[ A.U.PEOPLE 澳群澳洲珀斯Perth华人网官方网租房二手车招工二手买卖黄页退税税务Tax Return 珀斯 悉尼 墨尔本 布里斯班 阿德莱德 堪培拉]
标题: 免费试听重听+Perthclass be April+20多年会计经验财务经理澳洲循环授课+实战初级班 [打印本页]
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-2-2 07:26
标题: 免费试听重听+Perthclass be April+20多年会计经验财务经理澳洲循环授课+实战初级班
Great News for Perth Guys
Nicole Accounting training class
will be on
Perth during Easter
Nicole 会计实战操作培训
学生JOB HUNTING成功经验大总结
初级实战班 +会计实战全能班
求职辅导+Free Excel+Ongoing support
很多学生咨询:社会上培训班太多,他们确实不知道哪个班好,提出 能不能试听?所以我现在提供试听制度,让所有学生试听一个小时之后才选择我的课堂,这样他们有机会来做他们的决定。 自从推行以来,很受学生的欢迎。确实只要你敢来试听,我相信我能力留住每个来敢来试听的学生。 YOU KNOW WHY? 由于近三年的教学,还没有任何一个学生走出我的课堂。不信,你可亲自试试.
★全澳州第一家把初、中、高级会计联合讲解, 不需要通过另外的班级来补充残缺的知识,节约学生大量的时间和金钱,
★全澳州第一家亲自在悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、阿德莱德、黄金海岸 PERTH循环授课运行近三年会计培训机构★
★全澳州第一家以Balance Sheet&Profit Loss 为中心讲解, 让学生知其然,还知其所以然,学生就业起点高,绝大学生找到Accountant,Assistant Accountant,Accounts all round, business analyst, Accounts manager 工作★
★NICOLE老师亲身经历以无数次RECRUITER 经验穿插Interview Skills Tips 每节课中会计实战培训★
09 Oct Sat class is recruiting
06 Nov Sat class is recruiting
22 Jan 2011 class is recruiting
(Brisbane初级实战班 &会计实战全能班)
30 Jan 2011 class is recruiting
(Melbourne初级实战班 &会计实战全能班)
13 Feb 2011 class is recruiting
(Adelaide初级实战班 &会计实战全能班)
2011 class is recruiting
(Interstate初级实战班 &会计实战全能班)
Nicole 会计培训已是悉尼地区知名会计培训班,凭借Nicole 老师二十载丰富的职场阅历和精湛的专业知识,培训班已成为此地区同类培训班中覆盖面最广、授课时间最长、知识更新最快、可操作性最强的会计培训班。Nicole这种高强度和开放式教学培训模式让学员在最短时间内达到积累两年会计实践经验的目的。
培训理念:你职场上的成功,我工作中的快乐。 师资背景:丰富的职场阅历,精悍的专业知识。
教学资源:宽敞的教学环境,详尽的帐务演示。 合理收费:你一时有限付出,获终生无限回报。
培训内容:会计流程实际操作,请看课程设置表。 培训效果:积累2年左右的会计实战经验,达85%以上找工成功率
报名咨询:联系方式 - Email / MSN: annafun1997@hotmail.com Mobile: 0425 208 098
会计实战初级班(9 OCT & 6 NOV)
-Accounts Payable and Purchase Processing and Inventory
-Accounts Receivable and Sales Processing and Bank reconciliations
-Payroll, Superannuation, PAYG withholding tax, and payroll tax Processing
-Company GST, BAS and IAS processing and Financial reporting
-Resume skill and Interview preparation
小型-中型规模公司的 (起薪在$35,000以上)
*Accounts Payable officer
*Accounts receivable officer / collection officer/ credit control officer
*Payroll Officer
*Accounts all rounder/ Accounts clerk/ Accounts administrator
*Bookkeeper /Assistant Accountant
5个session+Excel training 只需$650,(从2011年一月分开始, 悉尼价格相应调整 $700)其他城市收费标准 $850.两人以上同时报名可享受优惠 。从八月起, 我培训班推出免费旁听一小时, 让学生有机会, 有比较. 然后作出自己明智的决定.此会计初级实战班不同于社会上的会计初级实战班只解释怎么做-我会计初级实战班的讲课不同点不但让学生知道怎么做,同时让他们知道为什么做.
免费参加会计实战 Excel班. 性价比极高,5个session。每个session 4-5小时由Nicole 耐心细致,不间断的讲解. 讲课内容和时间比较灵活。你可以完成第一节课后满意付全款,否则只需付第一节课费用
授课人数: 5-10人小班中英文授课
会计实战全能班(9 OCT & 6 NOV)
此培训班的讲解是从公司的成立到会计日常工作到报表分析运用全系列过程的会计详细过程, 着重FOCUS ON 会计实际操作和报表分析运用.NICOLE用真正的实际工作的INVOICES和TIMESHEETS来提供5个Topic,完整、系统、充实的教学内容,着重讲述FULL FUNCTION的实际操作,同时从第一课讲课开始从REPORT的高度来讲解实际操作班中学到的AP, AR,PAYROLL与报表的内在联系(这是SYNEY 唯一一家会计培训班能让你在最短时间内以最少金钱达到ACCOUNTANT水平)
-Accounts Payable & Purchase Processing & Inventory & Accounts Sep up & Company Set up
-Payroll, Superannuation & Different Award Interpretation& Advanced Payroll 及payroll 变化处理
-Accounts Receivable and Sales Processing and Bank Rec & Inventory and Resume skills
-报表分析强化 Financial Reports Analysis and BAS report( GST ) & Payroll tax & Group Certificate and Interview preparation &IAS (PAYG Withholding Tax)
-报表分析强化Fixed asset register and maintenance Month end Journal processing Balance sheet reconciliation and variance clearance 参照不同公司的报表出现的错误,高深度全方位分析&实际工作的错误案例分析
中型-大型规模公司的 (起薪在$45,000-$60,000以上)
*Assistant Accountant
*Financial Accountant
*Assistant Management Accountant
*Accounts All Round/ Internal Accountant/ Officer administrator Manager
*Finance Manager/ Accounts Manager
5个session+Excel training 只需$800 .(从2011年一月分开始, 会计全能班时间从5次课提到6次课,悉尼价格相应调整到 $1000),其他城市收费标准 $1200.两人以上同时报名可享受优惠。(从八月起, 我培训班推出免费旁听一小时, 让学生有机会, 有比较. 然后作出自己明智的决定.
免费参加会计实战 Excel 班.性价比极高,5个session。每个session 4-5小时由Nicole 耐心细致,不间断的讲解和学生手把手的操作.你可以完成第一节课后满意付全款,否则只需付第一节课费用性价比极高。
Thanks for your interests in my class. Yes, You can choose 初级班 first, then you can decide whether you would like to continue to study in 初级班 to finish the rest of two topics or you can choose to transfer to 会计实战全能班 for the rest of two topics, that is really flexible for all of my students who is willing to study in my class.
联系 AP , AR and Payroll topic of 会计实战初级班 are the exact same as 会计实战全能班, as I still keep the same structure and start with financial report while I explain the individual invoice to my students as I would like to see my students know what they are doing and what are the impact of the financial report while they try to process any accounts transaction into the accounting software, I really donot like any of my students just to be a bookkeeper or data entry person, as they donot know what they are exactly doing.
区别The difference between 会计实战初级班 and 会计实战全能班 is the financial report, In 会计实战全能班, I will analyse the financial report for more than 6 hours teaching through two topics, but 会计实战初级班 will not give the financial report analyse as I will teach different contents through 会计实战初级班, but the contents of 会计实战全能班 will definitely cover all the contents of 会计实战初级班
Therefore, donot worry about which class you should study at the moment, just come to study in 会计实战初级班, and you can decide 会计实战全能班 after you have gone AP, AR, payroll topic later in order to make the right decision for yourself.
-报表分析强化 Financial Reports Analysis and BAS report( GST ) & Payroll tax & Group Certificate and Interview preparation &IAS (PAYG Withholding Tax)
-报表分析强化Fixed asset register and maintenance Month end Journal processing Balance sheet reconciliation and variance clearance
择业范围: 起薪在$60,000
*Financial Accountant
*Finance Manager
2个session+Excel training 只需$400
性价比极高。每个session 4-5小时。(由Nicole耐心细致的不间断讲解和分析)
(收费标准$1000-1200:费用仅仅AUD$1000-1200元, 绝对是value for money物超所值! (报名无需交押金,当你来上课时直接带学费过来,上完第一节课不满意者,可以退还之后4节课的费用。PS: 不接受试听). 讲课内容和时间比较灵活。
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-2-3 15:03
原帖由 zzruiyun 于 2010-2-2 20:34 发表
nicole, i am dong ,这两天有点忙,明天会再复习下上个月学的东西,我想申请2月课的tutor, 让学到到的东西得到一个巩固阿, 在指导别的同学的同时,对自己也是一个温故而知新的过程阿!!
Your confidence
will be built up day by day
Hi, Dongyang,
Haha, I was flat out the whole day as i have been meeting and discuss my external accountant for Year 08-09 financial reports, finished until just now. Actually that was a very pleasant meeting as I always can learn something new from each meeting and also this is a great chance to update my knowledge.
Sorry to reply you so late in here, Yes, welcome to be my tutor for Feb class which will be on 6/2/10. Please practice at home as many as you can as I don understand you have two kids which you cannot really focus on all the time. but anyway, keep doing a little by a little, your life will be much easier.
Yes, confidence comes from your hard work and understanding, if you are keeping trying, you will find your confidence will be built up day by day. You can see Nicole's confidence in the class all the time, haha, that really does not come within one day oh....
Never try , never know. you will make the difference for your life if you are keeping trying it....
Look forward to seeing you soon
NICOLE近20年会计经验高浓缩在四个星期,同时是特有的以FINANCIAL REPORTS为中心来讲课来贯穿在每节课全方位深度分析的实际操作培训。并是唯一有着亲身经历无数次RECRUITER 经验,来讲解INTERVIEW & RESUME SKILLS & TIPS 在每节课中。
我们的培训是 ONLY RUN ONE CLASS PER EACH WEEK,真正做到少而精以求真正帮到每个学生,提供完整,全系统实际操作高强度培训. 达到了*最高找工成功率*最高学生满意度* 同时收费最低廉, 学习时间最长*
* SYDNEY Feb 会计实戰班 on 6/2/10 * --Nicole
* SYDNEY Mar 会计实戰班 on 6/3/10 * --Nicole
* Brisbane 会计实戰班 on 2/7/10* -- Nicole
* Perth 会计实戰班 on 2/4/10 * ---Nicole
*TAX Class on 21/2/10 ** -- Micheal
*Free Excel Class 25/2 /10*--Cook
**联系方式: Email 或 MSN: annafun1997@hotmail.com或 0425 208 098
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-2-5 09:33
Weekday’s class will be on soon
Since July last year, I am only willing to run one class per moth which normally has been held on the weekend to suit most of my students’ needs.
However, some people still request my weekday’s class as they have to work on the weekend, therefore, I will take this into consideration and I am happy to run the weekday’s class in order to meet you guys’ needs
Yes, you can start to register my weekdays’ class if you are willing to come to this class. Just give us a call on 0425 208 098 or email on annafun1997@hotmail.com to get your seat reserved.
Look forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-2-12 12:45
坚信to be a great accountant
旁听-学生-TUTOR ,让你们彻底掌握NICOLE的讲课内容, 达到真正灵活运用
As I am only willing to run one class per month since July 09, now many students still request my class, some of them cannot wait for my class starts t who want to attend my class ASAP
How to solve this problem? I think the following three ways may help you guys to have better picture about my class让你们彻底掌握NICOLE的讲课内容, 达到真正灵活运用
旁听身份----For people who are strongly interested in my class and cant wait for my next class starts, I can let you come and listen in my class. Remember: this time you are not a student, you are just a pre-learning in order to have a clear picture before studying in my class
学生身份------when your class starts, you can be a student studying in my class
TUTOR身份- ----you can review all the topics with me together in the class again and also your knowledge can be tested by my lovely students after the class, this will be a good chance for you to improve your interview skills as you can be questioned by students, so the tutor program not only
let you get familiar with your study , but also it is the way to let you get to know another people and learn the way to explain in order to build up your confident…
所以,我的课可以让你以三次不同的身份来到我班上学习以求达到巩固和学以致用. ( 记住: 三次不同的身份来学习,收费只一次)
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-2-15 06:15
Payroll Topic will be on tonite at 4.30PM
Happy New year, Guys,
Our payroll topic will be on today, could you please have a good rest as this topic will be much harder than AP topic and come to my class on time? Thanks
Att to New Students, please come 15mins earlier. Thanks
See you this arvo at 4.30pm.
作者: sally1987 时间: 2010-2-16 18:44
[s:8] [s:8] [s:8] [s:8] [s:8]
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-2-18 07:11
原帖由 Belinda1009 于 19:53 发表
刚和nicole通完电话,真没想到nicole能在课余百忙之外还能想起我们这些学生,每次听到nicole鼓励的话总感觉对找工作充满信心。其实每天都会关注这个版块,看到同学们成功的喜悦,羡慕不已。更希望自己能有一天也可以和大家分享我第一份成功的喜悦。更值得惊叹的是看到每一条我们的帖子nicole都会认真的看并跟帖回复,这需要怎样的耐心和耗费精力啊 ~~
刚上完第一堂AP课,再加上之前的两堂旁听的经历,对整个MYOB的操作总算有了系统化的了解。非常感谢nicole能够提供旁听的机会~~ nicole的教学思路确实是她的精华所在,从报表入手,让我们不仅知其然,更知其所然。这更是每个要做会计工作的人所必须得能力。好的老师 是领着学生上路的,而不是牵 着学生的手向前走。nicole的教学方式就是在培养我们'举一反三,触类旁通“的能力,获得了知识,再通过课后作业的反复练习,会越来越熟悉需要掌握的东西。
同时不知道你们注意到没有:我只要用四次课就能全面COVER 可会计的基本实际操作和到报表的分析。到目前为在,这是全SYDNEY除我们培训班之外没有一个培训班能做到这一点的。
这不但节省了你的金钱 (just need $500),同时在超短的时间内让我的学生达到一个质的飞跃,更重要的是我会给你们很多我近20年实际会计工作的TIPS (对不起,我还是得说姜是老的辣),20年实际工作的经验让我见得多,所以我的讲课面涉及很广和很深,同时我MANAGER的职位让我站得高,看得广,所以我的讲课角度不同一般的会计培训。所以我的学生的收获就不同于其他班。
也就是我的整个讲课思路:我是从报表的角度入手来讲解BOOKEEPER的东西(这就是前三节会计的实际操作AP,AR,PAYROLL的东西,不同于其他培训班的是- 我不是简单从INVOCE的角度来操作,
我是从报表的SEPUP的角度来操作)。然后第四节我集中在报表上来分析报表,解决前面三节我埋下的陷阱和伏笔(这是ACCOUNTNAT 的工作)。这样,我所有的学生在短短的四次课的高强度培训,都学会整个COMMERCIALACCOUNTING全盘运作和 SET UP 和同时明白在报表中这么体现的。。
这就是为什么我的学生在四节课学完后敢于冲击ACCOUNTANT,ASSISTANTACCOUNTANT, ACCOUNTSALLROND,甚至ACCOUNTS MANAGER的工作,同时大部分学生找到了ACCOUNTANT,ASSISTANTACCOUNTANT, ACCOUNTSALLROND,甚至ACCOUNTS MANAGER的工作。像是神奇吗?其实不神奇,一旦你能知其然,同时知其所以然。也就是说你真正理解了,深奥和高深不再深奥和高深了。我的人生经验告知我“生活其实就是这么简单-理解了的东西就容易了,不知你们有同感吗?
另外我的教学量很大,我的课堂所有的例子都是UNIQUE的,几乎我的每个CASE就代表经验我想尽量多COVER,这就是BLANDA所说的“好的老师 是领着学生上路的,而不是牵 着学生的手向前走。nicole的教学方式就是在培养我们'举一反三,触类旁通“的能力”。所以我的讲课时间会长达6个小时,同时没有太多的空话和笑话,因为我明白你们来到我教室的目的:你们想尽量多学东西,不是来我讲空话和笑话的。是不是没空话和笑话的课堂就BORING了?我想在前面已作很好的解释。
同时学生还在学校上课或我刚毕业或毕业几年了在咨询我的课提到:我能学会吗?我在此再次重申:我绝对可以保证你能学懂和学会。这是我一贯的“ guarantee”. 在我的班上的三无人员KEVIN(无学历,无工作经验,无PR)能找到ACCOUNTS ALL ROUND & OFFICE MANGER 的工作,还有我班上的年纪最大的学生JIAN(她是在国内大学教工程课的讲师)找到ATO的TAX ACCOUNTANT 工作。我想他们虽是一个列证,我想你可能通过这些列证找到了你自己的答案。不需我多说。
Thanks Blinda, thanks for your great sharing.Hopefully my class can build up you for your accounting career forever.
只要用四次课就能全面COVER 会计的基本实际操作和到报表的分
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-2-21 22:17
原帖由 sy417 于 2010-2-17 19:27 发表
HI Nicole happy chinese new year is the tax class still go on this Sunday, please let me know? Thank you
Morning, Summer,
Good to hear from you, happy New Year to you too. How is your mum and whether she likes Australia?
Tax class should be on end of this Feb; however I still have to confirm with the rest of students and your teacher Michael. I will post note in here in order to let you guys to know.
Btw, would you mind doing me favour to help my students Helen? Two weeks ago, she got accounts all round position in your previous company, now she has some difficulties with the procedure of this company and her director, could you give her some tips to deal with the company issues and how to deal with her director while she calls you today? As I know, you have done very well in that company. Very appreciate your help.
Keep in touch and all the best
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-2-22 08:51
From: annafun1997@hotmail.com
To: lijialun
Subject: RE: Ms Nicole,您好,我是在perth的嘉伦
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 00:36:28 +1030
Hi, 嘉伦
Thanks for your calling tonight to enquire my Perth class which will be held in Perth during the Easter time while I come to Perth for my Easter Holiday
首先, 谢谢你对我课程的深刻理解, 我知道这来自于你多年在国内的会计工作经验, 这也就是为什么我的很多有实际会计经验学生对我课程内容设置很佩服, 因为他们知道什么是真正实际工作中需要的. 同时这也是越来越多的学生来自已上班人士. 因为他们真正知道我不但给学生讲解最基本的会计运作,同时还给学生讲解会计的SET UP, 更重要的是我会详细解释会计运作的来龙去脉和最后的财务报表分析 和我实际工作中近二十多年会计总结的TIPS来真诚奉献给我的每位学生, 同时也是我的课程是我真正奉献给我的每位学生的一条龙(初,中,高级)的会计实际操作服务. 其中,报表自始自终贯穿我的每个TOPIC, 同时以最廉价的价格奉献给我的每个学生. 我不会也不想通过不同初,中,高,班级形式来变相收费. 我的主要目的是让学生真正在短时间内能学到系统化和连贯性的知识,能真正COPY我几十年的会计经验. 在悉尼 BRISBANE, 因为时间的许可, 我推行我强大的 FREE TUTOR PROGRAM. 因为我知道我课程的难度, 所以我让我学过的学生来重新免费来到我班上来重温我的所有课程. 让我的课程能真正帮到我的每位学生.
