标题: 小三竟然是“魔兽世界”,我恨啊…… [打印本页] 作者: huyanhui 时间: 2009-6-22 16:19 标题: 小三竟然是“魔兽世界”,我恨啊…… 他以前读大学的时候同学玩游戏他从不动摇,可自2007年春节前他就开始学会玩一款叫做魔兽世界的游戏了,前后都不知道用了多少钱买点卡 ,嫌自己装备赶不上,又到一个savewowgold.com的网站买金币,一买就几千上万个金币,虽然用钱不多,但时间上他玩网游都多过陪我,直到现在已经有两年多了,可兴趣还是不减。我也不少的和他沟通过,但基本上没什么效果。我们也该谈婚论嫁的时候了,可我这人非常讨厌这种沉迷游戏的人,晚上只要他还在玩我基本上就睡不着。他这样我哪放心嫁给他,我不知道该怎样才能让他彻底地戒掉这个游戏,我好苦恼……什么冷落,骂他,霸住电脑都没用,他也有其他的兴趣,可更爱玩这个游戏,他性格比较开朗、幽默、自信,如果不能彻底的戒掉,能让他少玩点我也满足了。不然现在只要他一开电脑我就郁闷,这样下去我也疯了~!他是做房地产的部门经理。有时我很想改了他密码或卖掉他装备,可是我不希望要使用这样的方法。。。我都和他谈了好多好多次了,效果只有那么一点点……我本来也想玩起来不理他,可我没兴趣玩下去……作者: vv0o 时间: 2009-6-22 19:47
不过他只要一玩的厉害了,我就不理他了。作者: sephroth 时间: 2009-6-22 21:03
网游成瘾者 可以说 娶“嫁”了网游 对他们来说 网游才是原配。。。作者: huyanhui 时间: 2009-6-24 11:58 标题: Brushing Copy with the High level Mage (video inside) Today several old friends of mine were complaining that they couldn’t enjoy the game very well with low levels and without mounts. Therefore I decided to save these poor newbie by helping them to increase their experience. And one of those guys taught me how to make video, so I made one which seemed not bad. Let’s see it!!! Hoho…
Video address: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcwjTQCbuEY http://www.vimeo.com/4543175
You have to key in the identifying code before you watch the video. Come on! Give me some praise or criticism after you watch it.作者: jwt888 时间: 2009-6-25 16:29
呵呵,那你去找个小四呗,介绍个小四给你,WOW Flash Games - WoW picture Matching
WoW Images, WoW Pictures,WoW Character's Pictures are all listed here! How much are you familiar with World of Warcarft? Just have a test and paly the little WoW Picture Matching Game in your relaxed time!
WoW flash Games - Knight
It's pity that you can't combat on horse in WOW. Here, all the evils will be killed, and it's the world of Knight. Tips for use: choose the key "J", "K", "L" and each can play different attack ways
WoW flash Games - Knight
It's pity that you can't combat on horse in WOW. Here, all the evils will be killed, and it's the world of Knight. Tips for use: choose the key "J", "K", "L" and each can play different attack ways