能找得到房子尽量都不住校的作者: 芒果 时间: 2007-6-10 10:40
murdoch的kendo club还不错
没UWA的好`但是比CURTIN的好很多`作者: kevin渊 时间: 2007-6-20 12:28
hello,wo dou lai le 3 ge yue le ,sorry ar, i'm late~0413656354,kevin, come from beijing
you shi jian da jia ju yi xia ,ren shi yi xia ar作者: jl8 时间: 2007-8-3 16:18
我是新来论坛的, MURDOCH毕业的, 现在上班了, 说不定你们有我认识的! 呵呵 [s:4]作者: fslx 时间: 2007-9-4 10:29
i am a murdoch nursing student now living in Mandurah. i am from Northeast of China.
i have been here for 7wks. my email is cw98yhlixue@yeah.net作者: caoglish 时间: 2007-10-5 23:07