1-10 - 97% I loot more here cause I don’t have a pet yet, so the mob drops dead right where im at each time.
10-20 - 70%
20-30 - 80%
30-40 - 87%
40-50 - 95%
50-60 - 98%
How do I determine whether or not I loot? Many factors comes in to play here, like if my inventory is full or not, or how much time it would take to go loot a mob then continue on, 或者如果他是一个兽类的怪物. (哪个不掉布或钱).
13. Many people have asked me if instances are a waste of time. No, they are worth doing, but only if you have a good group to do them. I personally skip instances while racing myself to 60, cause I don’t want to take the chance that I will have a bad group. But if your just playing casually, then I recommend doing them.
14. If your goal is to level real fast then stick with one type of weapon the whole game. I choose to stick with staves the WHOLE game, even if I find an epic whatever, I stick with staffs, cause it slows you down when you have to level up new weapons. Plus, I get staff quest rewards along the way. Although if you refuse this tip, then if you want to level up a new weapon faster, you can use your abilities (which counts as extra weapon hits), such as disengage/raptor strike/Mongoose Bite/Wing Clip for melee weapons, which will help level up your weapons faster.
15. from my experience gear is overrated, people think gear is too important for everything (even leveling faster). Well, from my experience it's not that important, your character does most of it's damage from it's actual character level and its skills/abilities and your pet's damage (if your a hunter), and from better bullets/arrows/scopes. I could use a low level green bow/gun all the way to 60, or a high level epic bow/gun all the way to 60, and I betcha my final /played time will hardly be no difference at all. So don't panic if your stuck with a lower level green for awhile. As a matter of fact, on Jubei'Thos server (the server I finished with a final time of 4 days 20 hours), I used a level 36 green bow all the way to level 57, I then found a level 50 green gun at level 57 that I used to 60. Through out all my speed runs I never buy weapons/armor in the AH to use, I save my money so I have enough to buy a mount (which I usually am able to afford at level 45), you’ll find sufficient weapon/armor from mob drops and quest rewards. The only thing I do buy from the auction hall is scopes, better bags, better ammo/arrow bags, and maybe a better bow/gun, that’s it.
16. I get asked a lot why I choose troll rather than orc for a hunter. The racial bonuses between orc and troll are pretty much an even choice so it came down to looks for me. Although I do believe the troll beserking ability can be a life saver, but the orc’s 5% pet damage is not really much of a life saver.
17. Avoid grinding as much as possible, if you want to get to 60 faster, easier, and with less boredom, then learn to do the quests instead. I actually spend a lot of time flying/riding around turning in quests or moving to the next area (which is still faster than grinding). And while doing all that flying, I take breaks to eat (in RL) or whatever. If your grinding, you have to be there non-stop. Not to mention, questing increases your reputations a lot, compared to grinding, which hardly doesn’t at all. Questing is the way to play this game, not grinding.
18.关闭自动的视频(摄像头)并且使用你的鼠标手动调整你的视频设置. 同样,把你的鼠标灵敏度提高, 因此你能更快的看清周围作者: 斯奕 时间: 2008-8-4 09:35
19. This is the exact order I distribute my skill points as a hunter, this is a VERY good PvE Leveling build:
Click Here To See My Full Completed Talent Build At Level 60! And... At Level 70!
20. Here are the times I had for each level during my 4 day 20 hour run on Jubei'Thos:
准备工作:购买全部15页的荆棘谷绿山(The Green Hills of Stranglethorn :blink: ),4个血石矿(Bloodstone Ore )。
在荆棘谷开始。如果你不想跑到最北边,做1-2个任务又回去藏宝海湾的话,在这里累积任务完成也很重要。叛逆者营地的任务很大程度上不需要依赖休息就可以完成,所以你可以先做这里的任务。然后前往藏宝海湾,你可以获得2个北部的主要任务:调查营地(Investigate the Camp)和精益求精(Excelsior)系列任务的开始,2个任务都需要你去Nesingwary的探险队,在那里你可以获得所有的令人愉快的任务。