真谢谢你的理解和合作, 办班三年多, 我已帮到数以百计的人找到会计工作,同时 还确实结识很多志同道合的知音, 我很欣慰. 在此也非常佩服你的吃苦耐劳精神,你在上班之余,你还能每天还挤出5小时来学习, NICOLE深受感动, 这也是值得NICOLE 学习的地方. 是的, ,学无止境, 我们应该不断补充新知识. 我很同意你的说法:"我们需要一些战略眼光,看得越远走的才能越坚定!所以我相信金子一定会发光的!"
Look forward to seeing you guys soon and keep in touch. Thanks
> Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 05:19:07 -0800
> From: lijialun
> Subject: Ms Nicole,您好,我是在perth的嘉伦
> To: annafun1997@hotmail.com
> Nicole 老师:
> 您好,昨晚一席话更让我肯定了自己的决定,其实在这里很多人都是处在一种混的状态,安于现状,但是对于真的渴望学习掌握知识的人却找不到方向,迷茫,容易找工作反而会害了一些人,因为我多接触了一些人所以我觉得人需要一些战略眼光,看得越远走的才能越坚定!所以我相信金子一定会发光的!您有什么要求随时告诉我,我尽力在这边安排.
> 此致
> 敬礼 李嘉伦
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-2-23 07:24
原帖由 fkueyadk 于 2009-12-31 13:08 发表
Hello,Nicole, Im your future student Ping, I am coming here specially to send you my regards:wish u happy new year and all the best sincerely....
From: pengjinglan
To: annafun1997@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Hi, Nicole.This is Amy.
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 05:16:08 +0000
Hi Nocole:
I have arrived in SYDNEY.
Can you arrange me attend your March class??
Kind Regards
Morning, Amy,
Glad to know you had a great time in China and back to Australia last week, Welcome to My March class will be on 6/03/10.
You can come to my class to prelisten through Feb Class if you like as this is the great chance I would like to offer any of my students. If you are interested, please let me know.
Otherwise I am looking forward to seeing you in My March class soon
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-2-23 09:53
Something New
will be in our AR &Bank Rec & Resume topic
AR & Resume Topic will be on Tonight at 4.30
Hi, Guys,
Our topic will be on today, I will go through all the details individully which listed below with you guys tonite
-Accounts Receivable and Sales Processing and Bank Rec & Inventory and Resume skills
(1.课堂上会详细讲解如何处理how to apply for customer accounts &why need to apply.
2.课堂上会详细讲解如何处理how to do customer accounts reference check的注意事项&2种不同的check method. 。3.课堂上会详细讲解如何处理SEP UP NEW customer accounts 和 how to UPDATE current customer accounts及注意事项。
4.课堂上会详细讲解如何处理 individul sales invoices & 不同的tax code sales invoices 及3种注意事项.
5课堂上会由浅入深详细讲解不同类型的INVOICES在错误情况下如何处理方式和全部或部分CREDIT NOTES ISSUE的处理方式和注意事项
6.课堂上会详细讲解如何处理PAYEMENT 和DISCOUNT TERM及实际工作的灵活变化及注意事项6.课堂上详细讲解4种不同PAYMENT方式.
7.课堂上详细讲解3种不同INVOICE APPLY方式。
8.课堂上详细讲解deposit的2种转变方式及注意事项 and explain the reason why we do use Group with undeposited funds.
9.课堂上会详细讲解如何how to chase funds from customer accounts及实际工作中不同种催帐方式和注意事项.
10.课堂上由浅入深详细讲解AR与B/S& P/L的内在紧密联系及注意事项
11课堂上会详细讲解如何分析time billing INVOICES及2种注意事项(因为时间关系,此内容只在SYDNEY讲解).
12.课堂上会详细讲解如何分析how to reconcile customer accounts及注意事项
13.课堂上会详细讲解如何处理实际工作 filing 工作及注意事项.
14.课堂上详细讲解 how to reconcile bank accounts 及银行对帐方式和几种特别注意事项.
15.课堂上涉及INVENTORY sales的简介。
16.课堂上详细讲解 how to write a good cover letter & resume 及注意事项及some examples of my staff resumes
17.课后详细单个讲解how to write a good cover letter & resume 及注意事项)
Also I will add something new in the class starting from our Feb class, please come on time if you would like to find out. Thanks
Look forward to seeing you guys at 4.30PM this arvo.
作者: jonno 时间: 2010-2-24 10:28
very good. I am interested.when will you come to run this class for us in April?
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-2-26 08:43
引用第11楼jonno于2010-02-24 10:28发表的:
very good. I am interested.when will you come to run this class for us in April?
Thanks for your interests in my class, I will come to Perth in April and run this special class for you guys. If you are interested, pls call me on 0425 208 098 or email me on annafun1997@hotmail.com. Thanks
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-2-28 10:37
Hi, Guys,
Our New class -March class is coming soon, Most of students come from Friends Recommendations and already booked the seat a long time ago. Look forward to seeing you guys Next Saturday 06/03/2010
As we know "我把初级中级高级的课程在我的会计实战班全部讲解", most of my students cannot pick up my teaching material straight away in the class, this is why I always encourage my students to apply to be a tutor for the next class to review all the topics with me together in the class. This tutor program is my ongoing support and free to all of my students as long as you would like to apply from here
I already got one person applied this tutor program, also I can accept two people if you are interested in this program. Would you like to experience TUTOR 的魔力? Please apply here now.
1.正面激励 2.悉心给与
是的, 因为我把初级中级高级的课程在我的会计实战班全部讲解, 但只收一次费用。也就是说我的课程是最让我所学生能真正在最短时间内廉价的费用掌握我的精髓。
课堂内容之多, 涉及面之广,节奏之紧凑,我的的学生确实需要通过我的ONGOING SUPPORT - FREE TUTOR PROGRAM 来拾缺补遗。 这就是你们在我FORUM 看到了为什么有如此多的学生强烈要求在我班上当TUTOR
课堂内容之多, 涉及面之广,节奏之紧凑,使得我没有余力去联想其他的东西。
原帖由 sweetchill 发表
hi, 大家好!
第二次上Nicole的课, 感触蛮多,只是现在才与大家分享, 希望还不算晚。
记得第一次去听Nicole课的时候是还没有毕业的阶段,基础不是很好又因为本科读的是生物工程, 所以对整个商科还没有建立起一个完整的概念。我算是跟的比较慢的人,整个课上都是一种被动听讲的过程,课堂内容之多, 涉及面之广,节奏之紧凑,使得我没有余力去联想其他的东西。Nicole显然是看出我的处境, 专门打电话给我, 安慰之余更说了许多鼓励的话。我想这份关心是学费cover不起的!
1.正面激励 2.悉心给与
在这里我能感受到这两点,可幸 ^_^
时隔很久才去以tutor的身份再次去听Nicole的课:感觉变化很大。自己已经从纯接受的的角度转变为主动思考和判断的角度了。有基础和没有基础完全是不同的:听课侧重点不同了,可以把精力放到自己尚且还模糊的地方去强化,那些自己懂了东西可以再一次巩固,压力少了不少! 当然也有多余的时间来以欣赏的姿态听Nicole娓娓道来,情调也截然异样了,哈哈。。。其实我很赞成这样的形式,除了让听过课的学生有机会强化,跟重要的是让没有听过课的学生们有人在身旁支持,Nicole在课间常提到澳洲西方风格注重“team work” , 这一个安排的细节着实是体现了一把!当然, 讲课内容的精进也是我这次听课一个比较深刻的印象,我想这也都依赖于来听课的朋友们给Nicole的反馈和Nicole的修整!所以,希望大伙们都能做推动这个课程进步的一份子,多多讲述自己的际遇和想法,服务别人的同时自己也得益。
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-3-3 12:04
原帖由 jon 于 2010-3-2 14:22 发表
因为有事没赶上二月份班。我想报三月六日的实战班, 应该还来得及吧?能否给我肯定的答复?谢谢!另外,想问一下现在的确切费用以及上课地点和上课时间?非常感谢!JOHN
Hi, John,
Thanks for your interests in my class. For March class, all the seats have been fully booked already, but I may have one person who may move to my April clas for his personal reasons, I will get back to you as long as I got confirmation from him.
Otherwise, is it possible to book the seat for April class which will be on 10/04/2010 if it is ok for you? At that time, I can notice the study venue and time as well
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-3-7 16:17
APR class will start on 10/4/10
Hi, guys,
If any of you guys cannot catch my Mar class on time, as I am only willing to run one class per each weekend within one month, so my Apr class will start on 10/4/2010, you can start to enrol this class now in order to book the seat earlier. This class may be held in Hurstiville if many people come from Hurstiville.
Btw, there are already two people book my Apr class already; there are still a few seats left.
Therefore, you can give me a call on 0425 208 098 or email me on annafun1997@hotmail.com
作者: aunnlt 时间: 2010-3-7 16:33
[s:2] [s:2] [s:2]
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-3-11 12:39
Great Chance
Only Four topics within one month
My students not only know HOW to process AP, AR, Payroll, Most importantly, you know how to deal with Financial reports
New program will run in my class again
Hi, guys,
Most of my students in my class reckon my Final topic- Financial report was hard? Do you know where my final topic comes from? Would you like to know my secrets?
Haha, here is the great chance for you guys to know my secrets while you would practice?
As we know, every three months, I have to prepare new financial statements for final topic in order to update my knowledge and my teaching stuff for my class.
This will be a very good opportunity to review a whole process for all my topics. This time I would like to give this chance to one of my students who are willing to practice the whole process again in order to double check whether you have mastered all the topics to update your knowledge with what you have learned from my class….
If anyone would like to take this great chance, I would like to supervise you in my spare time in order to update her knowledge while preparing my teaching stuff.
Please note: this will be a voluntary work as I will be a volunteer to supervise you. I do believe this will be a great chance for you guys to review my four topics in a whole in order to test whether you have understood my topics. I will be your personal supervisor for that. Therefore I will double check all of your work what you have done before coming my teaching Material……
If you are interested in this program, please apply here and then we can organize a time together in order to show you the whole process while you learn to prepare the final report.
Condition of this program:
You should have a very good understanding of my four topics of my old version
You should have enough spare time to practice this program as this has to be done within 1.5 weeks
I only can supervise one or two people for each three months for this program
Who are willing to try for this program? You can register here and I will contact you soon. thanks
原帖由 annafun 于 2009-10-13 10:48 发表
This is why
Many students would like to be my tutor in my class
Morning, Alex,
Thanks for your great sharing. This is the great reason why many students would like to be my tutor in my class. I am proud I can have this great thinking - Free tutor program for my ongoing support of my help training program after each of my students finished the training.
Like one of tutor Salina who has been waiting for more than one month to get this tutor program as I can not squeeze her in my sep class even though she applied long time ago as there are many students in the queue., she said to me: Nicole , your teaching skills is getting much better. haha, is it really my teaching skills getting much better? or you have better picture while you can have the chance to listen in my class in the second time while you only bring your brain with you?
While Salina tutor said this, my another tutor - Catharine disagreed: I think Nicole teaching skills is always the same, because we have much clear picture than before as we have learned the best structure, then we came back to the class to review, everything is becoming much easier.
Ha-ha, what can I say at that time? Yes, I only can smile. Because I can see you guys all benefit from my tutor program. Wonderful.
[quote]原帖由 sunth329 于 2009-10-12 11:50 发表
Hey Nicole,
Thanks for providing me the chance to be a tutor and I did benefit from yesterday's class. As a tutor, I not only refreshed my memory of the stuff I learned three months ago, but more importantly, I had more time to think the inherent logic of the course rather than just taking down the notes last time, which I believe raised my understanding of the topic to a high level. And I'll help other mates in their homework, which definitely will be another great learning motivation for me. That's really awesome!
Also I am just wandering can I try your special project as I wanna challenge myself more. Thank you!
Welcome to try my special program
Haha, Alex, Welcome to try my special program. Would you like to talk me around my lunch in order to show you the steps how to do this special program. Is that time alright for you? please let me know. Thanks
Haha, after you finish, I would like to see what kind feeling you got. Would you like to let us know? haha, the following is the feeling came from my students- Lulu who did my special program.
Look forward to talking to you soon
原帖由 annafun 于 2009-9-27 15:28 发表
Well done, LuLu
Hi, guys,
Today is our final topic for Sep class. Do you know where my teaching material came from . Haha, it is not a secret anymore. Because I will tell you guys now
Yes, Sep Tutor Lulu finished my special project - Financial reports, her financial reports will be my teaching material for today's financial report.
It sounds impossible. My students can finish the financial report for me after finishing my four topics. People cannot believe it, but it is true.
Everything in my class will become true. As I always let my students participate a lot in the class or after the class, this is what I said in here is what you will get from my class later.
Guys, come and get it. I do believe you can get the biggest benefit from my class after my today's topic.
Also I believe you can prepare for the financial reports after today's topic. I do believe everyone can do it. Would you like to try and take this special topic for my Oct class?
Let me know if you are interested.
Today Let us enjoy Lulu the special project together- Financial report topic will be on very soon
[quote]From: annafun1997@hotmail.com
To: heather10
Subject: RE: special project
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 06:46:35 +1030
Well done, lulu. that is a very good practice which let you totally understand the whole procedure of the financial reports.
I have a look now and double check for you and i will tell you any changes in todays' class
haha, I will use your one as my today's teaching material if everything is fine after checking. I do believe you will feel great in the class as our students will share your great results from your many weeks hard work. haha, are you exciting?
From: heather10
To: annafun1997@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: special project
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 18:10:18 +0800
我终于对平了。哈哈 。哈。。。
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-3-13 06:12
Rachel (in Perth )- Accounts all Round
As I will run a class in Perth soon, and at the same time I made a contact with some of my students (who already finished my class in Sydney and went to Perth in order to get PR soon) to give them a chance to be a tutor in there in order to help them if they did not get an accounting job yet.
The first one is Rachel: While I spoke with Rachael, she told me: Nicole , I have been working in Accounts since half year ago she moved to Perth. Haha, another big surprise for me. Congratulations, Rachel. Haha, Guys, please let me know earlier next time if any of you get another accounting job, otherwise Nicole will always worry about whether you have got an accounting job or not since you have finished my class
Rachael, Glad to know you are able to manage all the accounts by yourself after finishing my class in Oct last year. Also you told me you still put yourself into the employee market for another better chance as you realized the current position is so easy for you to handle and you feel it is not difficult as what I have taught you guys in t my class. Yes, In my class , I have to try to use different companies situations in order to let you learn the hard part and easy to fit into any position, this is why many students who got an accounting job told their work is not hardand complicated than my class, Haha, that is good. It will make you move high position . This is why Rachel would like to see more development in your career after half year real accounting practice.
That's good if you could challenge yourself every day. However I prefer my students to stay in their job a little big longer (around one year) in order to get to know about the accounts procedure of the company. i do know you guys are very easy to fit yourself into the new position as I have taught you guys most of practical work through my class, normally my students will feel bored after they got their position three months later as they feel nothing new for them to learn
Sounds like that, but the real fact will be different as our accounting experience will be accumulated day by day, you cannot expect you get and learn something new every day, sometimes we do feel bored as we do repeat our work day by day and month by month. Yes it does take time if you would like to learn something new, just be patient. it will come....
Whether you would like to look for another better career development, it is really up to you. I only would like to give my opinions. Hopefully it could get
some ideas...
Once again, congratulations.
Btw, a little bit disappointed oh : you will come to Sydney to see your friend during Easter While I will be in Perth at that time, haha, we miss each other, Hopefully one day we can catch up soon....
All the best
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-3-16 14:10
Nicole 的培训课程比较系统,不仅仅停留在软件的学习上
Hi, Yvonne,
Actually it’s my pleasure to share my experience with you guys in my class.
As being a finance manager for many years, I have used more than ten accounting software. Therefore I do know the software will be very easy for you guys to master as long as you understand the basic principle of practical accounting, this is why I do not focus on teaching on the software which will just waste you guys’ time and money if the teacher just focuses on teaching software, so I do agree with what you said “如果单纯为了学习一个软件应用,我觉得根本没必要。自己大可以上网download教程。但,如果要信心十足的参加面试,软件操作远远不够”
Technical skills will be very important for you guys while you go for interviews and make your job more efficient as well. Please practice every day at home in order to get familiar and be confident with all the technical skills.
Hopefully you are getting better soon. Look forward to seeing you this Saturday at 10.30AM for your AR & Bank rec topic .
原帖由From: yvonne_
To: annafun1997@hotmail.com
Subject: 有关会计培训
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 12:43:52 +0800
原帖由 yvonne_yy 于 2010-2-26 16:19 发表
Thanks, Nicole
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-3-17 14:37
ON 2/04/2010
是的, NICOLE我很知道我讲课内容的含金量, 这为什么我的大部分学生能找到ACCOUNTANT,ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT, 甚至ACCOUNTS MANAGER的工作, 这确实跟我的讲课的广度和深度有关, 因为我把初级,中级,高级综合给我的学生一起讲解,同时我 给与我学生我几十年工作总结的很多TIPS, 所以让他们很快适应和深入工作.
但是收费方面我只按初级培训班收费。我为什么我不主张办不同层次培训班,来分别收取不同费用呢? 主要原因是会计报表是我们作会计的中心, 我实在不想忍痛割爱,让我的学生舍弃会计报表学一些不痛不痒皮毛东西,我想真正让我的每个学生在最短时间内学到真正实质的东西, 另外因为我们海外游子都不容易,所以帮帮同胞一直是我作为一个中国人的心愿。有人认为这是傻瓜的做法。仁者见仁,智者见智。我只想作我所做的事
先后在悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、阿德莱德、黄金海岸进行授课. 所以我在哪里旅游,我的培训班就在哪.只想攒点旅游费,真正达到旅游和帮人两不误. 是的,我天性爱游山玩水, 所以每逢假期, 我会在不同的城市度假. 希望在不同城市办班帮助能更多的中国人能早日实现他们的会计职业梦想. 来澳十年还没去过PERTH,所以决定EASTER 去PERTH 逛逛。同时帮PERTH 的同胞。真是达到旅游和帮人两不误啊。
JIALUN,谢谢你的盛情,不管多少学生, PERTH这个班我是办定了。我还是坚持我的宗旨: 帮一人是一人.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.... Thanks
Nicole引用第5楼colorado于2010-03-15 23:06发表的:
会计毕业很多年了,一直在一个问题上徘徊:为什么要学会计?我觉得这也是很多会计毕业的同学也都有过的问题,当时读会计,很大程度上是为了移民,拿到PR了,是否继续进入会计这个行业就成了新问题了,很多同学和我一样是会计毕业的,但是毕业后都选择了其他的职业,很长一段时间里我也没有下决心,因为但是看到的会计很多都是bookkeeping,一年收入也就4万左右,因为职业需要,也很不到特别的提升希望,这个时候起他的行业确实会看起来有吸引力,记得有个同学学的是会计,毕业了开始当职业经理,一个月拿到手能有4000多,而会计一开始一周不过600左右,因为这个原因,我一开始也是选择了其他的职业发展,包括回国在家人的公司里实习,但是越到后来越发现:学不到真正的东西!在老外的公司里,他们根本不教你很深层次的技术,或者说根本不让你去解决难度高的问题,原因是不信任,除非他们实在缺人,不然的话他们宁可让你在同一个位子干一辈子!而且,外国的公司也有内部斗争,他们用人的出发点应该说是剥削大于传授,很多中小公司业务本来就简单,工作的时间里他们基本上是恨不得让一个人干2个人的工作,只要你有时间,那么工作内容就要由老板说了算,你的学习?和她无关。。。。在国内实习的时候,能跟着亲戚朋友到处跑,确实长了见识,但是也发现了他们并不会把你当人才来用,理由就不必说了,一句话“打铁要靠自身硬“,没有过硬的技能,扎实的基本功解决不了实际困难就不能创造价值,不能创造价值的人才能算是人才么?让人如何敢交付给你复杂和困难的工作?可在实际生活中,学习和工作本来就是一对矛盾,不是所有的人都能解决好,在工作当中学习很大程度上是一厢情愿,也是一个很痛苦的现实,而且,随着年纪的增长,家庭和生活里面的事情越来越多,想安定下来学习就变成很需要毅力的事情了,而这个时候才发现,除了以前的课本手中几乎没有资料来充电,而没有经历更高层次的工作,很多实际问题根本碰不到,拿到了CA的教材,但是发现和现在的工作内容根本衔接不上,而同时也慢慢发现其实会计这个行业收入算是高的!能达到10万以上(在Perth)而要求就是能熟练的掌握和解决一些比较高层次的实际的问题,先说一个简单的吧,MYOB的退税,在输入电话账单的时候如果不同时输入已付项而是保存之后再输入的话,MYOB算出来的GST就不一样,就算是在另外输入一个Journal entry 也不行,而这样的实际问题很多很多,如果是每天靠这样碰倒问题解决问题,工作不一定能做得很好,结果也会很郁闷。
一个偶然的机会,我看到了老师的广告,突然发现,里面几乎所有的问题都是我渴望发现和掌握的,因为这些问题如果是单凭我自己,恐怕10年也遇不完全,别说掌握了,所以说老师的课程的价值,根本就不是讲课费可以衡量的,(如果一定要比较)我可以说一些我知道的1,H&R 700澳币3个月的实习,之后提供经验证明,如果满意可能提供3个月的工作,之后再根据表现而定。(每天8小时的数据输入,深层次的技术不会让你碰得,因为你不会)2, 请老师一对一的辅导,我问到的价格是70澳币一小时,20小时之后你大概能把MYOB掌握的精通一些,也许能帮一些小公司做一做帐单,bas之类的,但是这样还是不能保证你能在长期的能力增长,因为只有过硬的能力才有机会在大的公司里大的平台上去锻炼,而这样的锻炼机会是有的!那样的话,年收入10万左右不是很大的问题,而老师的课程让我看到了这样的希望,所以说老师不来的话,我一定会去悉尼或墨尔本,因为这些知识的价值是很难用金钱来衡量的。
原帖由 colorado001 于 2010-3-16 00:56 发表
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-3-19 10:09
[s:1] [s:2]
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-3-20 04:41
Bookkeeper& Accounts all Round
Haha, Karen,
What beautiful day it is today? Since this Morning, I feel much better since I have been very quiet last two days. Especially this afternoon, you made me steamily happy while I received your phone call and told me you got an accounting job offer today from yesterday interview.
Congratulations, Karen. Good on you. I mentioned in my forum before, I will not surprise any more while my students got an accounting job offer , as I do know the quality of my training class which is what you guys exactly got my class. Therefore, I do know all of my students will get it one day, just a matter of time. However, your job offer comes to you so quickly, that really surprised me, I love this great surprise which makes me smiling and look younger as I will be happy everyday oh
Haha, you don’t need to send me a resume for review again. Congratulation
Wow, don’t forget to give my students some tips in here in order to let them get job offer sooner oh, great. Thanks
Btw, I will email you my back up for preparing my final topic, yes, this will be the great chance to get the whole procedure of commercial accounting, please practice and get my new program done ASAP as long as you receive my back up.
Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
原帖由 cattycat
To: annafun1997@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: 会计培训
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010
Hi Nicole,
I have a interview tmr n I' ll prepare for the interview today, meanwhile, I ll keep on sending the resume, keep job hunting..
Talk to you soon
原帖由 ppcatty 于 2010-1-15 14:32 发表
Nicole 老师,
下个周一就开始上班了,希望自己能快点catch up,这个周末要在家好好巩固老师教的知识,同时结合自己以前实际工作的经验,争取早点上手。。
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-3-23 06:51
原帖由 colorado001 于 2010-3-16 00:56 发表
PERTH的会计培训班 will be definitely on 2/4/2010
Morning, Jialun,
You are not the only one who likes to attend my Perth accounting training class. Now more and more people from Perth enquired my training class, that is a great news for Perth guys. Also it will make my Perth trip more interesting- Yes, I not only can help you guys to learn the practical accounting skills, but also I will make a lot of friends in Perth while I also can enjoy Perth wonderful view. Yes, I will enjoy this great trip even though this is the first time I travel to Perth ......
Haha, time flies, Easter Holiday is near the corner. Yes, Guys, Look forward to seeing you soon....
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-3-23 13:01
原帖由 kiarachiu688 于 2010-3-23 10:11 发表
NICOLE老师我是楚沂~~ 听说你在HURSTVILLE开班,希望一切顺利。我昨天已经开始找工作了。投出了5份简历。觉得还要复习之前学过的东西才有信心。
You can see someone succeed today, I do believe you can see your successful life soon if you can copy the same way what they have done
Good to hear from you, 楚沂. Wonderful, finally you can start to send your resume out and go for job hunting now..that is awesome. Yes, Plenty of accounting Jobs are in the market, whether you can grab one straight away, that not only depends on how lucky you are , but also depends on how good you are!
How to be a lucky guy? pls do make sure you need to contact the employer as soon as possible to see whether you can get a chance for interview after you send your resume out, pls don’t sit home waiting and waiting .... as we do know the employer will receive hundreds of resume for one simple advertising , that means the employer doesn’t have enough time to go through each resume. So how to let them recognize you? You have to give them a call or email them again in the right time if no phone number to contact
How to be a good candidate? Pls build yourself up while you can keep practicing at home and always think why you should do this way and why not that way in order to build your real confidence while you go for the interview.....Yes, I do agree with what you have said in here: "觉得还要复习之前学过的东西才有信心"
I do believe: if we can do Little by little every day, we will make the difference for our life.... . Haha, I think your boyfriend- James is a very good example for you. I still remember the first time he came to study in my class one year ago.... but you can see how confident he is during his current accounting work since he got accounting job after my class....
Yes, never try never know. You can see someone succeed today, I do believe you can see your successful life soon if you can copy the same way what they have done....
All the best and keep in touch...
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-3-26 14:31
Congratulations Yijun
Great spirits, Great persistence
Just right now, its the third time to receive your phone call today: Nicole , I got the accounting offer. How excited you should be now. Yes, this great enjoyable moment took a long time to come to you, nearly one year, it is not really easy even though i do know you are such a nice guy and you will be definitely a very good accountant one day. Good on you. Finally you got it. Congratulations...
Yijun, I am always encouraged by your great persistence. Well done. you got it today.....this will be the great start for you for your accounting career ....... Congratulation again... I am very proud of you.....
Hi, guys, Great news to you guys, as Yijun will come to our March Class this Sunday to share his story to you and share his interview experience. Hopefully you can learn something from him.
For guys who cannot come my class, please donor worry. As you also can see his great sharing in here soon. Hopefully his great spirit can give you encouragement as well. Thanks. Yijun
Guys, did you remember what I have said below. I think Yijun is the best example for you guys...
原帖由 annafun 于 2010-3-25 11:48 发表
记住: 坚持就是胜利
当我有时在课后了解学生的学习情况, 学生总会聊起他们对人生的困惑。
我们都有同感, 在我们遇到困难时, 我们有时会低头退却。这时成功从我们身边悄悄溜走。但是我们总是爱羡慕别人的成功,而且悔恨自己当时没有坚持。 下面是我给学生的回复, 希望你们也能从中得到一些启示:
"Hi, Fred,
Nice to chat with you last night. Pls remember: everyone should be the same while we are trying to do sth, Why did people achieve a different result when crossing the problems? I think the most important thing is that: the insistences and never give up spirits ( if you think it is worth to do that) made the difference. i do know its easy to say and hard to do it. However, you can see the difference as long as you are keen to achieve your life target. you will enjoy it ...When I recalled my whole life, I think this is the best way to achieve something that you want for your life......"
YiJun, Look forward to seeing you this Sunday at 9.30AM.
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-3-27 10:33
10 April class(Sydney实战快班) is recruiting
8 May class (Sydney实战快班) is recruiting
2 April class(Perth 实战快班) is recruiting
坚信to be a great accountant
旁听-学生-TUTOR ,让你们彻底掌握NICOLE的讲课内容, 达到真正灵活运用
As I am only willing to run one class per month since July 09, now many students still request my class, some of them cannot wait for my class starts t who want to attend my class ASAP
How to solve this problem? I think the following three ways may help you guys to have better picture about my class让你们彻底掌握NICOLE的讲课内容, 达到真正灵活运用
旁听身份----For people who are strongly interested in my class and cant wait for my next class starts, I can let you come and listen in my class. Remember: this time you are not a student, you are just a pre-learning in order to have a clear picture before studying in my class
学生身份------when your class starts, you can be a student studying in my class
TUTOR身份- ----you can review all the topics with me together in the class again and also your knowledge can be tested by my lovely students after the class, this will be a good chance for you to improve your interview skills as you can be questioned by students, so the tutor program not only
let you get familiar with your study , but also it is the way to let you get to know another people and learn the way to explain in order to build up your confident…
所以,我的课可以让你以三次不同的身份来到我班上学习以求达到巩固和学以致用. ( 记住: 三次不同的身份来学习,收费只一次)
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-3-29 07:37
[s:1] [s:1]
作者: ttracy 时间: 2010-3-29 08:26
引用第3楼funanna于2010-02-12 12:45发表的:
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-3-30 13:27
引用第28楼ttracy于2010-03-29 08:26发表的:
Thanks, Tracy. Yes, you can come to my class Three times , such as you can prelisten in my class before being my student and then to be a student and a tutor after finishing all the four topics. Yes, Three times, I do believe you can master my 4 topics very well.....
Yes, this is very good for our Students. However, "交一次学费,可以多次听讲课" is only for my students who is in Sydney as I live in Sydney
If you are in Sydney, that will be good for you as you can come at least three times to my class. If you are not in Sydney, pls donot worry. I will be your tutor after my classp- That means I will still answer your questions any time if you still have questions after my class
作者: penpen 时间: 2010-3-30 15:21
[s:1] [s:1]
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-3-31 07:55
Perth Class
will start on 02/04/10
at 9.15AM (Perth Time)
in Perth
To Perth Guys,
I am looking forward to holiday in Perth since I came to Australia. Haha, today my dream is coming true. Since I finished my Gold Coast trip in Jan,I think about my next holiday to Perth for my Easter long weekend, Yes it is coming, I will be in Perth this Friday . That’s a really amazing thing in my life…. I am very looking forward to ……
As some of Perth people strong request me to run the class in Perth as I normally run my class in another city while I am on holiday. Yes, I cannot refuse 我们中国留学生强烈地求知欲望的渴求. My flight will be in Perth on 2/04/2010. This class will start at 9.15AM on 2/4/2010. Normally I will run
two days which will be more than 10 hours lessons per day for outside Sydney class, however, I very appreciated Jialun’ help to organize this class for me and plus I will not go to Perth as often as Gold Coast ( sorry guys, that is really too far away from Sydney- more than 10 hours for return by airplane, haha, that is a long long trip oh), therefore, in order to help Perth guys to master my topics properly,I will run my four topics within four days, one topic during the morning time, and another three topics during the afternoon and night time . Please take plenty of rest before you come to my class…
Since running Brisbane class & Gold Coast class& Melbourne class & Adelaide class, frankly speaking, I personally would not prefer to run my class outside of Sydney as it makes extremely exhausted after two days class.Normally I have to take long time to recover myself. However, I have not get used to yet. Anyway, 我深切地感受我们中国留学生强烈地求知欲望. From Mel.bourne and Birsbane class, I can feel 他们不管处境多艰难. 路途多遥远,仍然来到my class. 我真是深深感动, I am willing to come to offer my help for you guys as well in order to make it fair to our Chinese People who is outside of Sydeney.我会尽我最大能力把课讲好.讲透.我想尽我所能来帮帮这些迷惘中的孩子. 虽然我明白我不是上帝
There are Four topics within Four days:
2/04/2010 Morning: AP
4/04/2010 Afternoon_ Night: Payroll
5/04/2010 Afternoon_ Night: AR &Bank rec & Resume
6/04/2010 Afternoon- Night: Reports & Interviews etc
If anyone is still interested on the Perth class, you can continue to give us a call or email me on annafun1997@hotmail.com in order to reserve a seat for you before the class starts. or call
me 0425 208 098
Look forward to seeing you guys soon…
NICOLE近20年会计经验高浓缩在四个星期,同时是特有的以FINANCIAL REPORTS为中心来讲课来贯穿在每节课全方位深度分析的实际操作培训。并是唯一有着亲身经历无数次RECRUITER 经验,来讲解INTERVIEW & RESUME SKILLS & TIPS 在每节课中。
我们的培训是 ONLY RUN ONE CLASS PER EACH WEEK,真正做到少而精以求真正帮到每个学生,提供完整,全系统实际操作高强度培训. 达到了*最高找工成功率*最高学生满意度* 同时收费最低廉, 学习时间最长*
* SYDNEY Apr 会计实戰班 on 11/4/10 (Sat) & 15/4/10(Thurs)--Nicole*
* SYDNEY May 会计实戰班 on 8/5/10 -Nicole
*Perth 会计实戰班 2/04/10* --Nicole
*Mel 会计实戰班 12/6/10* *Brisbane 会计实戰班 2/10/10* -- Nicole
*TAX Class on 14/3/10 ** -- Micheal
*Free Excel Class 20/3 /10*--Cook
**联系方式: Email 或 MSN: annafun1997@hotmail.com或 0425 208 098
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-4-1 08:35
Great News to Perth Guys
Our Perth class will be held in Nollamara WA tomorrow
Morning, Guys,
Time flies, we will catch up very soon, yes this Friday, our Class will be held In Nollamara, WA. Do you know where it is? Haha, I think you guys know the place better than me. Yes, I will find out during my Perth Trip. Jialun , Thanks for your time to organize my trip
I have been told Perth is a beautiful city..... This is my great dream to go for Perth trip since I came to Australia 10 years ago. Haha, Next week I will be there. How excited I am! Yes, very look forward to....Also I am so proud to have this great chance to share my practical accounting experience with you guys during my Perth trip.... How wonderful it is....
Yes, I will enjoy this great lovely trip...... See you guys soon
Btw, I will message the detail address very soon
原帖由 annafun 于 2010-3-23 09:49 发表
[quote]原帖由 colorado001 于 2010-3-16 00:56 发表
PERTH的会计培训班 will be definitely on 2/4/2010
Morning, Jialun,
You are not the only one who likes to attend my Perth accounting training class. Now more and more people from Perth enquired my training class, that is a great news for Perth guys. Also it will make my Perth trip more interesting- Yes, I not only can help you guys to learn the practical accounting skills, but also I will make a lot of friends in Perth while I also can enjoy Perth wonderful view. Yes, I will enjoy this great trip even though this is the first time I travel to Perth ......
Haha, time flies, Easter Holiday is near the corner. Yes, Guys, Look forward to seeing you soon....
Nicole... [/quote]
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-4-10 09:26
原帖由 VivianPerth 于 2010-4-10 00:59 发表
原帖由 amyhere 于 2010-4-8 02:10 发表
Nicole老师你好 我是Perth的Amy
首先再次感谢老师利用假期旅行的机会帮助到了我们佩斯的学生 短短四天一下就过去了 但这四天我们学到的东西我觉得对我们今后的会计生涯和人生旅程都会是有很大的帮助。
从会计知识来说,老师从AP,AR,Payrol & Reports这四块来把实际会计操作与理论通过MYOB操作与报表分析结合来教课。 让我们这些没有会计实际工作经验的毕业生能在短时间内理清会计实际操作的思路。每一次的作业和练习,其实也就是真正会计工作的缩影。课上讲得很多老师在实际操作中解决问题的方法以及会计员工犯得错误,也是很好的借鉴,能帮我们以后避免很多错误和有效地解决问题。
另外我自己一个很大的收获是通过这四天的学习,我找到了自信和动力,再也不去怨天尤人,去抱怨所有公司都要求工作经验,会计工作竞争太大,经济危机....等等 因为我已经找到了学习的方向也看到了自己的不足,我相信就想老师说的那样,只要你坚持努力,别人能做到,那么你也能做到!!
来澳多年, 我已周游澳大利亚的大部分地区, 一直没有时间去澳洲西部的美丽城市PERTH, 终于在Easter Period让我梦想成真. 让我终于领略西部城市的美丽和PERTH 人的热情
我很高兴能拥有这次快乐的PERTH之旅,虽然是第一次去PERTH,很多方面都不熟习, 但PERTH还是给了我一种美好的感觉, 拥有美丽风景的KING’S park,著名的RONTESS ISLAND,美丽的SWAN River,具有西欧特色的SHOPPING MALL, PERTH的特色食物让我大开眼界。还记得在我CHECK OUT 在去飞机场之前, 我还在美丽SWAN RIVER 上 静静的逗留一个多小时…真有的流连忘返……
在此,特别感谢我的学生家轮,在这次旅途中,他是我很好的导游. 是他带领了我游览了PERTH,也对亏了他,我才能感受到PERTH之美,环境之好,因为是第一次来,人生地不熟,家轮帮助了我很多, 家轮不仅只是一个好学生,还是一个好导游,为了让我能更好的游览PERTH,家轮都花了很多时间和精力,让我周游PERTH.. 整个旅程他都和我在一起,感谢家轮,更感谢他为我做的一切,同时谢谢你的贵重礼物. 我真有点受宠若惊. 我真的很享受这次的PERTH之旅!同时也谢谢其他同学的出谋划策, 让我在短短几天内领略PERTH的魅力.
