引用第0楼flyingcat于2007-10-17 09:50发表的:
wannna one bacumm, bagless, good condition, suitable for the family house, thank you for contacting 0433906356,(3G)
引用第8楼flyingcat于2007-10-17 11:55发表的:
i know you a very nice babe [s:1]
引用第15楼如果还有忧伤于2007-10-17 12:37发表的:
So ......she just wants to vacuum the floor, right? [s:5]
引用第0楼flyingcat于2007-10-17 09:50发表的:
wannna one bacumm, bagless, good condition, suitable for the family house, thank you for contacting 0433906356,(3G)
引用第22楼芒果于2007-10-17 16:29发表的:
post been watered...
[s:2] [s:2] [s:2]
引用第24楼flyingcat于2007-10-17 16:57发表的:
it is ok~
i can stand [s:1]
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