要不就上你要买的配件的那里品牌主页.看有没列出来私人的零售商咯.就像我要买的BILLION的ROUTER.上面就列出了1些比较小的零售商.再上他们连接的主页就能比较到比较便宜的配件了作者: zz42 时间: 2008-5-4 11:01
没有最便宜 只有更便宜作者: swing 时间: 2008-5-4 12:07
还有Netplus作者: 撒拉天使 时间: 2008-5-4 13:22
NETPLUS对我来说太远了.没去过作者: ken993 时间: 2008-5-4 17:49
there is no such shop that every product is the cheapest one,
normally some shops have some kindly of specific product cheap,
for example some may cheap in motherboard, while ram is abit expensive.