算下来也就比同路段的新房子便宜一点而已作者: chengwai 时间: 2009-4-4 00:52
Non-resident can only buy brand new house; some temporary visa holders (student visa and will be given exemption to purchase second hand property but they need to have it sold before their visa expires.
The only way that you can buy an old house but keep it forever is to buy an old house, and spend more than half of the property value to renovate it - for example, if the property worth $200K, then you need to spend another $100K hence you can keep the property for your entire life.作者: keke1 时间: 2009-4-15 23:16
想问一下, 如果留学生买房,是不是500K以下的房子也要交税啊?作者: xtcse 时间: 2009-4-16 12:16