爱旅游是我的天性, 所以玩得潇洒, 同时我做事也潇洒.这是我的人生哲学. PERTH之旅 的伟大之处: 让我在玩的同时, 帮到一些求知忘渴的PERTH学生.
PERTH的学生真得很棒,我被你们学习精神,自身之努力深深感动了.为了方便我白天能有时间领略PERTH的风光. 我们的培训课程安排在晚上. 是的,我相信我是"铁人". 白天玩得潇潇洒洒, 晚上讲课潇潇洒洒到深夜两点多. 我的学生也个个精力充沛, 课堂气氛好活跃, 我很喜欢PERTH 学生爱问问题的习惯, 学习到深夜两点,没有人叫苦叫累, 因为他们在思考.
我知道PERTH的学生真不容易, 不能象我SYDNEY学生有多次机会来听课. 所以我尽我最大所能把每个知识点讲透彻, 所以下课时间都很晚 (我已形成我一贯的讲课风格-我从不看着时间讲课, 我是看着学生是否理解透彻知识点. 本来我的课程设置是5个小时的内容,但是我通常完成讲课是6个多小时以上, 甚至在有些班上长达7-8小时….所以学生报名问我什么时候开课, 我可以清清楚楚告知我学生, 但问到我什么时候讲完课, 我很难给予准确的回答….因为我强调是我学生对知识点的掌握程度, 不是强调时间到了就下课. 是的, 我很强调我的信誉. 这就是我的信誉在很多高校广泛传播. 这就是我的大部分学生是学生推荐. 我知道我不擅长做广告,但我相信我的信誉是我的伟大的成功之处)
在此我的感谢VIVIAN, AMY, JIALUN也为我提供了良好的讲课环境,同时也感谢JIALUN无怨无悔帮忙接送学生. 真让我领略PERTH人的热情周到兄弟姐妹的亲情. 谢谢你们. 我希望我的会计培训班给予你们希望和信心,让我们一起再继续努力.不要让我们的辛苦白费唩. 请你们尽快把学习小组办起来…我还是你们的坚强后盾
人生旅程中有很多梦想, 让我们一步一个脚印把每一步走好, 走稳. 谢谢你们的盛情, 我相信我会再来PERTH….
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-4-20 15:21
原帖由 colorado001 于 2010-4-20 01:04 发表
Wonderful. Jialun. Glad to know you guys are still continuing to study after I back to Sydney. Pls let me know if you guys need any help from me. Keep in touch and All the best
Wonderful Perth trip, I not only had a good look in Perth , also I had a chance to meet you guys. That is a beauty trip in my life, thanks guys. Yes, I enjoy travelling. Haha, My next trip will go for Melbourne again, this will be my fourth time to Mel since I came to Australia. very look forward as well....
作者: annafun 时间: 2010-5-23 07:00
AR & Bank Rec & Resume Topic will be on today in Sydney
Hi, Guys,
Many things will be on this topic:
AR Topic, it will be an easy topic for you as you guys have done AP topic already, AR is just opposite of AP topic. However, most important thing for AR is to chasing the funds. Therefore we will experience all the way how to collect the money from client’s pocket through different method in English. When I explain each topic in the class , I tried to explain very detail to make it clear for you, so I do use Chinese to make it clear for you. However, the way we talk to clients, I do prefer English speaking in the class to let you know how to communicate with each individual client through different situations? Haha, lots of fun oh. I mentioned and showed to my credit officer( who is Aussie) in my office before , how good I was while I chase for the funds, Yes, I can collect more money than her. even though I am Chinese. You know why:? I will show you in my class
Then Bank Rec, we have a journey through our bank to test how good you are in details. If you want to be a good bank reconciliation officer, you must be very good at attention on detail, do you believe it? Haha, you will definitely experience today in my class. Please approve to me that time
Lasts one is Résumé, yes, I will explain you guys how to write a good resume in order to let you prepare earlier before all topics finish, then you can go for job hunting straight away (after the class, I will go through your resume in my spare time in order to help you guys get a good resume for interview) . Also it will reduce the pressure for my final topic as Final topic will be the hardest topic above my four topics that will be a big summary for you for all the accounting which you have done in the class….
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-7-25 20:33
原帖由 y1y2 于 2010-7-5 13:46 发表
Hi Nicole,
How have you been?
I have worked at this new company for over 4 months, everything is going well. My boss is very happy with my accounting skills ( thanks for your training), the colleague are friendly as well.
I just completed the fifth CPA segment last month, so now only one segment to go. Hopefully, I will complete my CPA program in Oct .
You must be getting busier lately, take good care of yourself.
P.s: congratulations on Lin Lin's new job, I am so happy for you.
Congratulations again
Hi, Michelle,
Haha, I am so happy to see many of you guys (my previous students )back to my forum and tell me the great news all the time as you guys got another new job offer again.....i am so so happy, congratulations
Ha-ha, I think i have done a great work, Yes i still remember you slept on my sofa for nearly 7 nights ( 4 nights for students and 4 nights for being a tutor ) as it is far for you to back to Wollongong after my class. Now you are a experienced accountant, that is a big changes for you guys.....I love that
Yes, you were a tutor while linlin was my Feb students last year, but now both of you not only got your first accounting job offer after my class, and now both of you have another challenge for your career- got a new job and both have done well.... good on you, guys....
Also you nearly completed your CPA program.... that is another great achievement oh, I am so proud of you....
Happy to hear more and more from you guys soon
Btw, Michelle, Do you still remember that time while you got your first accounting job? haha, here you go....maybe it is a good memory for both of us....
原帖由 annafun 于 2009-7-31 07:12 发表
(Accounts All Round)
[quote]原帖由 annafun 于 2009-3-19 13:18 发表
Another Awesome & wonderful news from my Jan Class
[quote]原帖由 y1y2 于 2009-3-17 21:58 发表
跟NICOLE汇报一下,这周刚找到个PART-TIME工作,是BOOKKEEPER。昨天是第一天上班,今天第2天,忙了一天的报表分析,现在眼睛都有点睁不开了,不过还是要简单说下我找工作的经历吧,大家一起分享下。 首先呢,这个工作是在报纸上找到的,投了两次简历,第一次,没人理,后来又改了改投了下,结果电话就来了,简历聊了会,就定下来第2天面试,至于电话里的内容就是简单说下这个工作是做什么,工作时间,问我现在的情况。然后第2天面试呢,一个MANAGER,一个BOSS,一起很轻松的聊了半个小时吧。问的就是些GENERAL QUESTIONS,没有问会计方面的(我想他们也不太懂,哈哈),一开始问我的VISA,后来我就解释现在是BRIDGING VISA,是UNLIMITED HOURS,然后他们就记下来了,再就拿着我的简历,问我之前的工作是怎么做的,喜欢哪些,不喜欢哪些,对这个工作有什么期望,长期目标是什么。如果把这工作给你,你打算做多久,因为是PART-TIME,会不会闲工作时间少,其实我觉得就是一个感觉,他们怕把工作给你了,你干了几个月就不做了,所以一直想确定你是一个愿意长期在这工作的人,特别是对这个BOOKKEEPER职位来说,我的MASTER学位是有点OVERQUALIFIED了,他们有点不放心。最后都问的差不多了,就问我有什么问题没,我就问了,这个HOURLY RATE是多少?哈哈,老板很好,就打出来一张表,是NSW的这个职业的PAY RATE,告诉我哪个是要PAY我的。差不多半个小时面试就这些了,然后回来后,不到两个小时就来了EMAIL,说给我OFFER并把CONTRACT和其它的都已经寄给我了。
昨天第一天上班,上午就是PROCESS PURCHASE INVOICES,下午就做PAYROLL,我这公司是14天付一次工资,再后来就再了BANK RECONCILIATION,反正操作的都和NICOLE讲的差不多,我就不多说了。想提的就是,做ENTER PURCHASE时一定得细心呀,因为我们公司是做食品的,好多东西都是GST FREE,有的一张INVOICE上很多项GST FREE的和GST的。反正就细心就对了,哈。不过现在觉得选ACCOUNTS NUMBER还是挺难的,因为刚来不清楚,分的太细了,唉,还得多看看以前的RECORD才行。今天早上去就做BANK RECONCILIATION,然后都对上了,就出PROFIT LOSS STATEMENT,老板要做利润费用分析,就把去年一年的利润,不同的费用的变化趋势用图表的形式PRINT出来,还要对比去年同时期和今年同时期的INCOME,EXPENSES。反正就是做了大半天的表。快下班的时候又做了FILING,建立新员工的FILE。差不多就这些了。
原帖由 y1y2 于 2009-4-2 20:57 发表
DORIS,真为你高兴,终于是柳岸花明又一春了。接下来要做的就是对自己有信心,像NICOLE说的一样,NEVER TRY,NEVER KNOW。所有的困难都会找到办法去解决的,希望你第一个月工作顺利。
前两天论坛上一个朋友问我:上了NICOLE的课感觉怎么样,说她现在眼前是迷茫的,完全没了方向。呵呵,其实我想好多人在上NICOLE课之前都是这个感觉吧,想找工作,但简历投了后没回音,想去找个地方学一学,可好多的广告不知道哪个能相信。其实我个人认为,反正你现在也没什么计划,那就不仿花一个月的时间去上上NICOLE的课,她是不能保证每个人都能找到工作,但你至少学到东西了。这些东西是能让你很自信的面对以后的简历准备及求职面试。还有就是,我觉得毕业之后的朋友是越来越少,但上了NICOLE的课以后,虽然就很短的时间,但认识了很多很真诚的朋友,这些人会无私地帮你。我想我就是得到帮助最多的人之一吧。感谢NICOLE的同时,还非常感谢ALCOR,REBECCA,BRUCE,I WILL NEVER FORGET THE HELP FROM THEIR GENEROUS HEARTS。
.. [/quote]
[/quote] [/quote]
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-7-26 10:54
原帖由 lininsyd 于 2010-7-25 21:44 发表
Hi Nicole,
Do you still remember me? I took your training course back in May 2008 when I was half way in my uni study.
Two years from that day on, things have changed dramatically.
Finally, I found my niche in Sydney. Looking back, I am full of thankfulness. I really appreciate your help and the help from the many previous students who generously share their stories.
I am here just to do the same thing as they did; hopefully, it will be helpful to those still in frustration.
Like many, I experienced ups and downs during my job-hunting.
I got my first permanent job offer from an accounting firm two months before I graduated. I gave it up without much hesitation as I didn't like the office atmosphere.Nicole was unhappy when I told her. The fact is that I got the next permanent job offer one and a half year after it.
Therefore, to those who don't like your current position, stay until you find a new job!
In the one and a half year, I sent numerous resumes and received numerous refusal response, which heavily broke my confidence. At a time, I even doubt whether I should stick to an accounting job or just find something to earn a living. My decision was to stay, which seems to be obvious now. However, it was hard to make when the road ahead was uncertain.
If you are in the mood as I was then, just ask what innermost you want. No one can tell you what lies ahead. Make your decision which you won't feel sorry later on.
I worked volunteerily, as a part time, a contractor until I am permanent now. These various accounitng roles took me grown up. I put my feet on the ground and didn't give up any chance. I can't afford another one and a half year.Actually, every step is a building block for your future career even if you look down on them.
I became an accounts all round after a three-month contract expired. The accountant who took a leave wanted to come back, but I successfully stayed in the position as I was thought reliable and efficient, the remakes my boss made at the weekly company meeting. (Much challenge and hardship in between. just ignore this part.)
Two weeks ago, I promoted to Accounts Manager, which shows again that you never know what will happen if you don't do it.
Nicole, I still remember you told us your hands shook when you first drove on the road. I exactly knows that feeling now. when I first drove to office from home, i made many wrong even with GPS, but it's ok now, just like anything else, it will be fine when you go over it.
To those who are hungry for a job, Nicole can give you a key, but you are the last strawn to yourself. Good luck on you all.
Linlin -
Accounts Manager Position
Yes, Linlin, even through we have not seen each other for a long time, I definitely remember you, good on you, you got such a high position- Accounts Manager within the short time. Congratulations. I am so so happy to share your great news. Yes, you give me another big surprise, also it will be the way to be all of my students, Great feeling, great future…. wonderful
真是好事不断,这几个星期接连听到我的学生找到他们理想的工作,而且都是很好的,很高的会计工作,象此Linlin 找到 Accounts Manager,Terry 找到了Accountant 工作,JAMES 找到了Business analyst 的工作,JAMES Manager- 林林在完成我班上培训后,找到Business AnalystUSINESS ANALYST 工作,现在荣升为JAMES 的 Finance Manager
他们都是刚从UNI走出来,从没有接触过会计,能在短时间达到如此成就,真是那么可遇不可求吗?这些成功实例给你一些人生启示。我想他们的聪明才智很重要,但是NICOLE以报表为中心讲课思路让我学生在短时间内全面了解会计得实际操作和充分理解如何在财务报表中体现, 这种一步到位的讲课思路给我学生的职业取向起了不可复视的引导作用, 这就是为什么我培训出来的学生不同于其他培训班让学生成为简单的Bookkeeper
我的培训是以Balance Sheet&Profit Loss 为中心讲解, 我的学生从第一节来到我课堂起,我让学生知其然,还知其所以然,不是做简单的BOOKKEEPER和糊涂会计,所以学生在会计的来龙去脉,找工的就业起点都很高
Thanks for your sharing your journey experienced ups and downs during my job-hunting with my students, I do believe your sharing and your tips can help more and more of my students in here. Thanks. Linlin. I very appreciate all of my students’ great contribution.
I am so glad we can always see each other in my forum even though we have not physically seen each other. Thanks for your guys great friendship….
I am so proud of you. Congratulations. Come here often while you would like to see me… Keep in touch…
Have you never thought about?
Why are so many people from Nicole accounting training class dare to challenge such higher position through their job Hunting?
Where are the secrets?
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-7-27 07:50
原帖由 martin549 于 2010-7-23 11:14 发表
Well, congratulations on Kathrine and James. I need these good news to motivate me moving forward haha
still struggling with the job hunting, hehe, but never lose faith, because I believe.....
Morning, Eric,
Sorry we both missed the phone call. Tried to call you this morning , but you did not pick up your phone oh .
So I think its good idea to come here to hello as I know You are in my forum all the time.
I had a look at your resume last night, please donot send any resume out as there are many things need to be amended regarding your resume, otherwise you are still struggling with your job hunting (like you said in above), as your current resume will be very hard for you to get any interview chance. You got all the skills, we need to let the interviewer know....8
Anyway we will talk about your resume around 9pm tonight if you are available . thanks
Talk to you soon
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-8-23 10:20
Mel class will be definity on
2nd -3rd Oct 2010
From: neilin@hotmail.com
To: annafun1997@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Melbourne Class
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2010 18:43:38 +0800
Thx for the reply, Nicole. I would love to seal the seat with you now. Can u pls email me the detailed class info when you decide. I'll be looking forward to the class. Also, if anything I need to prepare at this stage, pls let me know as well. Thx!
To: neil@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Melbourne Class
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 20:43:30 +1030
Hi, Neil,
thanks for your interests in my class, Mel class will be held on the weekend start day time. it will be the end of Sep and the beginning of Oct. Is that suit you?
If you are interested in that class, I can reserve a seat for you. thanks
Look forward to hearing from you soon
From: neil@hotmail.com
To: annafun1997@hotmail.com
Subject: Melbourne Class
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 16:58:14 +0800
Hi Anna, my name is Neil, I'm interested in your accting training held in Melbourne in Sep. Just want to know the schedule for this class. Night or afternoon session? Can u pls let me know exact times in Sep so that I can make it to your class?
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-8-23 15:05
原帖由 lala1 于 2010-8-23 15:13 发表
Study venue for Mel class
yes, lala, the study venue for Mel class will be right on the city - WILLIAM STREET.
If you are interested in my class please email me on annafun1997@hotmail.com or call me on 0425 208 098 in order to reserve a seat for you. thanks
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-8-28 04:53
Are you ready for
financial report topic?
Hi, Guys from my Aug class,
Today will be the big day for you guys as we will utilize what you have learnt from my previous three topics to give you a big summary through analysis the financial report, Pls review and practice at home if you have not got familiar with my previous three topics yet.
Look forward to seeing you guys today at 9.30AM
原帖由 joshrita123456发表
Hi , Nicole
Just want to double confirm that if we will cover the prepayment , accruals and fix assests register and B/S reconciliation at the end of month in our last class? thanks
原帖由 annafun 发表
Morning, Guys,
All your questions will be covered in my financial reports. Also I will offer you much more in this class, Such as BAS reports and PAYG Reports and payroll tax and Super reports and how to issue Payment summary reports (group certificate) and also I give you many tips which I have summarized from my 20 years accounting experience and etc, this topic will last for 6 hours and also is part of my job in my company. I will explain to you guys today and next Sat.
这就是为什么我说我的培训具有极高的性价比, 因为我不需要通过不同的班级以不同的形式来收取费用。在我5个TOPICS,我有能力让我学生同时具备初级、中级、高级的会计水平,因为我不但给我学生讲解基本操作(因为我用真正的实际工作的INVOICES和TIMESHEETS来提供5个Topic,完整、系统、充实的教学内容,每次授课4-5小时左右,每周一次.着重讲述FULL FUNCTION的实际操作)同时讲解各个TOPIC与报表的内在联系和报表分析(从第一课讲课开始从REPORT的高度来讲解实际操作班中学到的AP, AR,PAYROLL与报表的内在联系,这是SYDNEY唯一的以报表为中心来讲课的培训班,也是此课程的真正价值所在)
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-10-12 15:00
原帖由 zwan46 于 2010-10-10 22:41 发表
Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. Sean
原帖由 zwan46 于 2010-10-10 22:52 发表
原帖由 zwan46 于 2010-10-10 23:01 发表
those points you wrote down certianly help me to recover my memory. I really appreciate it.
Is that a good return for you and Nicole ?
Thanks, Sean, Now you can see I have put my effort in my students' studies, haha, I will get return oh--- Haha, I will check you study to see whether you put your effort and your actions into your study yet while you back to my class this week, is that right?
is that a good return ?
[quote]原帖由 zwan46 于 2010-10-9 17:41 发表
I am a bit puzzled now as i haven't touched Accounting for a while. I was wondering could you please help me to remind the lesson we had today?
Hi, Sean,
Nice to chat to you through MSN.
Through yesterday training, I know you have to spend more time to pick up things in my class due to you havenot touched acounting for sometime, this is why you have different feeling while comparing my another students - Terrence
原帖由 terenzio_82 于 2010-10-9 22:26 发表
However, please donot worry about too much as long as you can take your action to work hard, you can get what you want from my class, but one recommendation I have to remind you in here: 在学广之前,先学精。只有在学精的基础上,你才能有能力学更多的东西. Please just focus on what I have taught in my class, and keep practice with thinking (like Terrence mentioned in here), you can see the big difference later on. Pls donot complain and donot depress yourself, just take your action everyday and step by step and little by little, I do believe you can build up your castle one day.....
the below is my teaching structure for AP topic, hopefully these can help to reiew and recall my class.....also please discuss with your tutor-Kevin who is a very nice guy and have a very good understanding of my topic, he is the one who very appreciate my class as he had comparison with another accounting train class.....pls talk to him, i think he is willing to help you as he knows this will be a great chance to test what he has learned from my class
If you still have questions, please let me know...
