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标题: 2011年3月12日雅思笔试完整回忆 [打印本页]

作者: ace雅思专家    时间: 2011-3-18 07:37
标题: 2011年3月12日雅思笔试完整回忆

Section 1   一位男士身体某部位受伤去看医生
1.Address :   95 Cross Street
2.Suburban :   Walkley
3.电话号码: 八位
4.Doctors ….treatments with : ice pack  (ice-pack)
5. can not  : go upatsirs
6. Sprain: knees (是复数,发音很清楚)
7 pain in his: back (make him couldn’t sleep at night)
8.受伤的时间: 10th January
9.医生建议男士don’t use sticks (读的很清楚,是复数)
10.建议 do regular exercises(也是复数)

Section Two

Section 2   此男士的语速相当快
1.main topic of this speech:economy  选A  (不确定啊,听见一个economy 就选了)
2.M 这个地名的起源是:EAST COAST (选A)
3.一开始这个叫M的地方出口什么?我选的 : Farm (不确定)
4.现在主要向亚洲出口:  lemon and oranges(选A)
5.举办concert: 反正不选opera house 和 V 打头的那个选项
6.下雨天做什么: cultural show in ..(选A)
Matching  四个景点适合什么类型的人
7.Hot spring : married couples (听见honeymoon)
8.第二个: young adults (适合刚毕业的学生举办party,此选项最接近)
9.第三个: primary school studens (适合pupil ,还说家长不必担心安全问题,因为那里有专门的教练)
10. 第四个(什么park): disabled people (文中有说允许坐在wheel 上的人去,专门指残疾人)

Section 3:

V30039  Section 3
A girl student discussed with her tutor about a presentation.
21. check the accuracy of(reference)in the last section. one thing the teacher required student to do accurately
22. need to give more(examples). another thing required by teacher
23. When will she give her presentation?(next seminar吞音)
24. What will she do during the presentation? (explain the experiment)
25. By which date will she submit an abstract?(26th, November)(注意此处的陷阱)
   The tutor said the presentation should be ready on 3, Dec
26. Where does the presentation take place?(in chemistry lab)(先提到computer room为干扰)  
27. Who will grade her presentation?( professor)(先说first one by tutor, 后说this one by professor)
28—30)多项选择:Circle three subjects she will choose in next term ?
28. A. communication skills  
29. C intercourse analysis  
30. F. psycholinguistics  
其他选项有 B. languages and sociology

Section Four:

什么动物因为人类失去habitat 填 frogs
单一的种植single crops 例如 (corn)会对动物不利
人们 保护动物看他的什么_significance_____ (例如 大熊猫)
人们ignore 去保护下列动物
With shock 或者afraid
Use of Domestic(蒙的)in terms of food
With disgust
什么动物能 treat with medical disorders Spiders

31.        frogs
32.        birds
33.        corn
34.        insects
35.        media
36.        fear
37.        rivals

38.        food chain


40.        blood (system)


第一篇 印度的一个地区关于杀虫剂的使用判断  summary 简答
第二篇关于一个新型的电力系统的应用(有俩图) matching  判断

然后是关于 某一个D开头的人的研究的summary


小作文,bar chart, 一个城市4种回收废品十年内的变化

Writing task 2:

Competitiveness is seen as postive quality to have in many societies today. How does competitivenes

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