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标题: 【转】2010年4月雅思口语考试最新命题趋势 [打印本页]

作者: 落花满地    时间: 2010-4-8 12:18
标题: 【转】2010年4月雅思口语考试最新命题趋势







Leisure Time


Daily Routine


Hometown /home/college/accommodation / Old thing/visitors (斜杠是代表从一个主题派生出来的分支,通过故事链来学习联系:例如我的“家乡”是北京,我的“家”在“海淀区”,“学校”就在我家旁边,我特别喜欢我学校的寝室或我家的卧室或阳台,因为那里有些“旧的东西我很怀恋”,很多“朋友”经常来拜访我。)


Leisure Time/reading /music/sport/shopping/cooking/swimming/driving / traveling


Holiday/ party

Television/ news


1. Personal information:

Are you student or are you working?

What is your school and your major? And why did you choose it?

Can you remember the first day at school? What was it ?

What is the biggest impression of that day ?

2.Hometown and living places

where is your hometown?

What is special in your hometown?

Are there any special building in your hometown?

Is your hometown polluted?

Where do you live? Where is your accommodation?

Do you like it? Why?

Do you like to invite others to visit your living place? Why or why not?


What did you collect when you were young?
Do you still collect it now?

What do you like to collect?

If you had a lot of money, what would you like to collect?

4.Noise and sound

What’s your favorite sound?

What kind of noise do you dislike most? Why or why not?

Where does the city noise mainly come from?


Do you (usually) wear a watch ? (Why?)  

What do you use your watch for?  

Do you think time is very important? (Why?)  

Are you ever late for anything?  

Do you think it's important to be on time?

Do you feel that time moves fast or slowly?  

When do you feel time moves slowly? (Why?)  

If you could go back in time, what would you do?


Can you drive?

When did you get your driving license?

Will you let your child learn driving? Why or why not?

7.Cooking and food (vegetable and fruit)

Who cooks most in your family?

Can you cook?

Do you think young people today should learn cooking? Why or why not?

Do you like vegetables and fruits?

What’s the benefit of having fruit and vegetable?


How do you get the news?

What kind of news are you interested in?

Is it the same for the old and young?

Is it important to know the news?


Do you like go shopping?

How often do you go shopping? And where do you often shop, with whom?

Do you like fashion?

What does fashion effect your life?

Do you have any taste for brands? Why ?


Do you like drawing?

What drawing skills do you have?

What does drawing bring to people’s life?

11. Weather and weather forecast

What’s your favorite weather?  

Do you often listen to the weather forecast? Why or why not?

What does weather forecast effect your life?

12. Holiday

What do you like to do on weekends?

How do people in your country spend the weekends?

Do you think people should work on holiday?

13 Sport
What sport do you like?

What’s the benefit of doing it?

Do you like extreme sports?

Why do people love extreme sports?

14. TV

Do you like watching TV?

What kind of program is popular in your country?

Do Chinese people like watching local TV program or foreign one?

What kind of program do children like?

15 Time in a day

What’s your favorite time do you like in a day? Morning, afternoon or evening? Why or why not?

What do you usually do in different time of the day ?

16 Handwriting

Do you prefer handwriting or typing?

What’s the meaning of handwriting?

Do you prefer letters or emails? Why or why not?

How often do you write letters?


How do you like to keep contact with others?

Do you use different ways to contact different people?

What’s the difference on ways of keeping contact between people today and in the past?

18.Film and music

Do you like watching films?

Do you like listening to music?

Where do you watch film or listen to music?

With whom do you like to do so ?

19. Reading

Do you like reading?

How often do you read books?

What’s your favorite book?

Where do Chinese people like to read?


What kind of weather do you like? Why?

How does weather affect you?

Do you pay attention to the weather forecast?


why people like flowers? In what occasion will people send flowers to each other?

Do Chinese people like planting flowers at garden?

Do old people like flowers? Do you like gardens?