-Accounts Payable & Purchase Processing & Inventory & Accounts Sep up & Company Set up(1.课堂上会详细讲解如何处理HOW TO APPLY SUPPLIER ACCOUNTS及REFERENCE 的注意事项。2.课堂上会详细讲解如何处理SEP UP NEW SUPPLIER和UPDATE SUPPLIER。3.课堂上会详细讲解如何处理INDIVIDUL INVOICE 及3种注意事项.4课堂上会由浅入深详细讲解不同类型的INVOICES和CREDIT NOTES和STATEMENT INVOICE的处理方式和注意事项5.课堂上会详细讲解如何处理PAYEMENT TERM和DISCOUNT TERM及实际工作的如何灵活变化及注意事项6.课堂上详细讲解5种不同PAYMENT方式.6.课堂上详细讲解3种不同INVOICE APPLY方式。7.课堂上详细讲解CHEQUE的2种转变方式及注意事项.8.课堂上会详细讲解如何SET UP & EDIT& DELETE ACCOUNTS及2种注意事项.9.课堂上涉及INVENTORY的简介10.课堂上由浅入深详细讲解AP与B/S& P/L的内在紧密联系及注意事项(此点是我课堂上突出特色)11课堂上会详细讲解如何分析STATEMENT INVOICES及2种注意事项.12.课堂上会详细讲解如何分析HOW TO RECONCILE STATEMENT& SUPPLIER INVOICES及注意事项12.课堂上会详细讲解如何处理REIMBURSEMENT INVOICE及实际工作的灵活变化及注意事项.13.课堂上详细讲解从会计角度来成立公司并在MYOB来SET UP COMPANY方式.14.课堂上会由浅入深详细讲解不同类型的INVOICES在错误情况下如何处理方式和全部或部分CREDIT NOTES ISSUE的处理方式和注意事项。15.课堂上会由浅入深详细讲解INVOICES 和CREDIT NOTES 在make payment 的处理方式和注意事项。16.课堂上会由浅入深详细讲解SUPPLIER INVOICE (在MAKE PAYMENT的前后)的FILING 工作).17. I explained the credit card payment and cheque payment difference. 18. how to deal with the wrong journal entry and why
Pls donot complain and donot depress yourself,
just take your action everyday
and step by step and little by little,
I do believe you can build up your own castle one day.....
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-10-23 19:59
今天我十月班课堂上来了三位来参加免费试听的同学, 除了一位是从没参加任何会计培训班的外, 其中两位已经付出高昂的学费代价, 因为他们曾参加过其他同类会计的培训班.
早闻Nicole名,但是直到今天来Nicole班上, 才真正意识原先的他们那些广告满天飞会计的培训班教的东西是如此的少, 没想到从不打广告的Nicole Accounting training class是如此的神奇- .其中两位在免费试听后直接决定要上我的十一月班的课, 另外一位已决定从我十月班的financial report topic 开始.
是的, 我很高兴: 我又一次成功看到参加免费试听的同学全部决定参加我的培训. 特别是其中两位同学(已经曾参加过其他同类会计的培训班.)也被nicole讲课技巧和丰富实践经验再次佩服.
当我十月班的学生看到这些已参加过其他同类会计的培训班又来到nicole会计培训班重新学习, 他们 很庆幸他们没有浪费时间和多余的金钱作出明智的决定. 当他们听到已经其中一个学生的朋友已经花了2000多在一个广告满天飞会计的培训班上过所有课的培训,到现在为止还不知道怎么处理财务报表, 我学生除了暗暗自喜之外,同时真是感到惊讶. 为什么, 为什么有这样的培训存在?
是的, 世间无奇不有, 我知道我NICOLE确实很渺小, 但我真希望所有办培训班的老师能从心底里来帮我们的中国同胞,让他们真正学到物有所在值的东西.
同时我建议所有没上过课的学生不要被时髦广告所蒙蔽, 勇敢地要求试听, 然后比较一下, 看哪家会计的培训班让你真正学到实用的实践经验, 货比三家. 即使你没经验, 但试听不同的培训班, 你是可以看出不同老师的讲课技巧和实战经验, 看哪个更适合你? 好的培训班不但让节约时间和金钱, 同时给你们一个会计职业取向和会计思维方式.
总之: 时髦广告是不是真正代表讲课内容真正"时髦" 和实在? 只有你真正试听比较之后, 你自有定夺. 是的. 眼见为实, 耳听为虚. 作出你明智的决定
只有你真正试听比较之后, 你自有定夺.
是的. 眼见为实, 耳听为虚.
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-10-30 05:49
原帖由 dreamersbj 于 2010-10-30 01:02 发表
Dear Nicole,
不知不觉我工作已经有1周多了。记得第一天去心里还是比较紧张的,上午熟悉了公司环境,下午就开始对着一大堆INVOICE和STATEMENT做CREDIT CARD RECONCILIATION了。当时我的MANAGER把一大摞资料放在我面前时,我一下子头皮都发麻了,我对公司的帐还一头雾水呢~但是要镇定!虽然没有做过CREDIT CARD RECONCILIATION,但是NICOLE有教我们做BANK RECONCILIATION,是很相似的,自己一定行的!于是我慢慢理清头绪,通过查阅以前的帐目,把系统里的JOURNAL ENTRY做好,把文件整理好归档,很快一个下午过去了。
Morning, Jessie,
Good to hear that, I am very confident you guys can handle the work as what you have learned from my class will be very useful for all you guys. You know why: I came from the practical accounting 20 years ago and now I am still working in the practical accounting. haha, very useful and rich experience for you guys...
Btw, Jessie, have you seen my invitation yet? I would like to invite you to my class to share your successful accounting job hunting experience in front of my Oct students? Can you make it next Sunday .... Please let me know oh....Thanks
作者: lyx 时间: 2010-10-30 17:04
thank you [s:1] [s:2] [s:2]
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-11-1 14:24
原帖由 kopsoso624 于 2010-11-1 11:04 发表
9点半了,他们的CEO就到楼下叫我上去面试了,一走进去,发现里面还有一个人,是HR manager。刚开始我还有点紧张,后来越说越不紧张了,来面试的人很多,我要尽可能的表现出我的QULIFICATION。
第一个问题就是找到这里容易吗,我说我事前在goole map上找过,发现离南天寺很近,所以很容易找到这里。这个答案也是我参考别人的答案准备的,面试机会难得,不放过任何一个显示自己优点的问题,这显得我很prepared,也很重视这个面试。
第二个问题是tell me about yourself.这个我在家里练习了无数遍了,开始的时候还有点磕巴,越说后来越顺,说得连我自己都相信我好像真的有1年半的经验了 ,我开始就说为了节约你们的时间我直接从我的qulification说起,我编了一个故事,就是自己怎么从BOOKKEEPER做起,自己很好学,同时也得到同事的帮助,然后做到AA的一个过程,其中举了一些具体的例子,就是NICOLE上课讲的那些。最后我加了一句我希望把我所学到的都在你们公司用上,两个面试官就很高兴的点头。
这个职位是ACCOUNTS CLERK但是更偏向PAYROLL一些,他们就问我以前的公司多少人,我说TURNOVER不多,一年2M,EMPLOYEE大概有15个,其中一个MANAGER就说,他们公司有70个人,比我以前的多很多,能不能HANDLE。他问了我一些具体的问题,反正NICOLE也都讲过,我就都回答了,但是他们问我不同的company award的时候,我不太懂,我就直接说我以前没有做过,但是只要给我时间学,我一定能学会的,他们又说这是一个好的attitude.
第一个问题我问他们是不是wollongong 所有club的gaming machine都是他们提供的,他们就说是的,我就和他们开了个玩笑,我说我以我自己亲身的经验来证明这些都是非常brilliant的machine,因为我每次去玩,一分钱都没赢过。他们就哈哈大笑了起来,气氛不错。
第二个问题我就问了他们公司expand的计划和整个admin team的情况,因为我在网上也查到了他们还要拓展其他的业务,所以我就列举了几个然后confirm一下是不是,然后说我也希望grow up with your company,那个HR的manager又点头说他们就是想要找一个稳定的,对公司发展做出贡献的人。
面试完了,我找他们要了名片,然后感谢了就准备走了,他们一起送我下楼,很热情的和我握手,说c u next time,然后说星期五之前给我答复。因为他们还有second interview,我就回家了,第一时间向nicole和同学们汇报面试的情况。
Wow, Sue. Well done. I am so so proud of you.
Yes, I am so proud of you. You looked so confident even though this was the first interview for you since you finished my class. Yes, what you guys have learned from my class will definitely have this confidence and make the difference for all of my students as I have mentioned all the details ( from how to set up accounts to how to processing and how to link the financial report and also how to do filing work ) for each processing in order to let you guys experience the real work environment with me together in my class. Wonderful, I love to see that...
Also I very appreciated your great contribution in here to show what you have gone through your first interview in order to help my other students (like you said in here: 我写得尽量仔细一些,希望我的经历对还要参加面试的同学有所帮助,也能让准备面试的同学更好的做准备,总而言之,我对自己的第一次面试还是挺满意的,也有一些不尽如人意的地方,但是我觉得比我预料中的要好,大家一起努力吧!!). Actually you just finished your interview. That's very nice of you. Thanks, Sue. I hope all of my students can learn from you, let’s help each other. As we know, my forum is the plateform for us to meet each other and learn each other and get to know each other, Yes. Let Nicole's spirit around you guys .....
Ok, Good Luck for you. Btw, I will finish My Oct class at 9.30am and then Start Nov class on 7/11/2010 as well. Haha, you will be my tutor for Nov class. I know you live in Wollongong where is very be far away from my class. Would you like to come early to share your interview experience with us this Saturday while I talk about interview topics?
Good Luck to you. Look forward to Seeing you this Saturday..
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-11-2 05:03
Great News for Adelaide students
who took the great offer
from Nicole
Adelaide class will be
on 13-14 NOV 10
Since I had my holiday in Oct while also help Mel students to build up their confidence through my two days accounting training, I am so glad to see my Mel students to organize their study group and discuss my topics each other I back to Sydney. I do know I will be very busy in Nov as I will take my holiday in Dec, so I still have promised I will run one class in Mel or Adelaide or Brisbane as Many students from different cities keep requesting for my class, but this really depends which city needs me more, I will run the class in order to help people who need my help , but only for one city.
Here you go: Now Amy from Adelaide took this great chance and organize Adelaide class for me. I know you guys cannot wait for me for next year, so I will talk to my Sydney students and rearrange their class in order to Help adelaide students on time. yes, I am very happy to fly to Adelaide and run two days accounting training(more than 20 hours teaching ) in Adelaide through 13-14 Nov 2010.
I do know many of you guys have been waiting for my class long long time ago, thanks for your great patience. I have run my class in Adelaide one year ago, this is another chance for me to meet Adelaide people. Yes, this will be the great news for people who live in Adelaide, as you are not easy for you to find this great teacher - Nicole. haha, is that right? yes, wait and see.....
If any of you guys is interested in my class, please call me on 0425 208 098 or email me on annafun1997@hotmail.com.
Amy, Look forward to seeing you guys soon. Also I will let you know what you should prepare for my class before I come next Sat
...From: amy@hotmail.com
To: annafun1997@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Information request for the course you provided
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 04:43:23 +0000
Hi Nicole,
This is Amy from Adelaide, I have contacted with you about organizing a quick class in adelaide about 1 month ago. So far I only can find people to attend the class for sure . I just wondering are you still available to come to Adelaide in the middle of November, which is 2 weeks later and are you happy to have a class for us?
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Kind Regards,
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-11-3 08:36
(这是SYNEY 唯一一家会计培训班能让你在最短时间内以最少金钱达到此高度)
NICOLE用真正的实际工作的INVOICES和TIMESHEETS和真正实际工作的报表来提供四个Topic,完整、系统、充实的教学内容,总共授课长达20多小时,每周一次.着重讲述FULL FUNCTION的实际操作,同时从第一课讲课开始从REPORT的高度来讲解实际操作班中学到的AP, AR,PAYROLL与报表的内在联系,这是SYDNEY唯一的以报表为中心来讲课的培训班,也是此课程的真正价值所在. 整个课程是用电脑结合MYOB会计软件手把手的实际操作
根据学生的需求, 特别是外地城市学生的要求, 我把整个教学大纲和课前准备工作, 在此一一列出, 让学生能对我课程有一个了解,并做一些准备.让学生在学完之后, 在总结时有一个思路, 同时double check 我课堂是不是都涉及到这些知识点
同时在此我会指出我培训班与其他培训班的相同的点和不同点, 让学生选择会计培训班有一个比较, 真正根据自己的真正需要来选择喜欢的会计培训班
Topic one
Accounts Payable & Purchase Processing & Inventory & Accounts Sep up & Company Set up
1.从你自己的角度思考accounts payable full function 的操作规程 (假设你AP OFFICER, 你认为AP应该怎么做)- 因为这样做, 你在学习中就有对比
2.尽量熟悉 balance sheet & Profit Loss statement, 明白这两个报表真正的用处在哪? 尽量多熟悉每个accounts-因为这样做, 你从逐渐从accountant的角度来分析, 不是简单的bookkeeper 和 data entry
3.找出20个左右accounts payable , accounts all round, accountant, finance manager 的广告看看accounts payable到底在广告要求需要用到哪些-因为这样做, 你明白市场上和实际工作的需要,同时来检查NICOLE的课堂是不是真正都涉及到了实际工作常用的工作职责.
4. 尽量休息好, 因为我课程很大, 不但所有下面的内容都要详细讲解,如果时间许可的话, 同时会更多其他的内容. 课堂除了十分钟左右的课间休息, 没有聊天的时间.
5.同时我时刻会用讲过的知识点让学生回答我在后面课堂会涉及到的知识点- 这样做的目的: 首先看看我的每个学生是不是真正掌握我所教的知识点, 另外更重要的是看看我的每个学生是不是在掌握了我所教的知识点之后,是不是真正能运用我所教的知识点来解决实际工作可能发生的问题-----这就是我另外一个教学目的- 学会举一反三和灵活运用
2.课堂上会详细讲解如何处理SEP UP NEW SUPPLIER和UPDATE SUPPLIER。(因为这不是技巧的东西, 我只用一两例子让学生明白怎么做,绝不用此基本东西来充斥课堂浪费学生时间)
3.课堂上会详细讲解如何处理INDIVIDUL INVOICE 及3种注意事项.
4. 课堂上会由浅入深详细讲解20张不同类型的INVOICES处理
6. 课堂上会详细讲解如何分析STATEMENT INVOICES及2种注意事项和怎样double check Statement
以上4.5.6点的讲解是我讲课的重点.在所有的例子中 绝对没有重复的examples. 每个example代表会计操作的一系列, 让学生学会举一反三.
7.课堂上会详细讲解如何处理PAYEMENT TERM和DISCOUNT TERM及实际工作的如何灵活变化及注意事项
9.课堂上详细讲解3种不同INVOICE APPLY方式。
10.课堂上详细讲解如何来写CHEQUE, 同时where to apply cheque book
11. 课堂上详细讲解的Cash cheque and Non cash cheque 的运用及转变方式及注意事项.
12. 课堂上详细讲解如何处理写错的CHEQUE-中国和澳洲两国的不同处理方式
14课堂上会详细讲解SET UP & DELETE ACCOUNTS2种注意事项.
16.课堂上由浅入深详细讲解AP与B/S& P/L的内在紧密联系及注意事项(此点是我课堂上突出特色)
18.课堂上会详细讲解如何处理REIMBURSEMENT INVOICE及实际工作的灵活变化及注意事项
19.课堂上详细讲解从会计角度来成立公司并在MYOB来SET UP COMPANY方式.
21.课堂上会由浅入深详细讲解INVOICES 和CREDIT NOTES 在make payment 的处理方式和注意事项
22.实际工作中的灵活处理CREDIT NOTES的特殊情况全部或部分CREDIT NOTES ISSUE的处理方式和注意事项。
Nicole 会计培训课程的二分之一课程-accounts payable full function 的操作规程 : Accounts Payable & Purchase Processing & Inventory & Accounts Sep up & Company Set up 这个topic 不但告诉学生accounts payable full function 的操作规程-从拿到invoices怎么处理, 怎么make payment, 怎么filing. 这是BOOKKEEPER和 DADA ENTRY的工作-这是大部分其他会计培训班都会涉及的内容,但这只是Nicole 会计培训课程的二分之一课程
Nicole 会计培训课程另外的二分之一课程- (也就是我Nicole给选择我的培训班的学生一个很大的BONUS):
Nicole 会计培训课程与其他会计培训班不同点之一: 我让学生学会怎么从会计的高度来建立公司,如何从financial report的高度看待每一张invoice, 让学生学会每操作一张invoice时, 这张invoice是怎么影响公司的财务状况---也就是说, 我让我的每一位学生学会利用他们在学校所学来结合我们真正实际工作的情况来分析, 让我的每一位学生明白为什么这么做, 这样做的后果又在哪, 所以我不是训练做成BOOKKEEPER和简单的DADA ENTRY, 我在训练我的每一位学生如何成为accountant- 不但要自己会做AP的工作, 更重要的要学会如何指导做AP的工作及每一步在financial report的影响.
Nicole 会计培训课程与其他会计培训班不同点之二 ( 这也是我学生在找到会计工作之后,不但能很快适应工作, 同时很快在工作得到提升)-----我在课堂会指出每一张invoice会涉及到哪个知识点, (绝对没有重复的例子, 因为我不想浪费学生的宝贵课堂时间, 我想要我的每个学生尽量多从我这里学到实际该用的知识) 同时我时刻会用讲过的知识点让学生回答我在后面课堂会涉及到的知识点- 这样做的目的: 首先看看我的每个学生是不是真正掌握我所教的知识点, 另外更重要的是看看我的每个学生是不是在掌握了我所教的知识点之后,是不是真正能运用我所教的知识点来解决实际工作可能发生的问题-----这就是我另外一个教学目的- 学会举一反三和灵活运用
The details about the rest topics will be continued
作者: lyx 时间: 2010-11-3 16:03
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-11-6 04:57
Daisy and Jessie
(who was my previous students
and got their accounting job offer)
will come to my class to share
their successful interview and work experience with my Oct & Nov students
on 7/11/2010
Hi, Guys from Oct class,
This is Sunday will be the final topic for you guys, we will go through the last topic - BAS topic . have you got any chance to review all of my topics in order to ask my questions again oh? Ha-ha, donot be quiet in my class oh.... as I would like to see you guys question me if you have any questions....
