Mullberry on Swan ~ 34 Hamersley Road, Caversham WA 6055 时间:
Thursday, 1st May at 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start
Find out all you need to know about
investment property.
Invest a small amount of your time at ParkTrent's FREE educational property seminar and your future goals could be realised sooner than you might have thought!
A speaker with expertise and experience in successful property investment will provide you with up to date information and innovative methods to assist you in investing in property.
If you're considering investing, this is where you'll learn:
[li]the current market news[/li][li]how to legally reduce your income tax[/li][li]how to use your superannuation to invest[/li][li]how to use debt to create wealth[/li][li]the generous government incentives (over $100,000) that may apply[/li]
The opportunity to invest in your future is only waiting on one thing - you! So reserve your seat today! Venue Address:
Mullberry on Swan ~ 34 Hamersley Road, Caversham WA 6055 Start Date & Time:
Thursday, 1st May at 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start Light refreshments will be provided at the end of the seminar. Come along and learn all there is to know about property investment! 作者: 李发师 时间: 2014-5-31 21:00
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