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标题: 又一阶段性胜利,经过调查研究,航空局继续维持原来不在Canning Vale晚间飞行的决定。 [打印本页]

作者: 新闻3    时间: 2016-5-31 14:18
标题: 又一阶段性胜利,经过调查研究,航空局继续维持原来不在Canning Vale晚间飞行的决定。
下面是email的来信,晚间离开的飞机10:00 pm 到5:00am 不再在canning vale飞了.这是经过再一次研究测试的永久决定哦。
大家请看关键词  Now to be closed.
I understand that you have been in contact with us about aircraft noise in the Perth area and might appreciate an update on the recent Perth Airport Aircraft Noise Validation Study.

In August 2015, Airservices announced it would not proceed with the proposed trial to change the flight path for some aircraft departing to the south off Runway 21 at night.  The decision not to progress the trial proposal was made after the Environmental Assessment (based on noise modelling) indicated it would not deliver an overall noise improvement.

Following feedback from numerous stakeholders, it was determined to undertake a short validation study to compare modelled and actual aircraft noise data.

The validation study is now complete and attached is a summary of the findings.  The full report will be available on the Airservices website shortly.

The validation has supported the original conclusion that this initiative is not a noise improvement.

Airservices had previously indicated that if the validation confirmed the environmental modelling, this initiative would not be pursued further. We consider this flight path change initiative to now be closed.

I trust you find this information helpful.

Airservices Australia

31 May 2016

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