引用第2楼sick-k于2009-04-20 23:05发表的:
Hahaha...I heard about you from my friend....lol.....how would you appeal it??? Once you got it wrong, you got it wrong!
引用第6楼doris于2009-04-21 00:13发表的:
引用第10楼lanocean于2009-04-21 08:17发表的: 听力跟阅读是机器判分的,你上诉成功的几率1%都不到,继续考吧! 写作和口语是有25%的机会成功的,毕竟是考官主观的意见大一些!
引用第15楼hello于2009-04-23 09:19发表的: Mine all 6+ exccept writing, only 5.5. but I got Writing 6.5 last month, (March 2009), what you guys rekon? Should I appeal? If I should, how? and how long will it takes to get the re-assessment results? and how much does it cost? Any helpl will be appreciated.
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