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标题: 2009年雅思考试趋势与展望 (听力篇) [打印本页]

作者: ace雅思专家    时间: 2009-1-10 21:45
标题: 2009年雅思考试趋势与展望 (听力篇)

2009年雅思听力考试:应该说在一个阶段,雅思的听力考试仍旧会使用旧题+新题的出题模式,只是出现规律不如之前明显,且旧题出现频率不及往年。需要我们关注的是,听力考试的题型不会改变,做题的方法仍旧可以找出规律,这让我们准备起来轻松了许多。值得注意的是,中国考生听力水平不低,尤其是刚毕业的留学生,单独听的能力不弱,但是考试却拿不到高分,原因主要是基础的拼写出现常规性错误导致失分,非常可惜。强烈建议同学们背诵雅思考试高频词汇,并尽量熟悉10大听力考试场景,做到有的放矢。以下是雅思听力考试 dos n donts, 请同学们仔细阅读。

DOs and DON'Ts

Listen carefully to the introduction to each section. This will give you useful information about the situation and the speakers.

Use the time at the beginning of each section (and in the middle of Sections 1 – 3) to look through the questions and think about the topic.

Read the instructions for each task carefully. Remember to check the maximum number of words allowed.

Write all your answers as you listen – remember you won’t hear the recording a second time.

Check that what you write makes sense in the context.

Answer all the questions even if you don’t feel sure about an answer – you may have understood more than you think.

Wait until the end of the test to transfer your answers. You have ten minutes for this which is plenty of time.

Write clearly when you transfer your answers. If an answer isn’t clear on your answer sheet, you will lose the mark.

Check your spelling (and grammar where necessary).

  Don't worry if you have to cross out or change an answer.

Don't panic if you miss one question. Look ahead and concentrate on the next one.

Don't try to rephrase what you hear. Write down the words you hear which fit the question.

Don’t write more than the maximum number of words or letters allowed for each answer.

Don’t copy any words that were printed on the Question Paper when you transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet.

有兴趣且希望考前了解一下自己准备情况的考生可以关注我们近期隆重推出的周末 one-day 雅思模考+一对一讲评,针对你的弱点,帮助制定适合考生的复习计划。
作者: ace雅思专家    时间: 2009-1-10 22:04

Task Type 1 Form/Notes/Table/Flow-chart/Summary Completion

Task Type 2 Multiple Choice

Task Type 3 Short-answer Questions

Task Type 4 Sentence Completion

Task Type 5 Labelling a Diagram/Plan/Map

Task Type 6 Classification

Task Type 7 Matching

(By Tracy)
作者: 夢樂園    时间: 2009-1-16 23:21
请问 one-day 雅思模考+一对一讲评 的收费是多少? 我月底要考g类,不知还来得及不?
作者: 阪本龍马    时间: 2009-1-18 07:54
作者: ace雅思专家    时间: 2009-1-18 18:03

下面是我们的雅思模考1-day Workshop的课程安排和收费标准:

1. 课程设置:全真模考,使用最新全真考题,身临其境全方位体验雅思考试的全过程,立即提供模考成绩,并由专家提供详细而精辟的考题评析。同时,为考生提出雅思备考的复习建议和备考方案。

2. 课程目标:该专项班的目标在于帮助学员全方位了解自身当时的雅思水平,并为学员提供科学的、最适合的培训计划,达到事半功倍的强化效果。更重要的是,该课程能为考生提供多次模考经验,熟悉考试规则、锻炼考试心理素质,通过反复的实战训练,真枪实战,结合雅思强化课程,明显提高最终真实参加雅思考试时的水平发挥和确保达到预期的雅思考试成绩。

3. 收费标准:(注:开班人数为15人以上/班)

1) 一次报1个“1-day Workshop”的:$180/次;

2) 一次报2个“1-day Workshop”的优惠价: $170/次,合计$340/2次;

3) 一次报3个“1-day Workshop”的优惠价:$160/次,合计$480/3次;

4) 一次报4个或4个以上“1-day Workshop”的优惠价:$150/次,合计$600/4次,或依此类推;

4. 课程时间:每隔一周的星期日举行一次,每次8:30-17:30。如有需要可加课,如不足开班人数则推迟到下一个开班日期。

2009年度1-day Workshop 举行时间的计划如下:

Month: 开班日期(星期)
March 09: 1 Mar (Sun) (加一次课); 8 Mar (Sun); 22 Mar (Sun)   
April 09: 5 Apr (Sun); 19 Apr (Sun)   
May 09: 3 May (Sun); 17 May (Sun)        
June 09: 7 Jun (Sun); 21 Jun (Sun)   
July 09: 5 Jul (Sun); 19 Jul (Sun); 30 Jul (Sun)
August 09: 9 Aug (Sun); 23 Aug (Sun)   
September 09: 6 Sep (Sun); 20 Sep (Sun)   
October 09: 4 Oct (Sun); 18 Oct (Sun)        
November 09: 1 Nov (Sun); 15 Nov (Sun); 29 Nov (Sun)
December 09: 13 Dec (Sun); 27 Dec (Sun)   

如需进一步咨询,请与我们联系6161 0200, 0411 215 728, recruitment@acewa.com

(ACE Ping)

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