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标题: 2015“安盈-珀斯杯”摄影比赛颁奖典礼暨获奖作品展览8月15日举行 [打印本页]

作者: 新闻2    时间: 2015-8-8 17:44
标题: 2015“安盈-珀斯杯”摄影比赛颁奖典礼暨获奖作品展览8月15日举行

2015 ”安盈-珀斯杯“





    本届大赛的评委团由富有资深摄影和视觉艺术阅历的周丹、Steve Forslun、Andy Priest 、周由和Victor Yong 组成。(上图左起)

Awarded Photos and Winners and for ANYING – Perth Cup 2015 PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION
ANYING – Perth Cup 2015 Photographic Competition is an initial of Australasian Photographic Association and proudly supported by ANYING , with a new record of nearly 1,000 submitted photos the influence and reputation of Perth Cup Photographic Competition is growing.  
Final awarded photos were selected by the judge group which is comprised by highly experienced experts in visual art and senior photographing judges Zhou Dan, Steve Forslun, Andy Priest, Victor Yong and  Zhou You in ANYING Foreign Exchange Perth Branch on May 15, 2015.  
Winners of each group – Perth Landscape, Perth Event and Mobile Phone Photography were successfully selected with an unexpected fierce discussion within the judges, five more Award of Excellence were added to each group to encourage the numerous active professional and amateurs of this year.
The Award Ceremony and Exhibition Opening for the ANYING – Perth Cup 2015 Photographic Competition will be held in the Perth Town Hall on Saturday 15 August, 2015, and the exhibition will last one week till 23 August, 2015.
珀斯风光组、珀斯事件组、手机创意组三个组别的近千幅参赛摄影作品经过一番激烈较量和评委团谨慎认真的评选,各个奖项终于名花有主。8月15日(周六)将在Perth Town Hall举行颁奖典礼暨获奖作品展,展期一周。这个展览将是珀斯冬季艺术节的一部分。

1St  A Rock With a View
Photographer:  Ivan Bai

获奖作品:山水间2nd  The waterfall
Photographer: Derek Lau

获奖作品:大地之触3rd   Dark of the Sea
Photographer: Ivan Bai

B组 珀斯事件组
Category B Perth News and Event
1st   Best view sitting on the giant

摄影师:凯瑞-安妮 迪克勒克
Photographer: Kerry-Anne deKlerk


2nd “Come on Genie!" (2015 Hopman Cup)

Photographer:  Kong Thai Chan[attach]499768[/attach]事件第三名

3rd  The inheritance of  ANZAC spirit


Photographer:  Zeng Jialiang

C组 手机创意组
Category C Mobile Phone Photography



1st Colours of Autumn  

Photographer:Wang Jianhong


2 nd  Girl with a Red Scarf


Photographer:Johnny Fu


3 rd The Sun Chase


Photographer: Alan Li

Award of Excellence (In no particular order)
Category A- Perth Landscape
A组 珀斯风光组
Category A-Award of Excellence :
Incoming  thunderstorm

摄影:付扬   Photographer:Johnny Fu


Category A-Award of Excellence :
The Blue

摄影:白一帆 Photographer: Ivan Bai

Category A-Award of Excellence :
The Emerge of Sheep

摄影:-胡司宇   Photographer:  Hu Siyu


Category A-Award of Excellence :
摄影:唐彦棣  Photographer: TangYandi
Category A-Award of Excellence :
Milkyway in Pinnacles
摄影:刘德辉  photographer: Derek Lau
Category A-Award of Excellence :
Flame Ocean
摄影:白一帆 photographer: Ivan Bai
Category A-Award of Excellence :
Horse on the Grass
摄影:黎智威 Photographer: Alan Li
Category A-Award of Excellence :
The Sunrise of Perth
摄影:白一帆 Photographer: Ivan Bai
Category A-Award of Excellence :
摄影:齐明 Photographer: Bright Qi
Category A-Award of Excellence :
Light to the Future
摄影:付扬 Photographer:Johnny Fu
                                                                               Award of Excellence (In no particular order)
Category B- Perth News and Event
B组 珀斯事件组
事件组-入选- 高尔夫球赛场上的袋鼠
Category B Perth News and Event -Award of Excellence
Kangaroo on Golf Course
摄影:王鹏  Photographer:Peter Wang
Category B Perth News and Event -Award of Excellence:
Giant Arrives Perth
摄影:毕雄飞   Photographer:XiongfeiBi
Category B Perth News and Event -Award of Excellence:
Boy and Ice-cream
摄影:齐明 Photographer:Bright Qi
Category B Perth News and Event -Award of Excellence:
[table=100%,#d8d8d8]Cuddle in Pink

摄影:白一帆   photographer:  Ivan Bai


Category B Perth News and Event -Award of Excellence:

Stay Young with Music

摄影:黎智威   Photographer: Alan Li


Category B Perth News and Event -Award of Excellence:
Street-food lady

摄影:齐明  Photographer:Bright Qi


Category B Perth News and Event -Award of Excellence:

Korean dance

摄影:付杨      Photographer:Johnny Fu

Category B Perth News and Event -Award of Excellence:
Cottesloe Beach Sculpture by the Sea 2014

摄影:高风   photographer:Feng Gao

Category B Perth News and Event -Award of Excellence:
Proud of my grandfather

摄影:黎智威   Photographer:Alan Li

Category B Perth News and Event -Award of Excellence
A Joy in Sorrow(10 Photos)

