My QQ:470682160.
MSN:ceiling_hm@hotmail.com作者: nonoheart 时间: 2006-8-2 00:44
我今年sem1本科ECU毕业,现在在UWA读MASTER OF COMMERCE,到现在OFFER还没下来啊,郁闷死我了,我还没毕业就申请了,催了N年了,就是发不下来,现在开学两周了,我还是自由人呢,天天跟着上课..作者: ceiling 时间: 2006-8-2 20:27
没有OFFER 也能上课?作者: cerberus 时间: 2006-8-2 23:13
上课又不用点名,只不过没人mark他,没有成绩而已作者: nonoheart 时间: 2006-8-10 02:03
OFFER下来了..呵呵..正式入学了作者: crysta06 时间: 2006-12-22 02:35
Hi everyone
I'll relocate to Perth at Feb. of next year, where I'll start a PhD study in UWA. I'm looking for a single room around compus, any one has a spare room to let, or intends to share a house with me, please kindly let me know. Please e back to: