[ A.U.PEOPLE 澳群澳洲珀斯Perth华人网官方网租房二手车招工二手买卖黄页退税税务Tax Return 珀斯 悉尼 墨尔本 布里斯班 阿德莱德 堪培拉]

标题: Fashion Delivers - Online fashion (cheapest price for your) [打印本页]

作者: maggie__63    时间: 2009-8-7 16:30
标题: Fashion Delivers - Online fashion (cheapest price for your)
本店是以網上經營的時裝店, 貨品包羅萬有, 適合年輕的你, 成熟的你, OL的你.....想要什麼都有.
如有興趣請到以下網頁看看. (鞋, 大碼衫, 均碼衫, 袋, 褲, 裙, 宴服, 精品, 玩具 .....etc)

所有貨品(all items)


連衣裙One Pieces






腰帶Trendy Belts

特別注意 :
(1) 全無現貨,一般貨品訂貨時間約5天,為方便我方訂貨,客人需付清金額以便安排。如訂金未能於訂貨截數日前完成,此次訂貨將延至下一個訂貨日,請小心每周訂貨日期,以免有所延誤。
(2) 自動棄標者,將為劣評辦
(3) 訂貨日每個星期日中午12點為截數日(特別假期前夕會提前),如未能在此日期入數者, 將順延至下一次訂貨日計算, 請把握入數時間, 星期日截數是以便我店於每個星期一上午購貨安排。
(4) 因每人的螢幕解像度都有所不同,故實物顏色會有稍微偏差,請落標前先考慮此問題,以免日後有所爭議。
(5) 產地 : 中國
(6) 折扣優惠 (不包括現貨貨品) 所有折扣是以最終結賬之總金額(不包括運費及PAYPAL手續費)計算
HK$500.00 or above less 5%
HK$1,000.00 or above less 10%
HK$1,500.00 or above less 15%
HK$2,000.00 or above less 20%

訂貨時間 :
(1) 現貨類, 只需收到閣下之全數款項, 非大型包裝物品可於付款後的第二日寄出.
(2) 一般衣服類訂貨期為約3-5日
(3) 非一般衣服類訂貨期為約7-10日
(4) 配件類訂貨期為約5-7日
(5) 鞋類訂貨期約 7-14日

(2) 付款方式本地轉賬 : HSBC,恒生 & 東亞外地轉賬 : Paypal Transfer (Due to ebay policy, we cannot mention the charge on the website. We will mark it on each bill and let you know once you bided.Please note.)
(3) 如本地客戶因銀行問題未能即時付款,本店建議客戶先以paypal結賬,待客人將實款存入本店銀行戶口後,paypal所付之所有費用將一併退回。此舉是為方便客人訂貨作預繳用途,現時本店的客戶亦已做法作業,請不用擔心重覆付錢,因雙方都是有記錄的。

(1) 郵費視乎貨品實際重量,如購物多於一件郵費將有機會平一點。
(2) 本地郵寄 - 請買家接受運送時郵局有機會寄失郵件, 本店建議買家多支付$13元作掛號,  如閤下不接受掛號, 本店會買寄件証明$1.2. 因太多騙案出現, 而本店亦遇上一單(paypal999888), 為免同類事件發生, 所以必需這樣處理, 請各買家諒解. 此為作雙方保障而已.
(3) 無面交 -  如購物量大, 可接受馬鐵沿線交收. 此部份需商討確認.

(1) 如已付款,中途自行放棄,金額不會退還
(2) 除貨品來貨問題,其他不作退款/換貨。
(3) 如接受退貨,款項會於收到客人退回的貨品後才以銀行轉賬到客人戶口,請了解到此安排需時約5天。另外,退件郵費/原已寄出郵費,我方不會負責。

(1) 如以PAYPAL付款之客人, 必需要付上掛號費, 因PAYPAL要求所有出貨需有TRACKING NUMBER作証明.
(2) 郵寄風險, 正所謂聖人都有錯, 何況郵局一日有咁多郵件處理, 當中都會有寄失及延誤情形出現, 所以希望大家見諒. 如此為郵局之失誤, 導致郵件遺失, 本店會向郵局追討相關賠償, 而所收到的賠償會退回給BUYER. 當然對方賠幾多我地都會全數給BUYER(會附上收條). 而原所付出的購買費用則不會退會.

English Version for foreign buyer

General Notice
1) All is the pre-order item (except the item which we mentioned as 現貨)
2) All orders will be proceeded upon receipt of full payment.
3) All bidding payment must be settled within 3days. If the buyer cannot make their payment as the period or without any advices, the bidding will be cancelled autometically. Also, we will report the case for EBAY record. Please note.
4) The item color might have a little bit difference as the photo, please consider before bidding.
5) Origin : CHINA

About Weekly Order
Cut-off Day : Every Sunday at 1200 (except before the date of public holiday)
Arranging : Every Monday morning
If we received the payment after the day, your item will be arranged for next weekly day.

Discount Offer (except SPECIAL ITEM which is mentioned as "現貨") - this offer is calculated under the finial amount (exclude the postage & paypal fee).
HK$500.00 or above less 5%
HK$1,000.00 or above less 10%
HK$1,500.00 or above less 15%
HK$2,000.00 or above less 20%

Order Lead-time
1) Stock item - mentioned as "現貨", that can be posted immediately once receipt of full payment.
2) Non-special clothing - 3-5days
3) Special clothing - 7-10days (We will let you know)
4) Accessories - 5-7days
5) Shoes - 7-14days

Payment Method
PAYPAL (Due to ebay policy, we cannot mention the charge on the website. We will mark it on each bill and let you know once you bided.Please note.)

Surface Mail, AIRMAIL, EMS .... etc ( The postage fee is under the weight of total items, all charges are quoted for the buyer before bidding )

1) No refund - once the item is cancelled by buyer
2) Have refund - once the item is no stock

Special Notice
1) all quoting shipping cost must be included registered mail or parcel rate which has been included.

聯絡資料/Contact us

欢迎光临 [ A.U.PEOPLE 澳群澳洲珀斯Perth华人网官方网租房二手车招工二手买卖黄页退税税务Tax Return 珀斯 悉尼 墨尔本 布里斯班 阿德莱德 堪培拉] (https://aupeopleweb.com.au/1/aupeople/) Powered by Discuz! X3.2