Also Our topic will be around two hours as well- Lucky guys, as Daisy ( who already got accounting job offer and work for accounts for months already ) and Jessie ( who got her accounting job offer three weeks ago and she is happy to deal with her daily accounts without asking me any question oh) will come to my class to share their successful interview skills with you guys and also will share their daily duties with you guys in order to let you guys have more idea about the real accounting work environment...
This is the Great chance for you guys to test my topics whether is useful for the real accounting environment in order to build your real confidence.... Please have a look at the interview questions list i have given to you guys and try to ask many questions as you can, then we can discuss together in order to help you guys work through
Also, Most welcome Nov students to come along as well , you not only can learn the accounting skills from me and also we can learn some successful interviews skills to share….
Yes, Lots to see. Please come on time at 9.30am
Also Jessie and Daisy, thanks for your great contribution. I am so proud my student all can help each other….Great spirit…. Thanks
Yes, lets have a great talk
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-11-8 08:23
Adelaide Class
will be on 13/11/10
Hi, Guys from Adelaide,
Thanks for you guys to organize my class in Adelaide, I have discussed with my Nov Sydney students yesterday in order to know whether I can arrange my time WE13-14 Nov for Adelaide guys according to you guys' needs, My Sydney students do understand you guys urgent needs and let me have WE13-14 Nov free in order to let me run the class for you guys. Very appreciated, Sydney Guys
I know I am very busy in Nov and will have my holiday in Dec as well, I thanks for your great invitation, I will still squeeze my time for you guys. Yes, I will definitely come this Sat to run my class and share my 20 years accounting practical experience with you guys- Adelaide People.
Ha-ha, Guys, All of you guys are the teaching assistant and tutor from the University, Wow, Wow, and this will be a big challenge for me oh. Ha-ha , I will take it oh, lets have a go, Yes I will see all of you guys on 13/11/2010 . thanks Adelaide Guys
原帖由 annafun
很高兴看到越来越多的上过别的培训班的学生重新参加NICOLE会计实战全能班的免费试听,然后毫不犹豫选择停留我班上重新学习, 象lucy和 Sharan参加过sydney两个会计培训班,一直很难找到工作,然后无意中看到我有些培训内容是其他培训班从没有设计到的内容, 所以重新选择参加NICOLE的免费试听,同时他们看到在座的其他同学的笔记 ,才知道自己在别的培训班学到的知识是如此的少,他们很痛惜原先自己的错误选择,因为在别的培训班浪费了金钱和时间.同样的Terrence在花钱在一个accounting Firm实习了三个月也没学到什么东西, 然后重新选择我会计实战全能班的免费试听, 然后毫不迟疑留下听完我所有的培训.Lele已经在中国做过两年的会计工作,然后通过朋友(我以前的学生并以找到会计工作, 同时工作近一年了)介绍来到我课堂,当她看到如此多参加其他培训班的学生的重新毫不犹豫选择NICOLE会计实战全能班重新学习, 她很庆幸因为自己有朋友介绍, 所以没走他们那样的弯路-因为在别的培训班浪费了金钱和时间.
是的, 有比较才会珍惜.很高兴看到所有的同学很认真的学习和讨论, 希望我同样从11月的学生看到认真的学习和讨论的气氛.
非常欢迎没报名的同学参加免费试听, 不要象上面的学生一样在别的培训班浪费了金钱和时间之后,才觉得NICOLE会计实战全能班很好, 很痛惜原先自己的错误选择, 然后才来到NICOLE班上重新学习.希望你们不要重蹈覆辙,勇敢参加免费试听,然后作出你的明智选择.广告打的响,是不是授课内容也很响, 只有你真正比较了才知道.
Nicole到现在还是敢说:只要你来试听, NICOLE的讲课的内容和讲课的深度和讲课技巧会把你们留下.因为至今为止: 还没看到任何学生走出我的课堂. 不信, 你可亲自试试.
此培训班的讲解是从公司的成立到会计日常工作到报表分析运用全系列过程的会计详细过程, 着重FOCUS ON 会计实际操作和报表分析运用.NICOLE用真正的实际工作的INVOICES和TIMESHEETS来提供5个Topic,完整、系统、充实的教学内容,着重讲述FULL FUNCTION的实际操作,同时从第一课讲课开始从REPORT的高度来讲解实际操作班中学到的AP, AR,PAYROLL与报表的内在联系(这是SYNEY 唯一一家会计培训班能让你在最短时间内以最少金钱达到ACCOUNTANT水平)
-Accounts Payable & Purchase Processing & Inventory & Accounts Sep up & Company Set up
-Payroll, Superannuation & Different Award Interpretation& Advanced Payroll 及payroll 变化处理
-Accounts Receivable and Sales Processing and Bank Rec & Inventory and Resume skills
-报表分析强化 Financial Reports Analysis and BAS report( GST ) & Payroll tax & Group Certificate and Interview preparation &IAS (PAYG Withholding Tax)
-报表分析强化Fixed asset register and maintenance Month end Journal processing Balance sheet reconciliation and variance clearance 参照不同公司的报表出现的错误,高深度全方位分析&实际工作的错误案例分析
中型-大型规模公司的 (起薪在$45,000-$60,000以上)
*Assistant Accountant
*Financial Accountant
*Assistant Management Accountant
*Accounts All Round/ Internal Accountant/ Officer administrator Manager
*Finance Manager/ Accounts Manager
5个session+Excel training 只需$800 其他城市收费标准 $1000.两人以上同时报名可享受优惠。(从八月起, 我培训班推出免费旁听一小时, 让学生有机会, 有比较. 然后作出自己明智的决定.
免费参加会计实战 Excel 班.性价比极高,5个session。每个session 4-5小时由Nicole 耐心细致,不间断的讲解和学生手把手的操作.你可以完成第一节课后满意付全款,否则只需付第一节课费用性价比极高。
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-11-12 08:48
Adelaide class will be on 13/11/2010 at 9am
in Magill, Adelaide
原帖由From: dee@hotmail.com
To: annafun1997@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: - Regarding to Sat 13 Nov Class in Adelaide
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 15:28:22 +1030
Hi Nicole:
I am quite interested in your class. Thanks.
From: annafun1997@hotmail.com
To: dee@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: - Regarding to Sat 13 Nov Class in Adelaide
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 11:58:10 +1030
Hi, Dee,
Thanks for your interests in my class, Thanks for your great compliment; I just have done what I should do for our Chinese people in Australia. Yes, no matter how busy I am, I always try my best to help people are interested in my class and accounting
Yes, more than 3 years training, glad to see many students got their dream accounting job offer, yes, I do believe my class made the big difference for them.
In Nov, Because of Adelaide student’s great invitation, I will fly to Adelaide and run my accounting class for them. the class will start on 13/11/2010 at 9AM in Adelaide, this will be 20 hours of 4 topics teaching within two days. yes, this class is a very practical class which i will share my 20 years accounting practical experience with you guys and there are lots of you guys to learn as you can accumulated nearly two years accounting experience through this training, yes, this class definitely can help you for your job hunting and be very confident to deal with your future work. However, you definitely need to have a good rest before coming to my class. After my class , you can be my tutor ( this is my free ongoing support for all of my student ) for any city if I run my class in that city at that time in order to support all of my students in different cities.
Btw, are you in Adelaide? if yes and also you are still interested in my class, could you please drop your phone number in here, I will notice you the study venue this Thursday, is that alright for you?
Any questions, you can call me on 0425 208 098 or email me. Look forward to hearing from you soon
From: dee@hotmail.com
To: annafun1997@hotmail.com
Subject: - Regarding to Sat 13 Nov Class in Adelaide
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 11:28:46 +1030
Hi Nicole Teacher:
I am very exciting to know your story and many efforts to help students to become accountants. As an accounting graduate, I found your class will be perfect for me to building accounting knowledge and seeking Accountant job. I wish I can come to 13 Nov Class in Adelaide and meet you in person. Thus, Can you tell me the place and the time if I am able to come in 13 Nov Class? Thanks very much.
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-11-16 10:32
原帖由 chouorange 于 2010-11-13 15:47 发表
我觉得首先是要有好的心态。我其实在澳洲面试了几次。 但是,回想起前几次的面试。。。。我都会觉得我那种表现他们会录用我那真的是稀奇了。。紧张的话都说不清楚。所以呀,心态真的很重要。
好了。废话不多说了,直接进主题。首先,我觉得所有面试都会免不了自我介绍这一个环节。我就简单的说了一下我的教育背景和原来实习和工作的情况,时间不是很长,就是概括的说了一下。我在国内和这边都有实习和工作。所以相对比较容易。然后也会问道课堂上讲过的经常出现的问题。比如住哪里啊,喜好啊,弱点和优点 啊。这些我就照实回答了。我当时回答的时候也有结合工作过程中的例子。这样应该比较有说服力吧。因为这不是一个full time的工作,而我已经毕业了,公司难免会考虑stable的问题,老实讲,我更prefer work and life balance, 所以这个对我来讲不是一个太大的问题。还有问道以后的打算啊之类的,我也很老实的讲我想开始我的cpa的课程。我也不知道这个算不算aggressive,但是我真的想开始学习cpa的课程。。。。。我很庆幸的是面试的人也超nice,也没有问一些很tricky的问题。
Hi, Charlotte,
恭喜你这么快找到了工作, 谢谢你的分享, 我相信我的学生能从你的分享中得到收益.是的,我很同意这个观点: 机会总是有的,真的不要轻言放弃. 这总激励着我去克服一个一个的困难
我刚从adelaide回来,很高兴与他们分享我的经验,非常感激adelaide学生的友好和好学,但两天旅途的紧张奔波和20多小时连续性教学, 把我真正累倒了. 非常期待我的holiday. 等我好一些, 再与你聊聊.
哈哈, 虽然你已经找到工作,别忘了你还有两节课没上完喔. 这个星期六见.
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-11-19 08:00
原帖由 jovijai 于 2010-11-19 00:20 发表
新工作干的不开心就不要干了,ACCOUNTING的工作就在不远的将来等着你哦,千万不能着急! 我们都要有正确的目标和不懈的努力,这样就一定会成功的!哈哈哈,还有就是要知足呀,知足常乐,微笑面对! 加油
Morning, Lele,
Thanks for your encouragement To Terence. yes, he is very intelligent and have a very good understanding in accounting. Yes, Just have a good try with with his job hunting. I do believe he will smile soon.
Also, I did receive your message, Please organize your time. You can come any time whenever you have set down yourself. Donot forget you also need to have a look the employee market as well as you already have two years accounting experience in China…. Like you said: 我们都要有正确的目标和不懈的努力,这样就一定会成功的. Very good
Any questions, please let me know. thanks
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-11-23 07:01
原帖由 ielts456 于 2010-11-20 19:15 发表
回复 5楼 annafun 的帖子
Haha, Adelaide Guys,
You did not mention your name, I guess you are Kevin, Right? Yes, I got many kevins now, Kevin from Sydney, Kevin from Mel, and now Kevin from Adelaide. Thanks for your great help.
I am so glad to have this great chance to share my experience with you guys on 13/11/2010. Thanks for your great invitation. Yes, it is not easy for me as I had to get up 3am in the morning in order to fly to Adelaide and run the class on time, then more than 20 hours speaking during two days. Yes, that was not easy. Until now I still have not recovered yet. However, I was so happy to share my experience with you guys, especially you guys have been waiting for me for so long…
Yes, it is not easy for you guys as well. Yes, I love you guys were very active on Sat and asked me many questions as you can. But Massive information on Sunday which really made you guys tired. Please review your topics asap while its fresh. If you have any questions, please let me know. I will definitely get back as soon as I can…
Yes, we had
some spare time to know each other during lunch break, Yes, you guys are very intelligent and much smarter than me , nearly all of you guys finished CPA program and some of you guys are the teaching assistants in Adelaide Uni. Just lack of the practical experience, this is why I flied to Adelaide to see you guys in order to fill this missing part. Hopefully you can utilize what you have learned from my class for your future accounting job soon
Yes. All of us have put efforts in during two days study, glad to see that. But insistence will be very important for you guys. Remember no matter which city I am, as long as I can access my forum or my email, I will try my best to help you guys. Please try your best .
All the best Keep in touch
作者: julysunqian 时间: 2010-11-24 15:23
[s:1] [s:4]
作者: julysunqian 时间: 2010-11-24 15:24
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-11-25 08:59
原帖由 sharon.liuk 于 2010-11-19 08:55 发表
毕业之后一直没有找到工作,心里非常着急,所谓“有病乱投医”,这个时候我选择上了一个培训班,上课时老师讲的犹如江水滔滔不绝,可是结束后发现,只是在教我们如果使用MYOB,为什么要这么用,道理是如何,我还是云里雾里,找工作的时候还是胆战心惊,特别怕被问到专业问题,特别是稍微深入一点的问题。 这时候,我的好朋友Vi向我推荐Nicole的课,我当时想刚刚花了一笔钱,又要花一笔去听“重复的东西”, 未免是太浪费了吧,更何况还没有收入。可是当我去了Nicole的课上做了一次试听,我就知道这笔钱我花定了,因为我被Nicole讲课的风格和内容深深的吸引住了。她的课教你不仅仅的是怎么使用Myob, 更多的是告诉我们为什么这么做,原理是什么,在以后的工作中碰到类似的问题该如何解决。由深入浅由浅入深,把整个精华统统的和我们分享了。 这样不仅让我们熟悉了MYob,就算以后在工作中使用别的软件,我敢说,我也不怕了,因为原理我懂了,以不变应万变。感谢Nicole, 感谢Vi。非常开心课程还没有结束,还可以继续Enjoy Nicole的课程,学到新的东西,开心。。。。。。希望我们尽快找到工作!!
Thanks, Sharon. I know you have fininshed another accounting class studying, I am so glad to see you still study so hard in my class as my class is so helpful for you. 同时我非常感激你敢说出你的心里话
是的, 有比较才有珍惜. 我非常明白“有病乱投医”的心态--(Sharon这个时候选择上了一个培训班,上课时老师讲的犹如江水滔滔不绝,可是结束后发现,只是在教我们如果使用MYOB,为什么要这么用,道理是如何,我还是云里雾里,找工作的时候还是胆战心惊,特别怕被问到专业问题,特别是稍微深入一点的问题). 我班大部分学生都有此经验- 都上过别的培训班, 同时有几个学生交2000多上了一个培训班的所有课程培训,但是不明白所以然--(就向Sharon说的一样---只是在教我们如果使用MYOB,为什么要这么用,道理是如何,我还是云里雾里,找工作的时候还是胆战心惊,特别怕被问到专业问题,特别是稍微深入一点的问题)
这就是NICOLE我为什么提倡试听-不但节约你的金钱, 同时让你有机会选择最好的老师, 更让你有机会学到真正实用的实际知识. 我很高兴, 同时也很自豪- 办学三年来, 到目前为止,还没有一个学生走出我的课堂, 不管学生有无经验,还是已经上过其他会计培训班,他们都心甘情愿停留在我班上继续学习.
为什么NICOLE有这么大的能耐留驻每个来上课和试听的学生, 我想Sharon在此解释已说明一切: "这时候,我的好朋友Vi向我推荐Nicole的课,我当时想刚刚花了一笔钱,又要花一笔去听“重复的东西”, 未免是太浪费了吧,更何况还没有收入。可是当我去了Nicole的课上做了一次试听,我就知道这笔钱我花定了,因为我被Nicole讲课的风格和内容深深的吸引住了。她的课教你不仅仅的是怎么使用Myob, 更多的是告诉我们为什么这么做,原理是什么,在以后的工作中碰到类似的问题该如何解决。由深入浅由浅入深,把整个精华统统的和我们分享了。 这样不仅让我们熟悉了MYob,就算以后在工作中使用别的软件,我敢说,我也不怕了,因为原理我懂了,以不变应万变。感谢Nicole, 感谢Vi。非常开心课程还没有结束,还可以继续Enjoy Nicole的课程,学到新的东西,开心。"
是的, 有比较才有珍惜.希望你开心的学习,学到真正有用的实战经验.
是的, 有比较才有珍惜
作者: asham 时间: 2010-11-25 09:29
要全部免费 [s:2] [s:2] [s:2] [s:2]
作者: funanna 时间: 2010-11-30 09:56
原帖由 karendee 于 2010-11-29 09:37 发表
Hi, Nicole,
I have an interview this Wed, I am still a little nervous, I need your help. Can I talk to you tonite?
that's wonderful, Karen, please call me tonite any time. We can have a talk.
作者: funanna 时间: 2011-1-14 09:54
原帖由 FionaLoving 于 2011-1-13 11:51 发表
Nicole, Brisbane涨洪水的情况好严重啊,不知道26号的班会不会受什么影响啊
Brisbane -Gold coast class
will be definitely on 26/1/11
Hi, Fiona,
Yes, many people told me not to go to QLD During the Australian day period because of the terrible flood in Brisbane.
I think It will not have a big effect about my class as we can see the situation in Brisbane will get better day by day. So donot worry about , just wait and see.
No matter how hard situation it will be, I will still come to Gold Coast oh.....
If you are interested in my class and also you can try to make it, you most welcome to come to my class.
For people who are interested in my class, Brisbane - Gold coast class will be definitely on 26/1/11. There are only 3 seats left. please donot miss this great chance. Otherwise, you have to wait for another time oh
作者: funanna 时间: 2011-1-18 13:58
原帖由 Cathy630 于 2011-1-18 13:08 发表
Nicole.我做完了A/P,A/R和Payroll,但是banance sheet和profit loss 都对不上,而且出入很大,我今天早上检查了一早上,也不知道到底是哪里的问题,我把我做的发给你,麻烦你看看
原帖由 Cathy630 于 2011-1-18 13:39 发表
纠正一下,profit &loss是match得上的,但是balance sheet有出入,为什么我的cash是负数呢?
Well done for my special program, Cathy
Haha, Cathy, actually you have done a wonderful great work, good on you.
About "为什么我的cash是负数?" if you could think about how the business brings cash in, then you can find your answer from there. Please try it.
please Let me know if you really cannot find it... then I can give your some clue.
would you like to have a good look again?
原帖由 Cathy630 于 2011-1-13 11:42 发表
Wow, Dear Nicole, Thanks for keeing tutor seat for me, and even I can come an hour earlier if it's necessary. 5
Besides, I 'd like to try the special program, I know it will be a great ...
Welcome to be my tutor for Jan class
Welcome to participate the special program
Hi, Cathy,
Great, Cathy, you have the great chance to participate Tutor program and Special program, Hopefully you can utilize these great chane not only review all the topics with me together, also I would like to see your confidence will grow a lot through these programs
Haha, you can come 20 mins earlier . We can have a
good chat....
btw, I will call you this arvo and give you the instruction in order to let you have more time to practice my special program
Talk to you soon
Special program will run
in my class again
Hi, guys,
Most of my students in my class reckon my Final topic- Financial report was hard? Do you know where my final topic comes from? Would you like to know my secrets?
Haha, here is the great chance for you guys to know my secrets while you would practice?
As we know, every three months, I have to prepare new financial statements for final topic in order to update my knowledge and my teaching stuff for my class.
