引用第3楼kelvin2008于2009-03-09 12:22发表的:
谢谢大家的建议 [s:71]
我也去了一些地方了解, 我的打算是在南边买房, 本人感觉SUCESS区是很好的地方,
引用第4楼chengwai于2009-03-10 08:35发表的:
remember to put all the terms and conditions (i.e. cleaning, fixing, etc) into the offer - once your offer is accepted, you are not allowed to change anything. The offer is signed that "property is at the condition as inspected" so if you see something wrong with the house, remember to ask the agent to include it as a term or condition of the contract.
I'm a finance broker, 2-3 of my clients thought they can request for cleaning or some basic fixing after offer being accepted but refused.
引用第7楼撒拉天使于2009-03-10 11:54发表的:
i think...
after the first home buyer grant gone, house can be a bit cheaper [s:2]
coz every 1 knows first home buyer can get 14k (or 21k for new house) back from gov, when they sell house, will try to put that part of money on top of what ever house price.
引用第3楼kelvin2008于2009-03-09 13:22发表的:
谢谢大家的建议 [s:71]
我也去了一些地方了解, 我的打算是在南边买房, 本人感觉SUCESS区是很好的地方,
引用第12楼thriller于2009-03-27 11:17发表的:
除非看到你特别喜欢的房子,否则眼下不是买房的好时候。近两个月的数字显示,First Home Buyers几乎占了WA买房者总数的近50%,这说明了政府正在钓First Home Buyers的鱼,并倚靠这些鱼们托房市。鱼饵(14k/21k)没了或鱼被打了差不多时,房市还撑得住吗?
引用第13楼漂流的瓶子于2009-04-27 01:25发表的:
一般在他们开出房价的1~2万之内是可以讨价还价的。比方来说开价40万的房子,一般39万或者38万可以买下。尽量买GREEN TITLE的HOUSE.因为VILLA,TOWNHOUSE那样形式的房子如果不拥有土地的话,那么每年随着房子的折旧,房子也在贬值。而GREEN TITLE的HOUSE的情况下,土地是保值的。多看多问。还要看点运气。
引用第15楼gohn于2009-04-27 12:50发表的:
蛮好玩的,这个讲法最早提出正好是学ACC的人,土地保值。土地上的建筑,设备,厂房都有折旧。把学校里的东西运用到了生活中,是很好的。但问题在于,这个理念并不完全适合居住性房产。我是没有看到具体的数据指出GREEN TITLE的房产比NON GREEN TITLE的房产的升值快。反倒是最近5年的VILLA,APART等的小户型升值幅度大过带有土地的大HOUSE。如果再加上投资回报率来看,小户型的价值反而更高。原因其实也很简单:流通性。
引用第16楼chengwai于2009-04-27 22:24发表的:
the old apartments in Victoria Park (i.e. 69/71 King George St) can be sold at as low as $220k, but the brand new one are sold at far higher price, say a new off-the-plan apartment in Victoria Park can be as much as $500,000. This kind of value differences are not seen in the property with Green Title. brand new properties with green title usually sell at a price slightly higher than an old alternative. also not to mention that apartments are located at suburbs with a higher demand in terms of housing; and that's why they are popular.
usually apartments/town house/villa has a higher liquidility but also a higher rental return rate as per dollar investment - a 3 bedroom villa could be leased at the same rate as a 3 bedroom green titled house but it would cost more to own a green title house. however, in long term green title house also appreciate faster in value than strata value property. Rental return and capital gain always have an inverse relationship. However, if you are lucky enough, you may be able to find property strong in both.
引用第14楼gohn于2009-04-27 12:21发表的:
确实有这样的问题。但就政治角度而言,当前政府也是必须得这么做。KEVIN RUDD上台的时候,肯定也差不多预测到了这样的宏观大情况。从降息,FHOG的补贴增加,再到最近的$900补贴,可见政府要救的不只是房市,而是要为整体金融市场的复苏做必要的铺垫,更重要的是缓解平缓民怨和反对党的挑刺。不做到这些,他的连任几乎是不可能的事情。
引用第22楼chengwai于2009-05-14 11:52发表的:
The following information is from what I know subject to the confirmation of tax accounts. any Brother in this forum is tax accountant that can confirm this?
In general, for example, when you sell your investment property and make a profit of $100,000, your taxable income for the year that you sold your property is increased by $100,000; however if you own this property for more than 12 months and it will be halved. But at the same time all expenses related to this investment property will be tax deductable. for example, the interest of the mortgage, all fixings, lawn mowings, etc. This is what we called the gearing benefit. Note if your property is owner occupied (your own home) you don't have to pay capital gain tax, but gearing benefit is not applicable.
