美国记者提问之后是中央电视台记者李瑞英提问,她问奥巴马“美国是否会坦然接受中国迅速发展的这个事实”。奥巴马回答很干脆: I absolutely believe that China’s peaceful rise is good for the world and it’s good for America(我绝对相信中国的和平崛起对世界有好处,对美国有好处),理由之一是中国的崛起为美国经济提供了机遇,因为We want to sell you all kinds of stuff(我们什么东西都想卖给你们),美国总统这么通俗的大白话自然又引发了笑声,这是全场的第四次笑声。
记者会上的爆发的第五次、第六次笑声更具喜剧色彩。吉布斯指定布隆伯格的记者Hans Nichols提问,这位记者先请奥巴马准许他先向胡主席提问,然后再向奥巴马提问。奥巴马说Of course。布隆伯格的记者在提问中说到美国参议院多数党领袖、众议院议长都不会参加晚上的国宴,他问胡主席如何打消他们的顾虑。对此,胡主席的回答被翻译为: As for the latter question about the attendance at the state dinner by some Congress people, as to who will attend and who will not attend, and for what reasons, I think President Obama is certainly in a better position to answer that question(这句英语“反译”回汉语大致是:“关于一些国会议员参加国宴的问题,谁参加谁不参加,是什么原因,我觉得奥巴马总统更有资格回答”),胡主席的回答在全场引发了笑声。但实际上,胡主席的原话不是要记者去“问奥巴马”,而是去“问他们”(指那些不参加晚宴的国会议员),却被翻译成“奥巴马更有资格回答”,算是这次记者会上众多翻译瑕疵中的一个小case。结果奥巴马听了这样的回答,也跟着打趣:Is that the question you want to pose to me, Hans(汉斯,这就是你要向我提的问题吗)?全场再度哄笑。
By the way,这位新华社记者提出的俩问题翻译成准确的英语是:
1)My first question for President Obama: ….and how do you think that the two sides should appropriately manage their differences and expand their common interests?
2)My second question is for President Hu Jintao. …how do you think that the China and the United States can step up their cooperation in a joint endeavor to tackle the increasing number of global issues? |