This will be a very good opportunity to review a whole process for all my topics. This time I would like to give this chance to one of my students who are willing to practice the whole process again in order to double check whether you have mastered all the topics to update your knowledge with what you have learned from my class….
If anyone would like to take this great chance, I would like to supervise you in my spare time in order to update her knowledge while preparing my teaching stuff.
Please note: this will be a voluntary work as I will be a volunteer to supervise you. I do believe this will be a great chance for you guys to review my four topics in a whole in order to test whether you have understood my topics. I will be your personal supervisor for that. Therefore I will double check all of your work what you have done before coming my teaching Material……
If you are interested in this program, please apply here and then we can organize a time together in order to show you the whole process while you learn to prepare the final report.
Condition of this program:
1.You should have a very good understanding of my four topics of my old version
2.You should have enough spare time to practice this program as this has to be done within 1.5 weeks
3.I only can supervise one or two people for each three months for this program
Who are willing to try for this program? You can register here and I will contact you soon. thanks
Special program 的功效
Welcome to try my special program
Well done, LuLu
Hi, guys,
Today is our final topic for Sep class. Do you know where my teaching material came from . Haha, it is not a secret anymore. Because I will tell you guys now
Yes, Sep Tutor Lulu finished my special project - Financial reports, her financial reports will be my teaching material for today's financial report.
It sounds impossible. My students can finish the financial report for me after finishing my four topics. People cannot believe it, but it is true.
Everything in my class will become true. As I always let my students participate a lot in the class or after the class, this is what I said in here is what you will get from my class later.
Guys, come and get it. I do believe you can get the biggest benefit from my class after my today's topic.
Also I believe you can prepare for the financial reports after today's topic. I do believe everyone can do it. Would you like to try and take this special topic for my Oct class?
Let me know if you are interested.
Today Let us enjoy Lulu the special project together- Financial report topic will be on very soon
From: annafun1997@hotmail.com
To: heather10
Subject: RE: special project
Date: Sun, 27 Sep
Well done, lulu. that is a very good practice which let you totally understand the whole procedure of the financial reports.
I have a look now and double check for you and i will tell you any changes in todays' class
haha, I will use your one as my today's teaching material if everything is fine after checking. I do believe you will feel great in the class as our students will share your great results from your many weeks hard work. haha, are you exciting?
From: heather10
To: annafun1997@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: special project
Date: Sat
Great Chance
Four topics within one month
My students not only know HOW to process AP, AR, Payroll,
Most importantly, you know how to deal with Financial reports
作者: funanna 时间: 2011-2-7 19:37
原帖由 小军 于 2011-2-6 06:18 发表
Hi Nicole,
我在Perth,我今天看了你的帖子,你将来Perth讲课,Perth四月的课放在4月22日上吗? 我想预先报名,请及时通知我开课时间和地点. 谢谢
Hi, 小军,
Yes, I will come to Perth in April and run my class in Perth again . Yes, I will reserve the seat for you for Perth class. the below is the details for my class Perth class will be on 22/4/11
很高兴看到越来越多的上过别的培训班的学生重新参加NICOLE会计实战全能班的免费试听,然后毫不犹豫选择停留我班上重新学习, 象lucy和 Sharan参加过sydney两个会计培训班,一直很难找到工作,然后无意中看到我有些培训内容是其他培训班从没有设计到的内容, 所以重新选择参加NICOLE的免费试听,同时他们看到在座的其他同学的笔记 ,才知道自己在别的培训班学到的知识是如此的少,他们很痛惜原先自己的错误选择,因为在别的培训班浪费了金钱和时间.同样的Terrence在花钱在一个accounting Firm实习了三个月也没学到什么东西, 然后重新选择我会计实战全能班的免费试听, 然后毫不迟疑留下听完我所有的培训.Lele已经在中国做过两年的会计工作,然后通过朋友(我以前的学生并以找到会计工作, 同时工作近一年了)介绍来到我课堂,当她看到如此多参加其他培训班的学生的重新毫不犹豫选择NICOLE会计实战全能班重新学习, 她很庆幸因为自己有朋友介绍, 所以没走他们那样的弯路-因为在别的培训班浪费了金钱和时间.
是的, 有比较才会珍惜.很高兴看到所有的同学很认真的学习和讨论, 希望我看到学生认真的学习和讨论的气氛.
非常欢迎没报名的同学参加免费试听, 不要象上面的学生一样在别的培训班浪费了金钱和时间之后,才觉得NICOLE会计实战全能班很好, 很痛惜原先自己的错误选择, 然后才来到NICOLE班上重新学习.希望你们不要重蹈覆辙,勇敢参加免费试听,然后作出你的明智选择.广告打的响,是不是授课内容也很响, 只有你真正比较了才知道.
Nicole到现在还是敢说:只要你来试听, NICOLE的讲课的内容和讲课的深度和讲课技巧会把你们留下.因为至今为止: 还没看到任何学生走出我的课堂. 不信, 你可亲自试试.
此培训班的讲解是从公司的成立到会计日常工作到报表分析运用全系列过程的会计详细过程, 着重FOCUS ON 会计实际操作和报表分析运用.NICOLE用真正的实际工作的INVOICES和TIMESHEETS来提供5个Topic,完整、系统、充实的教学内容,着重讲述FULL FUNCTION的实际操作,同时从第一课讲课开始从REPORT的高度来讲解实际操作班中学到的AP, AR,PAYROLL与报表的内在联系(这是SYNEY 唯一一家会计培训班能让你在最短时间内以最少金***到ACCOUNTANT水平)
-Accounts Payable & Purchase Processing & Inventory & Accounts Sep up & Company Set up
-Payroll, Superannuation & Different Award Interpretation& Advanced Payroll 及payroll 变化处理
-Accounts Receivable and Sales Processing and Bank Rec & Inventory and Resume skills
-报表分析强化 Financial Reports Analysis and BAS report( GST ) & Payroll tax & Group Certificate and Interview preparation &IAS (PAYG Withholding Tax)
-报表分析强化Fixed asset register and maintenance Month end Journal processing Balance sheet reconciliation and variance clearance 参照不同公司的报表出现的错误,高深度全方位分析&实际工作的错误案例分析
中型-大型规模公司的 (起薪在$45,000-$60,000以上)
*Assistant Accountant
*Financial Accountant
*Assistant Management Accountant
*Accounts All Round/ Internal Accountant/ Officer administrator Manager
*Finance Manager/ Accounts Manager
5个session+Excel training 只需$800 其他城市收费标准 $1000.两人以上同时报名可享受优惠。(从八月起, 我培训班推出免费旁听一小时, 让学生有机会, 有比较. 然后作出自己明智的决定.
免费参加会计实战 Excel 班.性价比极高,5个session。每个session 4-5小时由Nicole 耐心细致,不间断的讲解和学生手把手的操作.你可以完成第一节课后满意付全款,否则只需付第一节课费用性价比极高。
Thanks for your interests in my class. Yes, You can choose 初级班 first, then you can decide whether you would like to continue to study in 初级班 to finish the rest of two topics or you can choose to transfer to 会计实战全能班 for the rest of two topics, that is really flexible for all of my students who is willing to study in my class.
联系 AP , AR and Payroll topic of 会计实战初级班 are the exact same as 会计实战全能班, as I still keep the same structure and start with financial report while I explain the individual invoice to my students as I would like to see my students know what they are doing and what are the impact of the financial report while they try to process any accounts transaction into the accounting software, I really donot like any of my students just to be a bookkeeper or data entry person, as they donot know what they are exactly doing.
区别The difference between 会计实战初级班 and 会计实战全能班 is the financial report, In 会计实战全能班, I will analyse the financial report for more than 6 hours teaching through two topics, but 会计实战初级班 will not give the financial report analyse as I will teach different contents through 会计实战初级班, but the contents of 会计实战全能班 will definitely cover all the contents of 会计实战初级班
Therefore, donot worry about which class you should study at the moment, just come to study in 会计实战初级班, and you can decide 会计实战全能班 after you have gone AP, AR, payroll topic later in order to make the right decision for yourself.
作者: xxxxxxooooo 时间: 2011-2-9 01:53
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: funanna 时间: 2011-2-15 12:55
原帖由 jamesausnsw 于 2011-2-15 14:01 发表
Nicole,我终于有了一个好的开始,今天早上面试的是家小公司。规模很小,duty 包括ap,ar, payroll , bas。nicole上课讲的知识都在里面,现在只需要多多练习,希望大家都会很快找到工作!!!
Sorry, James, I did not get chance to come here as I have to go through some interviews with my director today.
Haha, good on you. how was your interview? What kind of question have you been asked?
For excel class. it will be on 24/02/2011 at 6pm ( next Thursday). any questions, please let me know. Thanks
作者: funanna 时间: 2011-2-18 04:34
原帖由 From: annafun1997@hotmail.com
To: anne
Subject: RE: MYOB
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 01:05:23 +1100
Hi, anne,
good to see your email in here. Yes, I can reserve a seat for you. my Feb class will start 9.30pm on 19/2/11, just right on this Sat. If you really would like to study in my class , you most welcome . pls give me a confirmation email, then i text you the study venue before my class, pls donot miss it.
Yes, I do know your boss will do this way which it is the wrong way and lazy way and normally people will think about this way, but in technically, we should consider and adjust the previous year earning as this expense was not occurred in the current year...this is the right way to do it
Also the Journal entry from your boss was wrong again, from what Cathy mentioned in my forum, we can see the A/P was still outstanding and expense had been double recorded,
but cheque account did not double recorded. Why did she reverse the journal like that
DR cheque account 5,000
CR expense account 5,000
After you have done this adjustment, you should consider the impact from the income tax, especially you work in the accounting firm….. if you like , we can discuss more while you come to my class
Thanks for your compliment and Thanks for your friend ( Cathy ) recommendations. For me, I donot advertise my class everywhere (except I exchange my idea in my forum). I just run one class per month in order to help people who need my help.
Actually I was so flat out yesterday as I have been the management meeting for the whole morning and I have interviewed four people through the whole afternoon, I was exhausted while I got home, so I did not get any energy to read my forum until this morning. So I answered Cathy’s question straight away this morning while I saw her question in order to help you sooner…
Anyway, look forward to hearing from you soon
From: anne
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 22:28:27 +1100
Subject: Re: MYOB
To: annafun1997@hotmail.com
Hello Nicole
I am the "friend" of Cathy. I am so amazed by receiving such a long detailed reply which I would never expect to receive.
Regarding this issue, my boss did a manually reversal dated back in 2009 with the same amount of the cash payment.
DR cheque account 5,000
CR expense account 5,000
In this way, she can offset the cash payment of $5,000 in 2009 by reversing it. Then she ticked off these two entries in the reconciliation window, so the out of balance dropped to zero.
Regarding the point 4 you mentioned about what kind of effect would this reversal make. I am sorry I really need to re-pick up Uni textbooks to refresh my memory...all I can think of is there will be an impact on P&L statement of 2009. Specifically, the A/P and the COGS would be affected...I guess this is why we can find many public companies would amend their Profit/Loss in consecutive year?
I am interested in 19 Feb 2011会计实战全能班 as I can see you are full of 正能量(positive energy). And also because my friend Cathy strongly recommend you.
Please let me know if you still have a seat for me by email or phone.
Thank you very much.
Kind regards
..2011/2/16 CathyWang
原帖由 Cathywsh 于 2011-2-15 23:07 发表
Nicole, 你好!
前两天我一个朋友在她实习的accounting firm遇到一个问题,她不太知道怎么做,于是问我。我想了一个方案,但不确定对不对,想请教你看看对不对好吗? 题目如下:
In 2009, A/P has a balance due of $10,000, $5,000 of it has already been cleared through "
ay Bill", but another $5,000 has been paid through "
ay Money", so the remaining balance due for this A/P is still $5,000 for 2009. Since everything has been reconciled now, so what should I do to deal with this remaining balance due as the payment of $10,000 has been made fully.
我想,在这宗情况下,是需要reverse的。因为不是当年的event. 因为他们的expense多记了 ¥5000, A/p 也多记了¥5000, 所以我做的reverse entry 是:DR: A/P $5000, CR: Expense $5000. 不知道对吗? 而且,reverse是应该等accountant批准之后再做的吧?这笔是记到 2009年的账上,对吗?
Cathy Wang..
After you read my Notes below
and have a good thinking,
let me know if you still
have any questions
Morning, Cathy,
For your question, I will give you some tips and then let you work out. As you know I normally don’t give the answer straight away to my student, but I will give some tip to lead you to work out the problem in order to learn the way to think about the accounting issue and how to work out the problem. this is the way I normally teach you guys in the class
First: we should find issues: expense has been double recorded through Purchase and Pay Money, please see what mentioned in below
In 2009, A/P has a balance due of $10,000, $5,000 of it has already been cleared through "
ay Bill", but another $5,000 has been paid through "
ay Money", so the remaining balance due for this A/P is still $5,000 for 2009. Since everything has been reconciled now, so what should I do to deal with this remaining balance due as the payment of $10,000 has been made fully."
Secondly: we need to think about how to work out the issues:
1. Transaction has been recorded in 2009, which expense is just for year 2009, not for year 2011, right?
2: as we know, Profit & loss statement is for current year 2011, if you reserve that entry, should the expense be recorded in current year or will affect the previous year?
3: if not for current year, could you please tell me where this transaction should be recorded? ha-ha, you can check what you have learned from your uni book. Yes, the knowledge you have learned from your uni is very important, now it is the chance for you to utilize your uni knowledge into your work
4. One important thing we should think: after you adjust your this transaction, have you never thought what another impact will be? As I always told you guys: you guys come to my class not only just learn the process, most importantly you should learn the way how to think about accounting and what will be the impact behind each transaction.
Haha, would you like to have a try? And then tell me what you think in here? About whether you said in here" reverse是应该等accountant批准之后再做的吧?", you should tell your friend to ask her company whether she has the authority to do this. haha, I am not the manager for your friend’ company oh, so i cannot help for that....
Yes, have a good think, and tell me what your answer is oh.... I do believe from here, you not only definitely work out the issues, but also you do learn the way to think about our practical accounting and also this is the chance for you guys to refresh your uni book. My students always told me what they learned from Uni, it is not useful for the practical accounting work, I think that is a wrong idea. What you have learned is very important, the problem is they don’t know to how to apply what they learned into your work, especially when you are in a senior position, What we have learned from Uni will be the guide to lead our work....
all the best
From: anne
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 09:25:58 +1100
Subject: MYOB
To: shqlo
Hello Cathy,
How are you.
Here is the thing we talked about yesterday:
In 2009, A/P has a balance due of $10,000, $5,000 of it has already been cleared through "
ay Bill", but another $5,000 has been paid through "
ay Money", so the remaining balance due for this A/P is still $5,000 for 2009. Since everything has been reconciled now, so what should I do to deal with this remaining balance due as the payment of $10,000 has been made fully.
Thanks and regards,
作者: funanna 时间: 2011-2-22 04:51
Our Free Excel Class
24/02/2011 at 6PM
Hi, Guys,
Our Free Excel class will be on this Thursday 24/2/2011 at 6pm.
Yes, in the class, we have summarized different modules (操作篇和函数篇-1.数学函数-2.统计函数-3.逻辑函数-4.文本函数-5.信息函数-6.查询函数-vlookup-7.查询函数-vlookup(2)-8.综合练习)and will give you all the tips and practical functions which we use in our daily work everyday. We will guarantee everybody who enrolled in our accounting training will get the opportunity to have our excel training to improve your excel level from intermediate to advanced.
Anyone who was my studnent and is interested in this class, pls bring your laptop and your notebook and come to my class on time. Thanks.
Any of my previous students who have already done the excel class and would like to review all the topic again, you still most welcome to apply to be a tutor here.
作者: funanna 时间: 2011-2-27 18:53
Please take it easy and be yourself
Hi, Cathy,
Monday is the first day for you to start your accounting job in Australia. Please take it easy and be confident. I do understand this is the first day for you, you will be a little bit nervous as you have never worked for accounting before. However I do believe you will be good enough to handle your working as you not only learned everything properly, but also you have done a wonderful special program which is exactly what does most companies do. so please take it easy , you will be fine...., please leave your phone in silence or turn off during your work as your employer will watch you until they get to know you.
if you have Any questions during your work, please let me know after work.....
Good luck and all the best...
作者: funanna 时间: 2011-3-7 10:36
很多学生咨询,如何在最短的时间 内学好Nicole会计全能班的课程, 需要做些什么课前准备工作,现在LIST如下:
1.从SEEK,MY CAREER广告找出20个accounts Payable, accounts receivable, payroll officer, Accounts all round, Assistant Accountant, Accountant广告, 找出每个职位的 Job Duties
目的:尽早熟悉每个工作职责,同时来检验Nicole上课内容是否涉及, 是不是真正和实际工作要求match
2.熟悉 all the accounts lists from Financial report (Balance Sheet/ Profit Loss)
3.了解 Prepayment and Accrual Accounts, Fixed Asset , Depreciations
4.熟悉如何Preparation of General Journals while you face accounts situations
Nicole在课堂用实际工作的real invoices and timesheet and real bank statement and real financial reports 来讲解所有的实际会计操作。 同时指点如何运用UNI 所学的知识来运用实际操作中。让学生真正明白UNI知识的威力和实际工作的区别和联系
作者: funanna 时间: 2011-3-16 04:52
原帖由 jimhe5770 于 2011-3-14 22:53 发表
Hi Nicole,
星期六的报表班内容很棒阿,谢谢你耐心的讲课。但是内容太多了,我得好好复习,慢慢消化了。 如果有不理解的地方我会给你电话咨询的。还有想问一下你的
special program 怎么申请阿,我很感兴趣,希望等你有空跟我说说,可以吗?谢谢
Nicole just cooked "a big dinner"- Financial report
[for you in order to feed you guys for the long run,
not for the short run....
that is delicious oh as you told me,
Hi, Danny,
Good to know you like my class, I can see you very concentrated in my class.Yes ,星期六的报表班内容很棒阿, I totally agree. haha, you complained "但是内容太多了,我得好好复习,慢慢消化了" haha, you are too skinny, I just cooked "a big dinner"- Financial report for you in order to feed you guys for the long run, not for the short run.... that is delicious oh as you told me, 星期六的报表班内容很棒阿
I know you have been working for Accounts payable for a long time and now you would like to switch to be an accountant one day.... Yes, Financial report is very important for your accounting career if you would like to be a great accountant. what you have entered in the accounting software , it will be in your financial report. so could you please always think about what will be the impact for each transaction.....
if you can keep practicing this way, you will find the difference between the accountant and bookkeeping
For the special program, we can discuss any time while you finish reviewing your topic, let me know while you are ready.... All the best. if you need any help, please keep in touch.
Welcome to my Special Program- Free ongoing support
Great Chance
My students not only know HOW to process AP, AR, Payroll, Most importantly, you know how to deal with Financial reports
Hi, Guys,
If you would like to try my special program, please let me know, I can supervise two or three for these special program oh, this will be another great chance for learning.....
