Special offer!主人房$199pw,or couple $230pw all incl and unlimited wifi. Medium房 $120pw and large room $130pw,Superlarge $140pw全包!全新房带家具出租!位于Carlisle区,6个房间2个浴室,每房有空调!可走路到科廷大学,大型超市, Oat Street 火车站.近机场及 Leach / Tonkin / Roe 高速公路,离Perth 市只有12公里!如有意请电0412648648详谈。谢谢
Or 整房出租;
可商价FR $599pw-$650pw全包及无限上网! 全新房带家具出租!位于Carlisle区,6个房间2个浴室,每房有空调!可走路到科廷大学,大型超市, Oat Street 火车站. 近机场及 Leach / Tonkin / Roe 高速公路,离Perth 市只有12公里!
Brand new very modern,large house 6x2x2x2x2 for lease in Carlisle. Special FR $599pw-$699pw incl all bills+unlimited WIFI . Fully furnished.