Do you still remember the last time you brought flowers?


Are there many ads around us?

What kind of ads do you like to watch,and why?

What’s the difference between Chinese ad and western ad?

Do advertisements ever influence your choice about what to buy?

Do you prefer advertisement on TV or those in magazine?


What kind of cloth do Chinese like to wear?

Do you like to wear fashionable cloth?

What’s the difference between the cloth nowadays and the past?

24 Transportation

What about the public transport in your neighborhood?

Do you know how to drive? Is driving skill important? when is the best age for people to learn driving?


Do you like sports? Are there any sport facilities around your home?

How often do you do sports? Do you think it is necessary for children to play sport?


Do you read magazine or newspaper? What kind of information do you feel interested? Have you read a foreign magazine? Do u think reading English newspaper can help you with your English?


Do you think children should learn painting?why do some people like hanging photos on the wall? Will you buy painting, why?

Visitor:  do you stay longer with family or friends? Is he time enough for you being with friends? Will you invite friends to come over or party?


how you learnt using computer for the first time? who use internet most in your country?

29.English :

How many languages can you speak? Do you think learning English is hard? why? Do you want to learn another language?


How do you know about the neighbor live next your door? how do you think the most of problems between neighbors and you?


Among the places you have travelled to, which place you liked best? Which place you want to travel to?

Part2 :第二部分考试是最重要,因为它的成绩直接影响到你的第三部分,如果你答的好,PART THREE问的问题就会少,反之,考官除了会问他准备好的问题外,还会问考生在第二部分所讲过的但他听不太明白的地方,我培训过很多高分学员甚至全国第一名8.5分胡婷婷同学中,都能够在不被考官打断的情况下,1分钟内把话题用TSE讲完,part three考官只问了两到三个问题。话题总的原则是“人,物,地,事,媒”,只要同学们按照我的课堂讲过的TSE方法以及公式去准备5篇范文,大部分话题都可以套。



A famous person

A family member   

A visitor to your home

Someone you are living with

Someone who gave you important help


A Job

An art

A Photo

A Traffic Jam

A Healthy Habit

A Childhood Toy   

A letter you received

A TV or Radio Program

An Electronic equipment

An Advice You Received

A gift you gave or received

A Newspaper or Magazine Article   

A good thing to improve your health

A toy when you played in childhood


A shop

A library   

An historic Site

A Place with a Lot of Water

Your favorite part of your hometown   


A TV program you did not like / like

An advertisement

A magazine

A book

A film


A party

A  journey

An ideal job

A good news

A Traffic jam

A healthy habit

A future change

A conversation

A childhood song

A Future Change   

A leisure activity   

A educational trip

An exciting sport

A science lesson

A happy experience

A childhood activity

A story that is well-known

A course you would like to take ,

An interesting talk  / lecture /important talk



A famous person

A family member   

A visitor to your home

Someone you are living with

Someone who gave you important help


A Job

An art

A Photo

A Traffic Jam

A Healthy Habit

A Childhood Toy   

A letter you received

A TV or Radio Program

An Electronic equipment

An Advice You Received

A gift you gave or received

A Newspaper or Magazine Article   

A good thing to improve your health

A toy when you played in childhood


A shop

A library   

An historic Site

A Place with a Lot of Water

Your favorite part of your hometown   


A TV program you did not like / like

An advertisement

A magazine

A book

A film


A party

A  journey

An ideal job

A good news

A Traffic jam

A healthy habit

A future change

A conversation

A childhood song

A Future Change   

A leisure activity   

A educational trip

An exciting sport

A science lesson

A happy experience

A childhood activity

A story that is well-known

A course you would like to take ,

An interesting talk  / lecture /important talk

作者: jill01    时间: 2010-4-30 12:14
[s:1]  [s:7]
作者: pohshianyee    时间: 2010-5-10 01:36
cool [s:1]
作者: lily873002    时间: 2010-5-11 20:09

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