This program is my ongoing support, it is free for all of my students....
If someone is interested in this program, please let me know.... Thanks
New program will run in my class again
Hi, guys,
Most of my students in my class reckon my Final topic- Financial report was hard? Do you know where my final topic comes from? Would you like to know my secrets?
Haha, here is the great chance for you guys to know my secrets while you would practice?
As we know, every three months, I have to prepare new financial statements for final topic in order to update my knowledge and my teaching stuff for my class.
This will be a very good opportunity to review a whole process for all my topics. This time I would like to give this chance to one of my students who are willing to practice the whole process again in order to double check whether you have mastered all the topics to update your knowledge with what you have learned from my class….
If anyone would like to take this great chance, I would like to supervise you in my spare time in order to update her knowledge while preparing my teaching stuff.
Please note: this will be a voluntary work as I will be a volunteer to supervise you. I do believe this will be a great chance for you guys to review my four topics in a whole in order to test whether you have understood my topics. I will be your personal supervisor for that. Therefore I will double check all of your work what you have done before coming my teaching Material……
If you are interested in this program, please apply here and then we can organize a time together in order to show you the whole process while you learn to prepare the final report.
Condition of this program:
You should have a very good understanding of my four topics of my old version
You should have enough spare time to practice this program as this has to be done within 1.5 weeks
I only can supervise one or two people for each three months for this program
Who are willing to try for this program? You can register here and I will contact you soon. thanks
原帖由 annafun
[quote]原帖由 kongfumaomao
另外,通过做我们的'SPECIAL PROGRAM' 我对我们上课的内容,有个更深刻的理解,现在面对INTERVIEW,也更加自信了.
Vera. I love your great work
Just check your work for the special program. I cannot find any error from the back up you have sent to me. Yes, Vera, you have done a wonderful work. You not only matched my financial report and also you are able to link all the accounts properly with each topic. Awesome work, Vera. I love your great work…. Also good to know, you have better understanding my whole topic through my specail program, just like you said in here: 通过做我们的'SPECIAL PROGRAM' 我对我们上课的内容,有个更深刻的理解,现在面对INTERVIEW,也更加自信了.
Glad to see you get more interviews now. That’s wonderful. Yes, Resume is very important for the interview to get to know your candidate for the first appearance and impression; therefore, if you have a good resume, you will have more interview chance. Now you experienced what I have said before. Haha, I think you are the best example oh...
I do know you have a dream for your accounting career. That’s very good on you. I know you will get it one day. Please keep summarizing each interview until you get what you want….
Be confident and be smart and also be yourself, I believe your dream will come true soon.
You have given me a wonderful financial report
from my specially program you have taken[/quote]
原帖由 annafun
This is why
Many students would like to be my tutor in my class
Morning, Alex,
Thanks for your great sharing. This is the great reason why many students would like to be my tutor in my class. I am proud I can have this great thinking - Free tutor program for my ongoing support of my help training program after each of my students finished the training.
Like one of tutor Salina who has been waiting for more than one month to get this tutor program as I can not squeeze her in my sep class even though she applied long time ago as there are many students in the queue., she said to me: Nicole , your teaching skills is getting much better. haha, is it really my teaching skills getting much better? or you have better picture while you can have the chance to listen in my class in the second time while you only bring your brain with you?
While Salina tutor said this, my another tutor - Catharine disagreed: I think Nicole teaching skills is always the same, because we have much clear picture than before as we have learned the best structure, then we came back to the class to review, everything is becoming much easier.
Ha-ha, what can I say at that time? Yes, I only can smile. Because I can see you guys all benefit from my tutor program. Wonderful.
[quote]原帖由 sunth329
于 2009-10-12 11:50 发表
Hey Nicole,
Thanks for providing me the chance to be a tutor and I did benefit from yesterday's class. As a tutor, I not only refreshed my memory of the stuff I learned three months ago, but more importantly, I had more time to think the inherent logic of the course rather than just taking down the notes last time, which I believe raised my understanding of the topic to a high level. And I'll help other mates in their homework, which definitely will be another great learning motivation for me. That's really awesome!
Also I am just wandering can I try your special project as I wanna challenge myself more. Thank you!
Welcome to try my special program
Haha, Alex, Welcome to try my special program. Would you like to talk me around my lunch in order to show you the steps how to do this special program. Is that time alright for you? please let me know. Thanks
Haha, after you finish, I would like to see what kind feeling you got. Would you like to let us know? haha, the following is the feeling came from my students- Lulu who did my special program.
Look forward to talking to you soon
原帖由 annafun
于 2009-9-27 15:28 发表
Well done, LuLu
Hi, guys,
Today is our final topic for Sep class. Do you know where my teaching material came from . Haha, it is not a secret anymore. Because I will tell you guys now
Yes, Sep Tutor Lulu finished my special project - Financial reports, her financial reports will be my teaching material for today's financial report.
It sounds impossible. My students can finish the financial report for me after finishing my four topics. People cannot believe it, but it is true.
Everything in my class will become true. As I always let my students participate a lot in the class or after the class, this is what I said in here is what you will get from my class later.
Guys, come and get it. I do believe you can get the biggest benefit from my class after my today's topic.
Also I believe you can prepare for the financial reports after today's topic. I do believe everyone can do it. Would you like to try and take this special topic for my Oct class?
Let me know if you are interested.
Today Let us enjoy Lulu the special project together- Financial report topic will be on very soon
[quote]From: annafun1997@hotmail.com
To: heather10
Subject: RE: special project
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 06:46:35 +1030
Well done, lulu. that is a very good practice which let you totally understand the whole procedure of the financial reports.
I have a look now and double check for you and i will tell you any changes in todays' class
haha, I will use your one as my today's teaching material if everything is fine after checking. I do believe you will feel great in the class as our students will share your great results from your many weeks hard work. haha, are you exciting?
From: heather10
To: annafun1997@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: special project
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 18:10:18 +0800
作者: funanna 时间: 2011-3-17 10:51
原帖由 peterli1983 于 2011-3-16 08:38 发表
Hi, Nicole,
1. 你们有开设1对1的简历修改和面试辅导对吧?
2. 试听1小时是如何操作的?
-Yes, Nicole loves to take the risk
I never ask any students to pay any deposit to hold the seats,
no matter which city I run my class in there
Nicole's premium teaching quality
and Great teaching method
will attract you to stay in my class
Hi, Peter,
thanks for your interests in my class, for your questions,
Peter Questions1:. 你们有开设1对1的简历修改和面试辅导对吧?
Nicole Answer: Yes, I will tell you guys how to write a good resume through my four topics teaching during my class and tell you how to amend your resume after my class until a perfect resume comes out
Peter Questions2.: 试听1小时是如何操作的?
Nicole Answer: For the prelistening, while i am starting my class, the prelistening will start, after one-two hours, i will ask you guys whether you like my class, if my class is not good for you, and then you can go without paying anything money to me . If you like my class, you will start to pay .
As you know, I need to pay all the airfare and accommodation by myself to Brisbane or another city if I run my class in there, but I never ask any students to pay any deposit to reserve the seat for my class. Yes, I do take my risk if nobody comes to my class.
The reason I do that: I would like to let you guys to make your own decision after you get to know my class, I donot force anyone to come to my class because of holding something from you, so I let you free to choose.
However, I do believe you will not walk out from my class as long as you dare to walk into my class. You know why, my premium quality teaching and my teaching method will attract you, I do believe. As this has been proven from my three year teaching - nobody walks out from my classroom as long as you walk in my class.....If you would like to challenge me , I love to take any changes
Whether it is true, you will find out this Friday
Look forward to seeing you soon
The following is the feeling from my current students aboiut my class, would you like to know me more, please go through my forum? thanks原帖由 yuli5257 于 2011-3-9 22:38 发表
我不想吹嘘这样的课多么多么有用,多么多么经典,对于学生来说,几百澳币也不是什么小数目,但是就像Nicole说的,你不想永远只做一个Data entry的工作,要做accountant的,要想实现这个梦想,这里可能是一条途径。希望大家都找大自己理想的工作,也希望Nicole桃李满天下。
原帖由 lucy0205 于 2011-3-16 10:26 发表
Hi Nicole
Four weeks classes have finished. I feel my head is so full. Yes, you did feed us four "big meals "including AP,AR,payroll and financial reports . It is true that we need some time to digest them as we have to learn your nearly 20 years experiences in four weeks. Wow, still a lot of work to do for us.
With the knowledges I have learnt from you, more and more confidence came back to me. There is a old chinese saying ”艺高人胆大”,since I have learnt the useful skills from you then I will not have much fear in the job hunting, the interviews and even the future job.
Thanks Nicole, thank your for your excellent teaching ,thank you for calling me several times to talk about my CV.
I also would like to try the special program if it is possible.
原帖由 annafun 于 2011-3-15 23:14 发表
[quote]原帖由 jimhe5770 于 2011-3-14 22:53 发表
Hi Nicole,
星期六的报表班内容很棒阿,谢谢你耐心的讲课。但是内容太多了,我得好好复习,慢慢消化了。 如果有不理解的地方我会给你电话咨询的。还有想问一下你的
special program 怎么申请阿,我很感兴趣,希望等你有空跟我说说,可以吗?谢谢
Nicole just cooked "a big dinner"- Financial report
for you in order to feed you guys for the long run,
not for the short run....
that is delicious oh as you told me,
Hi, Danny,
Good to know you like my class, I can see you very concentrated in my class.Yes ,星期六的报表班内容很棒阿, I totally agree. haha, you complained "但是内容太多了,我得好好复习,慢慢消化了" haha, you are too skinny, I just cooked "a big dinner"- Financial report for you in order to feed you guys for the long run, not for the short run.... that is delicious oh as you told me, 星期六的报表班内容很棒阿
I know you have been working for Accounts payable for a long time and now you would like to switch to be an accountant one day.... Yes, Financial report is very important for your accounting career if you would like to be a great accountant. what you have entered in the accounting software , it will be in your financial report. so could you please always think about what will be the impact for each transaction.....
if you can keep practicing this way, you will find the difference between the accountant and bookkeeping
For the special program, we can discuss any time while you finish reviewing your topic, let me know while you are ready.... All the best. if you need any help, please keep in touch.
... [/quote]
原帖由 addcolor 于 2011-3-10 00:42 发表
学校的课程太偏理论性 对于即将毕业面临找工作的我来说 不是非常有用
抱着试试看的心态 我来到Nicole的课堂上
然后就这样开始了一段受益匪浅 振奋人心的学习经历
Nicole老师拉我坐到她旁边 让我拿个笔记本记笔记
说实话 我当时什么都不懂 也没任何概念要做些什么笔记
可是没想到 一节课下来 我旁边的同学说我的笔记记的是最多的
其实不是我喜欢记笔记 记的东西多是因为nicole老师的课程非常informative,那么多的重要的知识点 那麽多好的找工作的tips
我边听边记 不知不觉就写了好多页
我觉得自己很幸运 能有机会上了两遍最难最累的topic:payroll和financial statement analysis
第一遍是旁听 第二遍是上手操作
这个星期当我带着电脑 真正操作的时候
我觉得那些知识点 又重新浮现出来
都忘记要给没有旁听过这节课的同学一个思考的机会 sorry呀
nicole老师赶紧提醒我说 “听过这节课的同学先不要回答 我想让没听过课的同学有一个独立思考的过程 不要直接听答案”
看 nicole老师的课堂就是这样 她不会让任何一个学生拉下 她鼓励学生独立思考 积极参与 真真正正学懂学会
作者: funanna 时间: 2011-3-30 13:26
原帖由 HJ1985 于 2011-3-30 11:32 发表
Nicole啊,我今天收到了一个Assistant Accountant的offer,规模还不错的IT公司总部在美国,目前在澳大利亚的分部正在改组,空出了一个位置。是一个职介推荐的。先是和职介面谈,然后和该公司澳洲分部的老板谈,最后美国总部电话面试。这三关还算顺畅。基本上谈话的重点在于我对公司运营的理解和交流能力。我基本上就把平时在公司看到的,听到的,可以说的和他们交流了一下。比如我认为公司在管理某些方面做得很差的(美其名曰“改进空间”),以及工作中遇到的种种麻烦(美其名曰“挑战”)以及我对应的策略。不久我要去美国培训一周。另外一个是一个PR Agency,刚刚成立的公司。面试的时候也是基本讲公司运作的问题。我发现同过去早期的面试不同,现在竞争稍微高些的职位,大家经常会谈到讲关于公司运作的心得。我觉得这可能是一个可以借鉴的地方。
同时,随着职务的升高,对技术的要求也在不断的提高。基本上你要充分的把你的skill在简历上写出来。越详细越好,从最重要的职责到最基本的职责。之前上课的内容这时候就起作用了。基本上,如果你上了Nicole的课,又有了一段时间的工作经验之后,你对知识的理解必须要达到一个新的高度,而且你也可以综合Nicole的上课内容和公司的实际情况提出一些有建设性的话题。比如Nicole曾经在AP的第一节课上说的电费即使在没有收到账单的情况下,必须recognise expense在当月。但实际上我的公司在没有收到账单之前都是不管的,收到账单才打,不仅仅是电费,其他有些费用也是这样。所以这就造成了很严重的distortion。某些月份的费用突然增大。我就把这个例子在面试的时候说了,我说了我认为正确的做法(Nicole说的^___^)。效果很好。
还有就是最近看到有人说关于投简历的量的问题。我觉得不需要海投,海投是成功率比较低的。与其投得多,不如投的精。一般我都是用自己设置的条件过滤了Seek上的工作。然后一个一个的看。如果完全不符合条件,比如说有的广告写“某某行业或者某某软件”is essential or preferrable,这个我一般如果不符合,就不投了,再者如果写“某某行业或者某某软件”would be advantageous,那不妨一试。希望大家面试愉快
Great Career Path
Accounts all round
- Business Analyst
- Assistant Accountant
Great James, nearly three years since you finished my class and got your first accounting job offer- Accounts All round. Haha, three years, each year you moved your career to different position , after your accounts all round position, you move Business analyst, after that you got your current Assistant Accountant in a global company. How wonderful career path…. Well done James. Congratulations
Nearly three years, you still remember me and keep in touch with me and always told me about each changes, every time you have any great news, you always would like to share with me.
Very appreciate. That is so nice of you.
Also glad to know your girlfriend – Kiara got her accounting job offer in an real state after finishing my class, please let her know at least to work the company for at least one year to learn everything from
there before she starts her career movement like you have done now…. As this will be a great experience for all of your brighten future
I am so happy to hear from you again- another great Jumping in your accounting career again. thanks for your good advice to all of my students, I think all of these can help my students reach the dream soon
Congratulations. All the best for your new career…
More details please click
http://www.ozchinese.com/bbs/vie ... page%3D1#pid8141354
作者: funanna 时间: 2011-4-3 20:36
原帖由 1984a1 于 2011-4-2 20:04 发表
HI Nicole,
Welcome to be my tutor for Apr class in Sydney
Hi, Anson,
haha, Anson you already got one year Auditing experience in a BIG FOUR, and you got a full time job in the one of the biggest airline company, still came to my class recharge yourself in order to start your accounting career in Australia.....
Good to know you like my class. I know you live very far from my class, but you study so hard and also you would like to be a tutor "因为Nicole班的知识量的确挺大,我觉得通过tutor的机会能更好的掌握所学的知识,查漏补缺,希望能有个升华。" good on you , welcome to be my tutor
As I am only willing to run one class per week in Sydney, so our Sydney Apr class will change to 17/4/11 as one of my students only got Sunday free, so I would like to change my class in order to meet her needs.... Anyway, please have a good review at home and you will get the biggest benefit while being a tutor in my class soon....
I will have a look your resume tonight and get back to you tomorrow night at 7.30pm, is that alright?
Sydney Apr class will change to 17/4/11
start at 9.30am
作者: funanna 时间: 2011-4-5 08:37
quote]原帖由 wanghuia 于 2011-4-4 23:56 发表
Hi, Nicole
Thank you for your reply. Can I get the timetable of your Perth class that will be held in Apr this year? [/quote]
Hi, Wanghui,
Our Perth class will start on 22/04/2011 at 4.30PM, our class will last for 4 days with 5 per hours per day which will be very good for Perth students.....this will be the same as last year
Any questions, please let me know. thanks
作者: funanna 时间: 2012-5-28 12:16
Adelaide Class
will be on 9/6/2012
is recruiting now
提供7个topics, 5个session完整,系统,充实的教学内容,大约需要一个月或更长时间(培训时间在16小时左右,时间长短看每个人具体情况可以适当调整),同时提供所有上课material和课后练习 。课程设置如下:;
lAccounts Payable Management and Purchase Processing and Inventory Basics and Creating Purchase Order
lAccounts Receivable Management and Sales Processing , Credit Control, Debt collection
lPayroll Processing (including Permanent Payroll and Temporary payroll), Superannuation, PAYG withholding tax4 `9 O% P, a3
lDaily Banking and Bank Reconciliations and Cash Management and Petty Cash and Employee Expenses Reimbursement
lPreparation and Lodgment Company GST,Business Activity Statement (BAS) and IAS processing and Financial Reporting Basics
lIntroduction of Company Administration Work(与会计有关的) Fax, Email, Posting, Banking, Ordering 2
lResume Writing Skills, Interview Preparation and Australia Workplace Skills and Accounting Career Planning (同时课后针对每个人具体情况分别讲解简历直到一份量身定做的完美简历形成,学生有面试时,课后帮助和辅导学生Interview )
U& W" A6 b, I0 y8 W# o! i/ V8 u
1)没有或缺乏澳洲本地会计经验工作人士:刚毕业或毕业无会计实际经验的学生或在校学生或新移民6 C( ?2 V* c9 F3 {* K: H5 _( R
y' T" K% K0 d, x% e
C2)有一定程度的会计经验但缺乏系统完整的实战操作经验和技能,对MYOB一定程度的了解并希望进一步精深和掌握的会计工作人员/ w' K" W
*Accounts Payableofficer! R) D& X' _, d(G' {
*Accounts receivable officer / collection officer/ credit control officer5 h+ l" W, z! o ?% `# F" F% z
*Payroll Officer
*Accountsall rounder/ Accounts clerk/ Accounts administrator
*Bookkeeper/Assistant Accountant% q D2 `:
此班和会计全能班一模一样(除了报表分析TOPIC, 其余TOPICS一模一样),所以具有优越的性价比4 Z0]5 `! |' J9 Q! i
7个session+免费参加会计实战 Excel班,原价$880.现在报名只要$800 (包括所有material和Ongoing support)..
由Nicole耐心细致,不间断的讲解. 讲课内容和时间比较灵活![)
欢迎光临 [ A.U.PEOPLE 澳群澳洲珀斯Perth华人网官方网租房二手车招工二手买卖黄页退税税务Tax Return 珀斯 悉尼 墨尔本 布里斯班 阿德莱德 堪培拉] (https://aupeopleweb.com.au/1/aupeople/) |
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