportunities, and encouraging trade and business for our City.
I am keen in promoting the City of Perth to host international events for sports, entertainment, conferences and meetings. I am dedicated to serve you, the community and the Council.
Please vote √ for Keith Yong.
Yours sincerely,
Keith Yong
City of Perth Council election candidate 2013
珀斯市议员选举 2013 - 杨奕驹 候选人
随着当今西澳珀斯市的政策体系已达到世界标准化,我希望能为我们的城市注入新的能 量,新的活力。在这里,我诚心地希望能为您服务,通过经济建设、政治建设及文化建 设,为您打造一座可持续发展的创新型城市!
首先,我支持我市引入企业及市场资源,鼓励更多的国内外企业商于本地投资。我会积 极推广珀斯市成为一座集合商业投资和休闲娱乐为一体的国际化都市,并以推进旅游业 的发展方向为目标。
如果我当选为您的议员,我会努力不懈的改进和提升城市的多方面政策。为未来规划出 良好的政治方案。我的信念是为珀斯创造更多的就业机会,使我市的贸易和商业发展更 蓬勃,同时为长远可持续发展奠定基础。另一方面是促进文化交流,为珀斯建立更完善 的国际多元文化,使社会不同种族的人民相处更和谐。
除此之外,我也希望着手推动珀斯市举办更多的国际体育赛事,娱乐节目及学术交流会 议等,让我们所居住的城市更多姿多彩! 我会竭尽所能为您服务,为我市社区及议会 出一份力,提高珀斯在国际上的标志性,让她的光茫在世界的舞台上更璀璨!
2013珀斯市议员候选人 敬上
Available at any time, located in Perth:
Level 3
231 Adelaide Terrace
Postal address:
PO Box 6116
Work: 9221 6366
Mobile: 0405 212 855
Email: keith@lexlegal.com.au
Authorised & Published by Keith Yong Level 3, 231 Adelaide Terrace Perth WA 6000 |