1 x Dim Sum girl, Mon, Wed and Thur. from 11am. Experience and English require.
A few of Dim Sum and waiter/waitress: Sat and Sunday, day and evening, Experience and English require.
Kitchen Hands: Must speak Cantonese.
Wage: for experience people start from $12 p/hr.
We also provide training for who no experience but hard working and fast leaning.
School holiday is coming, if you like to make some pocket money, please call Tom on 0414 888 910. Speak and Write Chinese require.
招一名 点心女服务员,要求星期一,三,四,从早上11AM 开始工作,,要求有工作经验和流利的英语
厨房帮手 :要求一定要讲广东话
假期要到了,如果你想要赚点钱,请联系 TOM ,电话:0414 888910(联系时请 提下是在A.U.PEOPLE论坛看到的招工广告,谢谢),要求会读写中文
地址 eeming Shopping Forum
Shop 1/55 Farrington Road Leeming WA 6148
Phone:08 9313 6188 Phone:08 9313 6288 |