引用第24楼raymondyu于2009-05-14 16:17发表的:
GEARING BENEFIT就是说比如你的投资房是40W,那你是贷款买的!40W一年的利息大概2W左右。那这两W就是可以退税的,就是GEARING BENEFIT啦!如果2W都退不完,那退不完的部分就可以在你打工的税里再退,那就是NEGATIVE GEARING。 如果还是退不完,还可以累积到下一年再退直到你卖房子!
引用第24楼raymondyu于2009-05-14 16:17发表的:
Capital Gain tax 就是如果你40W买了套房子来投资,那这40W就是CAPITAL,也就是你的资产。 跟着过了几年你的房子升值了,你卖了50W!那就是说你的资产升了,升了10W,这10W就是你的CAPITAL GAIN。而因为你赚了10W,政府就要打你的税罗!那这10W的税就是CAPITAL GAIN TAX了!
GEARING BENEFIT就是说比如你的投资房是40W,那你是贷款买的!40W一年的利息大概2W左右。那这两W就是可以退税的,就是GEARING BENEFIT啦!如果2W都退不完,那退不完的部分就可以在你打工的税里再退,那就是NEGATIVE GEARING。 如果还是退不完,还可以累积到下一年再退直到你卖房子!
引用第27楼呆呆于2009-05-16 03:01发表的:
谢谢,raymondyu,gohn,chengwei的回答, 讲的很详细,大家都是专。。。。。。。家啊!
一直都听到有人讨论,利用equity来投资房产。就是不断的利用equity来买房,然后找人来租。用别人的钱还morgage. 但是对于我们这种零起步的人来说,似乎不太可能。
引用第28楼gohn于2009-05-16 12:35发表的:
引用第29楼呆呆于2009-05-24 11:42发表的:
引用第30楼呆呆于2009-05-24 11:46发表的:
还有买投资房,可不可以用自己offset 账户里的钱向银行贷,offset 算不算equity的一部份?
引用第22楼chengwai于2009-05-14 11:52发表的:
The following information is from what I know subject to the confirmation of tax accounts. any Brother in this forum is tax accountant that can confirm this?
In general, for example, when you sell your investment property and make a profit of $100,000, your taxable income for the year that you sold your property is increased by $100,000; however if you own this property for more than 12 months and it will be halved. But at the same time all expenses related to this investment property will be tax deductable. for example, the interest of the mortgage, all fixings, lawn mowings, etc. This is what we called the gearing benefit. Note if your property is owner occupied (your own home) you don't have to pay capital gain tax, but gearing benefit is not applicable.
引用第24楼raymondyu于2009-05-14 16:17发表的:
Capital Gain tax 就是如果你40W买了套房子来投资,那这40W就是CAPITAL,也就是你的资产。 跟着过了几年你的房子升值了,你卖了50W!那就是说你的资产升了,升了10W,这10W就是你的CAPITAL GAIN。而因为你赚了10W,政府就要打你的税罗!那这10W的税就是CAPITAL GAIN TAX了!
GEARING BENEFIT就是说比如你的投资房是40W,那你是贷款买的!40W一年的利息大概2W左右。那这两W就是可以退税的,就是GEARING BENEFIT啦!如果2W都退不完,那退不完的部分就可以在你打工的税里再退,那就是NEGATIVE GEARING。 如果还是退不完,还可以累积到下一年再退直到你卖房子!
引用第33楼观飞于2009-05-25 10:56发表的:
但是如果是自己住在里面, 出租部分房间出去的话, 没有时间要求,可以立即出租出去.
引用第37楼chengwai于2009-05-26 17:19发表的:
I think you may better to confirm this with an accountant. if you lease out spare bedrooms of your house to students, by law, all rental income are taxable, but the expenses are not deductable. i.e. home loan interest rate, electricity, gas bills, etc.
ATO had a seminar last year and they confirmed with me that I can't get gearing benefit from my owner-occupied property, even a larger portion of the property is for leasing than for owner occupation.
引用第32楼gohn于2009-05-24 14:11发表的:
引用第34楼观飞于2009-05-25 11:19发表的:
还有一个补助是WA政府针对首次购房者买的房低于$400K的, 是$2000的Home Buyers Assistance Account.
引用第39楼呆呆于2009-06-05 01:10发表的:
那买了第一套房之后,可不可以用EQUITY贷款买bussiness (io.餐厅)那利息会是多少?
引用第41楼呆呆于2009-06-05 01:14发表的:
引用第45楼泡沫于2009-06-11 23:56发表的:
关于买房,经常看到Zoned R30 or R40 请问这个是什么意思呢?
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