A.U.PEOPLE 西澳华人论坛(www.aupeople.com.au)2008第3届彩弹枪大战10月4号周六举行,现在接受报名,9月14号截至报名,53人报名了 George 龚先生 部分赞助A.U.PEOPLE华人俱乐部活动 本广告也在这个星期的澳大利亚时报登出,召集更多的人,请大家积极报名,不要错过了,谢谢! 活动详情网址:http://aupeople.com.au/1/aupeopl ... 503&page=1&toread=1
活动时间:定为10月4号号星期六 人数:现在开始统计,以交到钱为准,报名预定了将不能退出,如果退出将收取报名费
报名请联系A。U。PEOPLE论坛会长&A。U。PEOPLE华人俱乐部主席:张英洲(enjoy)电话:0431402278 email: enjoy@aupeople.com.au EMAIL里报名请写上您的 真实姓名(论坛ID) 联系电话 EMAIL 人数 报名费:35元/每人 包了200发子弹,迷彩服,彩弹枪,面具,包午餐等,需要提前交钱,在9月14号前把钱交齐,报名以收到钱为准,没有提前交钱,将不能参加! 网上银行帐号: Account name:A.U.PEOPLE CHINESE CLUB INC BSB: 306 063 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0797928 Bank name: BANKWEST Description请写上你自己的英文名, 然后发EMAIL到enjoy@aupeople.com.au给我确认你已经转帐,在EMAIL里也写上你自己的英文名(或者论坛英文ID),什么时候转的(日期,时间几点),有几个人参加
如果要买更多的子弹的话,现场到了可以自己去买,18块 reload 100 发,42块 reload 300发
场地在clackline,是4个里面最大的场地,每个人必须先预先付钱才可以参加。 ----------已报名并收到钱:----------------- | Paint ball Statement | | | | | V 1.03 Updated 21/09/2008 | By Enjoy | | | | | | Qty | Unit price | | Subtotal | 澳洲袋鼠 | | | 1 | $35.00 | | | $35.00 | Cynthia | | | 1 | $35.00 | | | $35.00 | ST | | | 1 | $35.00 | | | $35.00 | 刘洋 | | | 3 | $35.00 | | | $105.00 | 小S | | | 3 | $35.00 | | | $105.00 | malimsiao | | 2 | $35.00 | | | $70.00 | | Sub Qty | | 9)">11 | | Bank subtotal | $385.00 | | | | | | | | | | | | Qty | Unit price | | Subtotal | 朱小羽 | | | 7 | $35.00 | | | $245.00 | 游兵 | | | 5 | $35.00 | | | $175.00 | KEN(上海) | | 2 | $35.00 | | | $70.00 | Alex Shakieverse | | 2 | $35.00 | | | $70.00 | Garfield | | | 2 | $35.00 | | | $70.00 | GAO Peng | | | 20 | $35.00 | | | $700.00 | Enjoy | | | 1 | $35.00 | | | $35.00 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Sub Qty | | 19)">39 | | | | | | | | | | Cash Subtotal | $1,365.00 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Total Received Amount | $1,750.00 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Owing | | | Qty | Unit price | | Subtotal | George | | | 1 | $35.00 | | | $35.00 | Alan | | | 1 | $35.00 | | | $35.00 | ken(上海) another one | 1 | $35.00 | | | $35.00 | | Sub Qty | | 33)">3 | | | | $0.00 | | Total Qty | | 34)">53 | | | $0.00 | | | | | Cash Owing Subtotal | $105.00 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Total Amount (Including received and owing) | $1,855.00 |
这个报名活动将在这个星期的澳大利亚时报登出,征集更多的人参加,请大家要参加的赶快了,不要错过了。。。 集合地点:在CURTIN 的 最大的BUS STATION 集合 集合时间改了: 10月4号星期六早上7点半集合。8点出发, 9点到达场地正式开始 由于路程比较远,建议每辆车都满载。。
如果早上有人想自己过去的,请在9点前一定要到达这个地方,但请提前打电话给我:0431402278,说你自己过去 Address: Spencer Brook Road, Clackline. See mud map in the download here section. TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL - WASP CLACKLINE - Well established bush setting with the largest combat paintballing fields in Perth, WA
- In operation for over 10 years
- All day adventure - 8.45am to 3pm
- Lunch provided in every package. Soft drinks and Gatorades can be purchased on-site
- Diverse and unique fields
- Great for groups to escape to the bush uninterrupted and unseen (you’ll think you’ve been transported into a battle ground!)
- We can give you the contact number of group bus services upon request
- Perfect for the ultimate bucks or hens party adventure
- Located 45 minutes from Midland, but well worth the drive.
- Must have groups of 20 or more players.
MORE ABOUT WASP PAINTBALL CLACKLINE, PERTH? -----华丽分割线---- -----资料篇-------
野外打彩弹枪活动战报 http://aupeople.com.au/1/aupeopl ... eyword=%B2%CA%B5%AF 彩弹的相片完结篇,大家看第1,2,3页共100多张,猜猜戴面具都是谁? http://aupeople.com.au/1/aupeopl ... eyword=%B2%CA%B5%AF |