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Nedlands house rental Owner

2018-8-6 11:28   832Views  Message No.1764  
Price: 300AUD/Week Building Floor:1Area Perth  -   -   -  Map Notes:(^_^)When you contact the writer, please let the writer know that you see this message from the website:AUPEOPLE Australia website. If you want to top up your rental house advertising in English rental section, please contact us by email: It cost 35 AUD / month.
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Nedlands good District rent! The distance from UWA 1.5 km, the door of the bus 10 minutes straight to Taylor College, take the bus to the city Claremont SUBI business district is very convenient! The owner of couple is also UWA, and two UWA students at home are very neat and easy to get along with.

In rented rooms, they are double rooms with Queen bed.

Sleep is very important, so I bought a good mattress!

Each room has central air conditioning district control.

Large space built-in wardrobe function drawer is very enough!

The desk chair is ready!

Garage two parking, there can be a lot of parking in front of the door!

The rest of the kitchen living room is like a plot, a stick!

I have an appointment to see my room about my room. It's important to see a house!

TEL:0452356808 (rabbit) now 12 square meters of a room to rent at any time.

Still in the domestic partner can also add Weixin: 644819078 (must note "rental") another home has a dog, sticky smart!

The landlord is very easy-going and easy to get along with. I hope you are also a good friend who loves dogs and is good at character and pursuit of quality of life.
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