麻烦大家帮忙热心转发:今天3月21号收集到了几百人反对Canning Vale飞机噪音的签名,我们将转交澳洲航空局提出我们强烈的抗议,新活动2015年3月24号星期二晚上7点我们将会去City of Gosnell Council 去提出我们的抗议并有代表提问,地址2012 Albany Hwy Gosnells WA 6110 杨帅议员将会提议审议议案,让市议会去调查,也让更多华人朋友和洋人朋友加入我们,请大家都积极叫朋友和家庭都出席支持,发出我们最强烈的声音让市政府意思到问题严重性,让市政府把我们反对的声音传达给联邦政府航空管理局。另我们已建立微信号:Perthwa2015,请大家把这个号码相互转发,我们将做长期的斗争,有最新的活动将发给大家,知道航空局取消计划为止。想要签名的朋友可以继续到网上签名网址:http://aupeopleweb.com.au/noise 也可以继续打电话到澳洲航空局:1800802584免费投诉电话,请每天都拨打投诉。这些都是我们本地居民自发义务无偿长期组织的活动,但我们需要更多的志愿者加入我们出一份力,比如发传单,翻译,协调组织活动等,有意请发邮件给我们:volunteer@aupeople.com.au 或登陆页面http://aupeopleweb.com.au/volunteer 报名麻烦请大家这个信息相互转发,谢谢!
To Airservices Australia and other relevant authorities
Dear Sir/Madam
We refer to the 12 months trial of new flight path in Perth.
We are deeply concerned and worried about the trial. We express our strongest objection to the trial which will have a significant adverse impact on residents of Canning Vale.
We have chosen to live in Canning Vale because of its quiet lifestyle.
The trial should not be implemented. The residents who have planes flying over choose those areas knowing that fact. This is not a recent event. It has been like that for years.A Canning Vale resident who used to live in Queens Park moved out of there in order to avoid the airplane issues. If the new path is implemented, it is very unfair for them.
Canning Vale, after years of development has become a densely populated suburb. It is no longer an industrial/semi rural land. If the change is ultimately implemented, the noise, the plane exhaust will adversely affect the health and wellbeing of Canning Vale residents and their children.
The change of flight path will also affect the house prices in Canning Vale.
Therefore, we strongly object to the trial and call upon the Airservices Australia and other relevant authorities to do the right thing by all residents of Canning Vale by withdrawing the trial.