Warcraft Tower Defense is a small WoW Flash Game.It's very good to play at out-game time for WoW Players. You can release all you pressures in the Relaxed and natural Scence. The same joy that you can experience in World of Warcraft can be also found in this warcraft flash game.
Warcraft Tower Defense is a small WoW Flash Game.It's very good to play at out-game time for WoW Players. You can release all you pressures in the Relaxed and natural Scence. The same joy that you can experience in World of Warcraft can be also found in this warcraft flash game.
那应该是在07年底的事情了(具体时间可能有点点差异),当时玩着一款别的游戏因为被骗的一无所有放弃了,准备尝试一下World of Warcraft,说到{11}这个游戏第一次见到应该是在05年底吧,当时我的一个好兄弟张迪在玩,看着画面我非常的不适应我就问他:你怎么打一个怪那么久啊你就不能多引点一起杀吗?(因为以前的网游大部分都是可以群杀的)他一边紧张的打怪一边跟我说哎,引两个我都活不了啊这游戏可有技术含量了。我看那画面实在不喜欢当时就放弃了,这次打算尝试玩魔兽的原因有2个,一、公司的同事很多人都玩,而且他们经常讨论的话题也是魔兽看他们说的那么专业,我自认为游戏方面技术也还行的我有点蠢蠢欲动。二、是因为一直想尝试一款游戏在线人数多而且公认比较耐玩无外挂的游戏。所以最终还是决定尝试一下。