自己盖应该要便宜些,因为有些活不妨自己做,如草坪什么的;但确实有很多麻烦。。作者: alicezhao 时间: 2010-6-20 14:46
自己建!新房!作者: bobjane 时间: 2010-6-24 01:56
现在市场上的现房 50万以下的都叫一个烂 不知道什么鬼设计 有精力的还是自己造好 争取5年时间整出个理想家园 哈哈作者: flyinfree 时间: 2010-6-30 11:25
[s:2] Buy a over 30~50 years old house (which must still have very good structure conditiona) with cheap price and then do your own renovation.
A lot of old building are made by good quality timber & brick and they are still under good conditon and can be continure for use after over 30 years. What you should do is rebuilt the inside and the garden!作者: tim1968 时间: 2013-2-15 19:01