摄影:李特 Photographer: Water Li

Joy in Sorrow was my visual project that aims at developing a series of photographs as the
means to reveal the lifestyle of Chinese mainland students in Perth, Western Australia.
The reason that attracted me to doing the research of this area’s knowledge was because
of two incidents:
On the 11th of April 2012, two Chinese students were killed in USA. The crime spot was in a BMW car near their university – the University of South California. Almost all the Chinese media reported the news in a very short time. However, the attention of these media reports were not focused on why they had been killed, but paid more attention to the BMW car. After these media reports had been published, Chinese people started to discuss the incident. Most of their vitriol was not directed at the attacker, but directed at the victims. There was a very typical comment:” Studying in America, driving BMW, a male and female, let them die.” There were no sympathy and mourning in these comments, because the key words of these incidents were: “studying overseas” “ BMW” “ couples”. But the truth was: the victims were not a couple, and the BMW car was a second-hand model. In addition, they were studying hard, living frugally. Media reports mainly focus on negative events and activities that Chinese overseas students are involved. Very often these frivolous activities are not what the majority of students do. There are rarely any means that Chinese in their home country can learn about the actual lifestyle of Chinese overseas students. Thus, the literature suggests that the media is a key influence on Chinese people in constructing negative and unrealistic perceptions of students studying overseas.
In addition, Darcy Holdorf conducted a visual project called “Not here or there” for her Master. The project displayed Chinese students’ life in Ohio. Her project was to use photography and words together to reveal these Chinese students’ part of real lives in Ohio. The project was
published on China’s media. The comments of Chinese were divided into two parts: the
negative part and sympathetic part. In her shots, these Chinese students look helplessness and decadent. In my opinion, this was only a part of Chinese students’ life, and not all
Chinese students live like this in overseas. This project uses photo media to communicate
the lifestyle of Chinese overseas students. However many parts of the work focused on the
negativity of the overseas lifestyle. This somehow misrepresents the lifestyle of majority of
Chinese students in overseas.
This project, allowed me to capture and tell holistic stories of four Chinese students studying in Perth, Western Australia. These students left their home country alone to stay in a foreign country to study. They had to bear a lot of visible and invisible pressures. They often felt lonely, they had to tackle the pressure of language, learning, working and handle misunderstanding from other people. However they never become demotivated. Instead, they managed to
convert the challenges to the motivations.   
In this project, I was not trying to hide these Chinese overseas students’ negative side, but
just want to highlight their positive side. Maybe they are not too excellent, but they are
respectable. I just want to represent the different faces of Chinese overseas students to the
audiences, and convey more holistic stories.
In my opinion, the details in the daily life determine success or failure. Therefore, I just
want to represent their life views in a holistic manner. When people view the project, I
want them to understand: they helped each other; they reduced the burden on their families
through working; they cared about their health; they planed their future; they joy in sorrow.

这10张照片是我之前所拍摄的“A Joy in Sorrow” 主题照片的一部分。拍摄这个主题的原因是想通过照片,真真实实的呈现中国留学生在珀斯的生活学校工作,照片中的主人公来自珀斯四所不同的大学。拍摄的起因是因为几年前在美国发生的一场悲剧事件,两名中国留学生在住所楼下的私家车中惨遭歹徒杀害,本是一件让人痛心的事,但是经媒体报道之后,人们的注意力却集中在了他们的私家车身上——一辆宝马车,“活该”、“富二代”、“贪官的孩子”等等字眼开始出现在各个社交平台当中,似乎在国人的心中,出国留学的留学生都是富家子弟、都是出国“玩耍”而非学习的“不良少年”。从那时开始我就希望可以通过照片来记录一些真真实实的中国留学生在国外的生活。当然,我并不否认留学生中会有一部分是上面所说的“不良少年”,但是并不能因为如此,而以点概面。留学生在国外的生活并没有想象中的那么光鲜亮丽,我觉得用“苦中有乐”来形容他们是再恰当不过的了。



Award of Excellence (In no particular order)
Category C-Mobile Phone Photography
C组 手机创意组

C 组-手机创意组-入选-

Category C-Mobile Phone  Photography:

摄影:廖文志 Photographeriao Wenzhi

C 组-手机创意组-入选-天使山上 (摄于瑞士天使山)

Category C-Mobile Phone Photography:
Angel MountainEngelberg (Switzerland)

摄影:赛瑞尔-格鲁斯特 Photographer:Cyril C.Grueter
C 组-手机创意组-入选- 比翼双飞

Category C-Mobile Phone  Photography:
Love Birds

摄影:付扬  Photographer:Johnny Fu


Category C-Mobile Phone Photography:

Water Lilies

摄影:汪建宏(墨尔本)Photographer:Wang Jianhong
Category C-Mobile Phone  Photography:
Bunny Girl

摄影: 廖文志  Photographeriao Wenzhi


Category C-Mobile Phone Photography:

摄影: 廖文志 Photographer: Liao Wenzhi

C组-手机创意组-入选- 天使之吻

Category C-Mobile Phone Photography:

Angel Kiss

摄影:齐明  Photographer:Bright Qi


Category C-Mobile Phone Photography:

摄影:廖文志 Photographer:Liao Wenzhi


Category C-Mobile Phone Photography:
摄影:周诗盛  Photographer:Zhou Shisheng


Category C-Mobile Phone Photography:
Shingleback Lizard

摄影:巢静安  Photographer:Jingan Chao



作者: 澳洲摄影眼界    时间: 2015-8-9 17:55

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